With the inauguration of another supposed leader of the Western world to high office, the road ahead grows darker. Never before has humanity found itself in such dire straits. Our species is being strip-mined like a slice of unclaimed real estate. In those with open eyes, trepidation and rage pulsate at the unspeakable abuse being perpetrated on our species. The human heart, with its capacities for empathy and understanding, has no place in the New World Order. For this reason, via their filthy jabs and chemtrails, there has been a concerted drive to pollute our blood.
As nature designed it, our hearts must be nourished by tiny, donut-shaped cells circulating through miles and miles of piping. More than workhorse pumps, our hearts are the precious end result of this ceaseless flow of sap, the flowers on the stem of the vascular system.
We have hearts so that we can love each other and intuit the Creative Power that brought us into being. They want to replace this wondrous organ with wires hooked up to their machine.
How do we take care of our hearts on both the physical and spiritual level? We have entered a critical period for human survival. We can say: the human heart is the frontline where the battle is raging.
This post will endeavor to show:
Your heart is not a pump, it is an electrodynamic alternator
Your heart is the most highly charged area of your biofield
Your blood is under assault
Your heart is under siege
Clean your blood + fortify your heart
Arteries form in the embryo before the heart does, and they already pump blood by themselves
In 1912, the Frenchman Alexis Carrel won the Nobel prize for Medicine or Physiology.
Carrel was also able to keep cells from an embryonic chicken alive in a petri dish for over 20 years. This feat could not be replicated by anyone else. It implied that if we could keep the fluids surrounding a living cell clean, that cell might not decay, and live forever. This presents the direct opposite of lab practices in virology and the secretive gain-of-function research it spawned. As Judy Mikovits has shown, and as Stefan Lanka pointed out, virus “detection” and “development” consist of harassing cells in a hostile milieu until they mutate or discharge toxic metabolites. Virology, as a clinical science, rests upon such sadistic methods of inquiry in order to produce disreputable and erroneous results.
That being the case, Carrel attracted a great deal of scientific attention for his research into cellular senescence (aging). Did he perchance come upon something that could radically extend human lifespan?
From 1906, Carrell worked at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Carrel was a eugenicist and supported the fascist cause in his native France. Nevertheless, back in 1902, before his time at the Rockefeller Institute, Carrel witnessed the inexplicable spiritual healing of a patient named Marie Bailly at Lourdes in France. His experience was so profound that it remained imprinted in him despite his illustrious scientific career. In later life, Carrel radically re-phrased his previous scientific views. He became a devout Catholic. “I believe in the existence of God, in the immortal soul, in Revelation”. Carrell had come full circle. That being the case, he would surely no longer have looked upon the body as a mere machine, or at the heart as a mere pump.
We should make a mental note that even an insider working deep in the entrails of the Rockefeller machine can have a radical “change of heart”.
If the heart is not a pump, what is it?
Your heart actually works to recharge your blood. It does this in two ways.
after the arterial blood has delivered oxygen to the cells, it must return to the heart chambers by way of the veins (which look blue). Venous blood carries away the cell’s waste products, and it has a lower voltage than arterial blood. When venous blood reaches the right atrium, it receives an electrical impulse and is pushed up into the lungs via the right ventricle.
recharged blood cells, once they have entered the air sacs, are able to absorb more oxygen. They have been electromagnetically ignited by the heart’s right chambers. This higher magnetic field makes them able to attract oxygen molecules directly from the air breathed into the lungs.
The thinking and feeling heart
But the heart does more than deliver warmth to the body and oxygen to the cells. The heart is the center of our thinking and feeling. In the West, the heart was esteemed in religion and poetry as the seat of the soul. But in science and medicine, the heart came to be viewed with considerably less respect. This was not the case in other cultures such as India, China, and the Middle East. In particular, the ancient Egyptians regarded the heart as the indwelling of the soul. The Egyptians discarded the brain in their embalming practices. By contrast they saw other organs such as the liver as vital for preservation, and revered the heart as the key organ of consciousness.
We know today that the electromagnetic field of the heart is far stronger than that of the human brain. The heart’s field expands into and cross links with our individual torus field. This, in turns, links us with the Universal field which houses the toroidal signature of all phenomena surrounding us. Within this complex of fields, information streams back and forth via vortices. These field vortices affect the energy levels and biological functioning of all bodies, whether plant, animal or human. This is the true web of life, home of the Christ consciousness within living things. It runs on symbiosis, cooperation, harmony, mutual respect and resonance. Moreover, the heart generates a vortex in the red fluids passing through its chambers. This is the very pulse of life itself!
It is precisely this miraculously complex and delicate web that is under attack by parasitical forces. Energetic, emotional and mental information streams into us from outside sources and its frequencies translate into the waters that compose us. No wonder therefore, that we have been seeing a war on our blood: rubbery white “clots” composed of hydrogel, strokes, myocarditis, pericarditis, hemorrhages, plus chronic deformation of cell morphology, and horrible bacterial and parasitical contaminants found in plasma. For some people afflicted with Morgellons, blue and red fibers protrude from the skin like stems sprouting from an alien, artificial mycelium.
Because these AI driven pollutants also carry disturbed emotional resonance, disease process gets channeled into our feeling centers, the heart and brain, leading to emotional and cognitive distress. Deep depression, chronic anxiety and even suicide can ensue.
The lynchpin for the conversion of mental distress into physical disease states is the ANR (autonomic nervous system).
Our ANS gets triggered whenever we feel unsafe. These alarm reflexes can be experienced consciously, subconsciously or remain entirely subliminal. The trigger can be chemical, microbial, psychological or even spiritual. What usually happens is that the autonomic nervous system seizes up in one of several ways, leading to changes in functional state, and eventually producing physical pathology. This is one reason, in my view, for the escalation of so called turbo cancers we see today
What happens is that burdens of self-rejection, abandonment, grief, suppressed rage or other trapped, negative loops pre-existing in the psyche, get triggered and then amplified.
This is all done in a very cunning and deliberate way, as we saw clearly with the draconian public “health measures” enforced during the Covid plandemic.
We are talking here about the normalization and legitimization of sadism and psychopathy.
This has not gone away, nor, I am afraid, will it any time soon.
Endobiosis and Parasitosis
So we need to identify all possible protective measures for our blood and heart. First, let’s dispel one of the biggest mainstream myths: sterility. Despite what we have been taught, human blood is not a sterile environment. No phenomenon in the universe is truly sterile. Life is everywhere.
Endobiosis refers to an infestation of pathogenic organisms internally generated. If the blood is acidic and the body unhealthy due to toxins, pathogenic micro-organisms may emerge spontaneously inside us. Whole bacteria can sprout from red blood cells into surrounding plasma. Even crystals in blood, long before the Covid period, have been observed mutating into parasites, complete with mouths, teeth, and digestive systems.
When red blood cells are acidic, they tend to a greenish color. They often clump together due to loss of surface charge. Below you can see to the left such cells, and to the right you can see an image of the same blood filled with bright energy after the person had drunk chlorine dioxide solution.
Today, it seems the world is completely overrun with parasitical energies. It has become clear the predominant ruling force in the world is deeply parasitical: it takes and takes, devours and devours, and offers nothing in return.
The situation is extremely challenging. Just to start with, there are thousands of biological parasites, often undiagnosed. The more common ones affect millions of people. For example, the intestinal roundworm seen below. You can see it causing distress and inducing clumping in blood cells of vessels serving the intestines.
Most worrying of all are the synthetic and hybrid micro-organisms, and nanobots, Frankenstein inventions of the governing cartel. I will not go into any more detail on this here since this phenomenon has been widely discussed by other researchers.
One image, shown below, will suffice to convey the affinity between parasitical worms and Morgellons fibers.
The colors of these fibers, and their ability to wriggle autonomously, orienting themselves to human hairs, or towards what they perceive as other antennae, presents a huge medical challenge. Because no two people are identical, and because the terrain and psychological background of people varies so much, treatment must be highly individualized and can be enormously difficult.
It seems that in the 21st century we have been time lapsed back to the Middle Ages. A time when gargoyles on church buildings reminded every person of incursions from the intangible realms. Evil spirits, tempters, demonic elements. Principalities and powers. It is quite extraordinary to reflect on this. A very old world festers in the underbelly of our soulless and mindless technological societies.
Fortifying the Heart
In today’s world we have no choice but to make clear ethical decisions. Relativism only fortifies evil. Our ethical decisions become existential decisions. We must figure out whether we are limited to this material life in the here-and-now, or whether our soul journeys on. If the latter, are we not responsible for each action we take, and for the ways we treat others?
If we choose to be responsible and caring, we are supported by the higher creative powers whose ethical laws we acknowledge over the criminal, corrupt counsel of our public authorities. We orient ourselves towards selfless love not towards abuse and neglect. It is not very complicated in the end. So why is it so difficult? Because the temptation to do harm rather than good has a strong presence within us.
Some people have rediscovered the power of spirit in these times. Some, tormented by Morgellons or otherwise targeted, put on the “full armor of God” as their one and only true protection.
Both authentic Christianity and authentic Buddhism are founded on similar principles of selfless love and compassion. Such clarity of the soul has direct effects on the brain, blood and body as a whole, purifying and strengthening them. With all the bad things going on, we restore balance by focusing on what is sacred and good, and permitting these qualities to vibrate through our hearts.
Esoterically speaking, the heart is an organ which responds to higher truths via subtle vibrations. When it is expanded, a person becomes peaceful, courageous and wise. Such an individual is not easily afraid. The peaceful warrior is birthed here.
Supporting the blood
Supporting the blood has become very challenging today as I have discussed in some previous posts.
The amount of weird toxic stuff floating around inside us is hard to come to terms with. To protect our heart and blood we need to consider four things:
blood and lymph cleansers
blood movers
heart strengtheners
biofilm disruptors
I will provide here a simple list of botanicals that can get you in the right direction for the heart strength:
Hawthorn berry
For cleaning/detoxing the blood and lymph:
Red clover leaf
Burdock root
Indigo root
Prickly ash bark
Beetroot juice
For moving the blood:
Gotu Kola
Red ginseng root
For biofilm disruptors:
Chlorine dioxide
Many herbs and spices such as cloves.
The more you move, the more you oxygenate. Especially by moving your upper limbs in wide, graceful arcs such as practiced in certain forms of Tai Chi
The more conscious and attentive you are to your breath, the healthier and more balanced you become.
Energy Channels
The human biofield absorbs its energy from the surrounding environment and from the sun and directs it into the acupuncture meridians. These need to be filled up but not overfilled and out of balance. Any kind of harmonious movement, dance or contemplation can help restore flow and balance to the meridians. However, if there is constant worry, or exposure to smart devices, negative frequencies start to circulate energetically, concentrating in the blood and inducing pathologies. Paying attention to our energetic nature is at least as important as paying attention to our physical nature.
In Summary
As oppressive as the times are, there are things we can do to support our blood health and strengthen our hearts. A deeply spiritual approach is our greatest defense. Some people choose to call this putting on the armor of God. Sacred music is one beautiful way of uplifting the spirit. Of course, so is contact with nature, plants, animals and bodies of water. Anything pure in spirit and natural in form will be your ally in this battle for life on earth. Our dreams guide us with subtle messages. In order to decode them and see which path to follow, the bright light of the heart is the only lamp to trust.
* Disclaimer: Again, any information presented here is purely educational and not to be construed as medical advice. Please always consult with a qualified practitioner.
* Additional resources for purchasing plant medicines: