Both yeast and mold overgrowth are both harmful to us…mold infestation increases candidiasis.
Let’s start by first checking in on the bigger picture. What are we witnessing collectively as winter solstice approaches?
mutations at immunological, neurological and psychospiritual levels
shocking increases in sudden deaths, cancers, and cognitive impairment
a loss of trust in governments, doctors, history, science and all authority
Who is ultimately responsible for these problems?
No, it is not simply the rogues gallery of usual suspects, the semi-mythical Annunaki demigods who landed in Babylon, or the pipelines and bloodlines of 13 evil families. Things are not so simple nor so black and white. Everyone has their own pet hatreds and fixations and this “naming and blaming” gets really silly really fast if people believe it will lead them to an ultimate finding or actual solution. It is understandable, even in a way admirable, to hate that which abuses and mutilates what one loves. However, the energy of hatred easily becomes addictive. People with unresolved inner issues display outwardly a rageful righteousness to mask their primary sense of impotence, insecurity or inner hurt, pointing to others as the objective cause of their woes.
This, ironically enough, is the psychological foundation on which revolutions and political electioneering are built. Projection leads to rejection leading to scapegoating and ultimately, to massacre.
All systems are rigged once a few players understand how to manipulate popular resentment, transforming it into power and wealth for themselves on a grand scale. But simply blaming others is a fallacy, not just a diagnostic fallacy but also a logical fallacy. Because if a human being is deemed a free agent, what befalls that person must have something to do with the choices they have made. And what befalls humanity as a whole must be the result of our individual and collective actions (and inactions) whether in this lifetime or a previous one. This means that if the world is to get better we must first change ourselves. It is absurd to point the finger elsewhere. Even if all bad actors were removed from the scene, would things really be any different for very long? Of course not, unless a significant change of consciousness occurred inside individuals themselves.
In this post we examine how this universal law applies to health concerns. It is our lifestyle choices and our reactions to events that lead us either to health or disease. This is why many people experience freedom as a curse since it brings with it the necessity for personal accountability.
So let’s start by noting the darker aspects of our world at large:
a rogue military-medical syndicate continues to fester under auspices of unelected transnational agencies.
all governments are engaged in eugenics, depopulation, and terraforming.
child trafficking, human trafficking and sex trafficking have become bigger business than drugs trafficking and intertwine with arms trafficking.
money laundering, digitization and financialization have eaten away the infrastructure of functioning economies leaving crippling trails of unpayable debt.
transhumanist technocracy is the guiding ideology seeking to become a religion.
Big Tech players driven by megalomaniac tendencies and insatiable greed occupy influential positions in the incoming Trump administration.
DEWs are being used for target practice on individuals, communities and ecosystems.
weather engineering is disrupting natural currents in the air and oceans and depleting flora and fauna.
pulsed high frequency emissions bouncing off the ionosphere injure soil microbiota and irritate fault-lines stimulating seismic disturbances, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
a constant stream of fear mongering propaganda from mainstream media matched by fear porn from “alternative” sources pollutes the mind, undermining our health on a daily basis, generating mistrust and anxiety.
at the same time, there exists the real possibility of imminent activation of a binary weapon system in which military grade miniaturized receptors (WBAN) are activated and amplified by specific bands of radio-frequency emission.
With all this craziness going on, you might be forgiven for thinking biological parasites, fungi, molds, and candida had taken a back seat. Not so. Our prevailing state of chronic anxiety traps us inside giant balls of stress. This downgrades immune function meaning more people become more susceptible to biological pathogens as their bodies attempt to cope with the influx of synthetic components and non-stop fear and uncertainty. Synthetic and biological pathogens intermingle inside our bodies, thickening our blood and depriving cells of key nutrients.
So let’s take a look at some effective, non-pharmaceutical strategies for cleaning house.
Please take what follows as helpful, educational information, not as medical advice.
Treating Candida and Mold with 100% Gum Spirits of Turpentine
Candida overgrowth is very common and can be debilitating. It is not candida itself but its overgrowth that is problematic. This condition often results from poor nutritional habits, sedentary lifestyles, and mold infested dwelling spaces. Candida proliferates more easily in a body that has been exposed to mold or that is struggling to cope with other fungal or bacterial challenges. Mycotoxins are produced inside the body by the presence of molds, and these molecules are pro-inflammatory, weakening immune response and making it easier for pathogenic yeasts to grow out of control.
Taking allopathic medications in place of natural herbs and clean foods can be another cause of candidiasis. As can negative emotions, mental laziness and over consumption of “entertainment” such as netflix and live-streaming.
Different strains of fungi and yeast show different sensitivity to drugs. If a doctor prescribes antifungal medication for a patient and the wrong drug is selected, the desired effect does not occur. Candida kruzei and Candida glabrata account for some 25% of cases of candidiasis. But they are highly resistant to fluconazole, a commonly prescribed drug. Nystatin, when used as an across the board antifungal is not effective either. This drug does not penetrate the mucous membranes and so has been considered harmless. However Nystasin attacks mature candida but not its germs. The spores then penetrate through intestinal walls into the bloodstream. From there they can infiltrate into organs. Six months later on in the cycle, they germinate once more in a disguised form in the bloodstream. This disguise is known as ‘molecular mimicry’, an adaptive tactic pathogens use to evade detection by immune cells. As a result, the candida grows more tactically adept and stronger, resisting both drugs and innate immune response, resulting in a more intractable form of candidiasis that is harder to treat. This is another warning to us how allopathic medications produce longterm “side-effects” and microbial resistance.
Non-pharmaceutical Treatment
Fortunately, there is a good treatment method that can help with both pathogenic yeasts and fungi as well as some parasitical infections: 100% Gum Spirits of Turpentine.
Some of my past clients have called the 100% GSOT protocol a game-changer.
Here is a list of properties that have been identified with particular phytochemicals found inside gum spirits of turpentine:
external disinfectant
analgesic (reduces pain)
balsamic (softens or reduces mucus)
haemostatic (stops bleeding)
anthelmintic (expels parasitic worms)
antidote for phosphorus poisoning
reduces thick mucous accumulation in COPD
And here is a list of health concerns that have been helped historically by people using 100% gum spirits of turpentine:
Abdominal bloating
Fungal infections on the skin or nails
Recurring yeast infections of the genitals
Chronic fatigue
Mood swings
Brain fog
Low immune function
Joint pains/Fibromyalgia
Digestive problems
Crohn's disease
Oral thrush
Sinus infections
Food allergies
How to Use 100% GSOT
Here is the GSOT protocol for candida overgrowth developed by Dr. Jennifer Daniels:
Stack 3 sugar cubes on top of each other on a plate.
Drop one teaspoon of 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine over your sugar cube stack.
You want to saturate the sugar cubes without getting a puddle of it on the plate.
Chew and swallow the sugar cubes.
The sugar is used to attract candida, but it will kill them as it is laced with 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine. This should be the only sugar you consume during the protocol!
Take this dose once a day for 4 days, then take 3 days off, for a total of 3 weeks.
If you still test positive for candida, extend the protocol week by week until you test negative per the spit test described above.
Please note that it is important to follow an anti-candida (sugar free) diet during the protocol.
Following this protocol has produced results in which people have tested negative within 3-5 weeks.
Where to buy 100% GSOT?
Here is a link to a good product I have recommended to people in the past:
Additional Suggestions
Since candida strains and fungi, like bacteria, produce biofilms in which they hide, it is best to also have additional methods for stripping away these biofilms. Biofilms can exist in many parts of the body from blood vessels to oral mucosa. If anyone is already using CDS or nanosilver as I have suggested as part of a protocol to remove nanotech, they will be pleased to know both CDS and nanosilver are effective agents at degrading biofilms. CDS, prepared in the correct way at 3,000ppm, and used at the correct dilution ratio of 1:4, can be used as an oral rinse or for gargling. In the weight based nanosilver regimen, the nanoparticles are absorbed directly via oral mucosa, so holding the 10ppm nanosilver solution in the mouth for 30 seconds will also help combat oral thrush. CDS is something we can also apply as an enema. This method is very effective not only for candida overgrowth but also to kill off mold spores and single-celled protozoa (although not for large, multicellular parasites which require other methods of treatment).
In the past, I used biomagnetic therapies on many patients. The strategic placement of 5,000 gauss magnets of different polarity on specific areas of the body can be very effective in helping a person get rid of harmful things like yeasts, protozoa and pathogenic bacteria. It is not the magnet itself (which, being stationary, does not generate any electrical current) that kills pathogens directly. Rather, magnets adjust the concentration of relative pH in areas of the body where imbalances have arisen. This adjustment of pH by the magnetic field reduces acidity and increases local oxygenation, which result in a death spiral for critters that have no rightful place inside a human body.
Frequency machines capable of emitting frequency ranges hostile to particular types of micro-organism can also be very helpful in combating candidiasis, mycotoxins and parasitical infections. However, the best ones should include treatment programs which harmonize the entire body by enhancing resonance. Resonance is not a minor issue in health, it is the basis of everything in the body, and must therefore be supported and tended to at all times. I now treat people mostly by means of remote medicine. This is capable of strongly supporting detox and it enables the immune system to combat disease more efficiently because it enhances core resonance.
One way to categorize all disease is lack of core resonance. And one way to look at what has gone wrong with our world is to see in it a fragmentation of resonance, a splintering into parts where the center no longer holds. If it is extraordinarily difficult to make positive change occur in the world, it is at least possible to work on oneself. If even just a few more people came back into resonance with their original nature (and thereby into a better state of phsyical health) unexpected benefits would likely occur in the world at large. The power of one individual to change the world should never be underestimated, but can only occur if he or she changes him/herself first.
You right on the sugars. Also, all governments are sold to cooperative interests, that is called fascism, this time it is global
"If it is extraordinarily difficult to make positive change occur in the world, it is at least possible to work on oneself. If even just a few more people came back into resonance with their original nature (and thereby into a better state of phsyical health) unexpected benefits would likely occur in the world at large. The power of one individual to change the world should never be underestimated, but can only occur if he or she changes him/herself first."
This put me in mind of the many childhood vaccine poisoning. I concur, if even a handful of people were to cleanse and come back to their original resonance, a better state of health, the scales would begin to balance.
Thank you for another wonderful article. Blessings ~