If you subscribe to this stack, I assume the following to be true:
you do not identify as a part of the herd
you question everything around you
you act swiftly when solutions are presented
Your survival depends upon:
divine grace or good fortune if you don’t believe in God
sufficient energy reserves
basic intelligence
the love and support of other people
Basic intelligence relies upon:
timeliness of action and response
Three principles of survival are:
identify your enemy
understand his strategies
take preventive/pre-emptive actions
Let’s zoom in…
The enemy has had you (the prey) in sight for a VERY long time.
They wanted a closer look inside you.
Hence, the nasal swabs to extract primary biological data.
From inside your cell nuclei and mitochondria they wanted the most private information of all: your DNA.
This would allow for them to customize programming of the wetware which connects with their satellites.
All this ends up giving birth to another you: your Digital Twin.
If they succeed in that, you (the real you) are trapped inside their matrix just like a fly caught in a spider’s web.
Let’s backtrack for a moment.
They needed a COHESIVE strategy to actualize their dream of a global SECURITY STATE.
First of all it would require softening up your brain by Hollywood (aka the infotainment wing of the US military. Now the CCP has a stake in Hollywood too). A dummy run was produced during the Gulf War back in 1990.
They based their show on triggering a specific audience response: “SHOCK and AWE”.
This built on a solid base of disaster movies such as “The Towering Inferno” of 1974. The disaster movie genre has proved to be quite addictive. It was a critical part of psy-ops planning and infrastructure development.
The major upgrade in strategy was of course 911 and its corollary, the Patriot Act.
The Bush and Obama regimes laid the table for Event 201 which took place on October 18, 2019 in New York City. This predictive programming event was co-sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the WEF.
(Do you think the number 201 is by chance or do you think it might have occult significance? Please read through to the end of this article.)
They obviously needed a spigot: Wuhan.
Wuhan started gushing out panic mode and global lockdown. Simultaneously 5G was unleashed.
A critical component of the war games was pre-release of aerosolized nanotoxin (GOF virus strains) distributed around the world in different locations by CCP operatives.
The aerosolized toxins along with 5G are capable of triggering a panoply of diverse symptoms to feed the psy-ops. Meanwhile, lockdowns plus governmental and media brainwashing debilitated innate immune response and the rest is history.
Except that, dear reader, as you well know, they are not done with all this. Quite the reverse. In this month of October, the latest and most troubling iteration of the Convid-death-shot has been unbottled in the Land of The Rising Sun. It has been given the name “Replicon”.The main source for detailed warnings in the US about Replicon release have come from Dr. Daniel Nagase. I would refer you to Dr. Nagase’s substack for more detailed reportage on Replicon.
A shot of Replicon, anybody? Or would you prefer your Reptile on the rocks?
(Still from the 1966 British horror movie, “The Reptile”.)
Let’s recap.
CONVID Inc. prepared for conquest by scoping the prey.
PCR “tests” (data-trawl DNA)
jab + “geo-engineering” (mass disseminate nanobots)
smart meters, lidar, internet of things, city lasers, black lights (track-and-trace)
up-linkage with 5G and 6G Starlink system satellites (ditto)
“bottle-and-brand” weapons of mass destruction (DOD sub-contracts Pfizer + Moderna)
form strategic alliances with perceived enemies (CCP)
distract and waylay prey (encircle citizenry with propaganda)
identify and eliminate threats (censorship/arrests/executions)
Surveillance enables snares.
Agitators manage staged events.
False flags quickly erupt into violence.
This ends with submission.
The conqueror always starts with his mindset of superiority.
After he took Britain…
Julius Caesar needed
just three words
to tell his story
So, who are these conquering forces?
I don’t refer to the WEF, the banksters, the black nobility, Gates, Musks and the rest of that rabble.
I refer to whatever lies concealed behind them. Who are the ones inhabiting the nether planes, denizens of outer darkness?
These beings are normally impenetrable to our normal vision. However, as proven by Wilhelm Reich, Trevor James Carpenter (see below) and corroborated by various research teams from Italy and Romania, living UFOs (not machines as we have been led to believe) are detectable both by radar and by infra-red photography. Some of these beings have malign intentions in respect to humanity.
Many people are aware that humanoid beings have been working underground for years with the US and other militaries in secret locations and that “biologics” have been found from crashed craft.
Why is ufology is the single most classified subject on the planet?
Let me ask one more question:
What do hi-tech cloaking, FIOA rejections based on “protection of national security”, blank jab inserts, and a generally dumbed down population all have in common?
Answer: camouflage of what is actually going on.
In order to know your enemy one first must be able to detect camouflage.
Unfortunately, most people can no longer formulate even basic questions. They cannot raise their heads from their phones to observe grid structures in the sky above diffusing into false cloud formations.
If they have lost all interest in the sky, how can they discriminate between fake alien invasions and the real thing? How can they activate receptors for guidance and support from helpful beings in the spirit world or from higher dimensions?
Answer: They can’t.
But you, possibly, can. At the very least you can tune out some of the negativity and replace it with higher frequencies. Which is essential for activation of your immune response.
So back to my original point about basic intelligence. It is composed of three ingredients.
timeliness of action and response
Be very careful. Negative energies disguised as helpful information may be delivered to you by “medical truth tellers”. In this regard, the reach of AI is far wider and deeper than most people suspect. If you yourself end up feeling downright hopeless or dejected this may well be the result of such deliberate programming.
But if you study camouflage and remember your intuitive connection with the greater cosmos you can replenish your taproot to spirit and to the greater wisdom.
If you keep your feet on the earth you become more resistant to your enemies’ attempts to uproot you from it.
If you remain steadfast in your solidarity with other forms of terrestrial life - animals, plants, fish, rivers and rocks - you will make it harder for alien invading forces to penetrate and dominate.
Above all, stay loving in your heart of hearts.
It is not going to be easy nor will a positive result come without major loss of life. But we each contribute to eventual defeat of the enemy by decisions we take right now.
Don’t allow the invisible enemy to take you for granted.
And they are upping their game with Replicon.
Already, news from Japan has indicated to us massive concerns amongst medical specialists regarding damage done by pre-Replicon covid jabs
Japanese researchers, by means of a meta study performed from 3,071 papers of jab related side effects, have identified 201 types of disease process correlated the jabs.
That number again. Pure coincidence, or something more? Event 201, anyone?
For one, Professor Yasaumi Murakumi of Tokyo University of Science, in light of overwhelming evidence of harm, has been demanding that all Covid shots be banned in Japan.
Yet the pushback from concerned doctors and professors in Japan has fallen on deaf ears. This month on October 8, the Japanese government greenlighted Replicon release via the Meiji Corporation. As Dr. Daniel Nagase has been pointing out, Replicon is a new iteration of the covid “vaccine” modeled upon alphaviruses and it is likely by far the most nefarious iteration yet devised.
In my next post I will speak about comprehensive ways to take prophylactic action against this new level of threat. A good part of immune strengthening requires drawing strength from the earth. This will add to the borax-nanosilver protocol I have spoken about in previous recent posts. These earth derivatives include DE (diatomaceous earth), fulvic and humic acids, zeolite, bentonite clay and soil based organisms as well as connection with geomagnetic energies from ground and water systems.
We are the resistance...
Respectfully, Replicon is a con. The c19 shots were "proof of concept" for self amplifying vaccines.
Go look at Anandamide's latetest stack in his "Neperlactone's Newsletter" Substack.
Its been confirmed, the c19 shots have the two proteins needed for self amplification. So it's "amplifying" itself, AKA "shedding".
That's partially how it's integrating in to the genome. We thought they were doing poor science, turns out they were delivering a proof of concept, for the next round of investors.
So that's a perfect score count for the conspiracy theorists.🤦♀️🤦♀️ showing that the only difference between a conspiracy and fact these day is approximately 18months.😐😤🤐