Whenever I step outside, I encounter figures lumbering around inside invisible mazes. They are oblivious as to the walls confining them. One cannot escape the eerie feeling of being surrounded by lab rats.
Evidence of collapsing infrastructure is apparent throughout the world. Are we witnessing the fruiting bodies of a synthetic mycelium feeding off a decaying biosphere?
What has happened? Many people now show cognitive impairment and slowed down processing speed. Some people appear modified, almost reformatted. There is autopsy and live surgical evidence of unnatural white clotting agents which are plastic and rubbery. The silicon implants so precious to cosmetic surgery appear to have taken a deeper hold on our civilization. And silicon life forms are not of this planet.
Carbon life forms, which are, have been instructed to cut their footprint to net zero. This reiterated brainwashing promulgated by the UN is a spell whose purpose is to induce shame and compliance in global populations. It is the application of Stockholm Syndrome. All this is highly compatible with what is called black magic.
Together with the world we live in, we are being polymerized.
Planes and drones spew hydrogel across an erstwhile blue sky whilst tiny networked circuits self-assemble inside our blood. Digital, space based HAARP frequencies conjure up synthetic cloud formations out of “thin air”. (A conjuring trick, again, much like magic.) The atmosphere is thickened with quadrillions of nano-particulates. These components can be moved like swarms, or arranged like proteins into various formations with correlative functionality. Air itself, including airways and airwaves, has been taken over by rogue military agencies to redirect weather, biology and human perception. All three factors come together to generate a matrix, including the hardware and software components needed to build one.
The natural canopy of sky has been occluded in a milky haze whilst its once azure hues have been modified and streamed into artificial blue light flickering constantly from our computer screens and mobile devices. These synthetic blue frequencies were selected for a purpose: to entrance and stupefy the mind. Blue was also stolen from the sky and concentrated into DEW lasers to incinerate entire towns and communities. Blue light is used as back-lighting in bars, transit buses, concert halls and other public spaces where people congregate en masse. This is done for purposes of mind control. Black light and violet light are utilized for mass surveillance. Light itself has been repurposed into a tool for programming. Blue is seen in Morgellons fibers. Blue, color of open space, has been hijacked and perverted from its original purpose to serve life. Where blue once gave wings to the spirit, it has been modified to imprison the mind.
Everything in the universe is conditioned by duality. For matter, there is antimatter, for electrons, there are positrons.
For the positive qualities of blue there exists a shadow side. It is said the the term for “The Blues” originated in a 17th century English expression “blue devils”. This term referred to severe visual hallucinations arising during withdrawal from alcohol addiction. Blue, in its negative aspect, invokes:
drug dependency
Self assemblage and the dynamics of polymerization
But what does polymerization actually mean? It means the piecing together of small units called monomers into sequences composed of repeating chains. A repeating chain is similar to an algorithm. So polymers are comparable to computer algorithms. They reiterate much of the same information with additions and variations, relaying it as composite structures in contradistinction to their micromolecular core components which consist of single atom layers, monomers. Complexity in polymers is not much different from complexity in code.
Graphene’s Role in Black Magic
Graphene begins as a monomer, a single layer of carbon atoms in a hexagonal lattice. A monomer, when it grows up, wants to polymerize. So when we speak about nanotech, we should remember its base ingredient, graphene, has the urge to reiterate itself within a more complex form: in other words, to become a polymer.
This is analogous to a piece of digital code repeating itself with varying combinations and permutations. The close affinity between computer code and the programming of monomers into polymers reveals a fundamental process behind biotech and the transhumanist pursuit of singularity.
It is this process of induced polymerization inside us that threatens to overlay, suffocate and replace our original cellular structure, genetics, and core identity.
It is the dynamic behind the growth of those white rubbery clots that John O Looney has shown, recently, to be increasingly prevalent in cadavers. It requires a synthetic form of assemblage patterning to realize its goals.
And this, I contend, is black magic.
Within the lucrative and highly secretive world of biotech, graphene holds a place of high honor. In Europe, research is run through Graphene Flagship, an interwoven group consisting of 118 academic and industrial partners involved in 13 research and innovation projects. Graphene has long been referred to in the field as having “magical” properties. Graphene, as a monomer, is colorless. But when graphene polymerizes it becomes black. More recently, its properties have been lauded as “miraculous”. How to explain the use of such heavily loaded terms in the lab-focused world of biotech?
From the Graphene Flagship website: “Graphene oxide is the product of liquid phase exfoliation by which monolayers or few layer flakes of graphene are exfoliated from graphite in a liquid medium. Graphene oxide is an important material for a range of applications in biomedicine, energy storage, nanocomposites and others.”
Duality, fate, and potentiality
Image credit: Linda Thornton
Duality runs through all creation and extends even to manmade artifacts, robotics and AI. Only what is deeply spiritual transcends duality and dwells in oneness. Any human being has an innate cable to Oneness located in the center of the heart. For some of us, this is dwelling with Jesus. For others, it may be our Buddha nature. We each have our own frame of reference. No matter, it is real when it connects us to the godhead within, and only then. Otherwise it is mere dogma, a rigid carapace of beliefs, as far away from divine presence as aspartame is from raw honey.
Plants, animals and rocks also have this cable to oneness in the divine. But their sacred cables are being severed by transhumanism. Their biological and genetic essence is being polymerized, just like ours.
Duality is not bad since it offers us the potentiality of positive change. Wherever there is duality, the pendulum swings: things will get better or get worse. Can we influence the future through focusing our conscious intent? If we are more than hackable animals, surely we can do that.
The Binary Bioweapon and the Pursuit of Depopulation
However, our greatest challenge right now is the polymerization of everything. The transfection of synthetic substances and synthetic code to terraform the planet and rewire the human being into an android. And so, with that, we must also consider the polymerization of consciousness. And all this is occurring as the digital prison is being constructed in real time. The binary weapon aimed at the independent human entity is being prepared. To defend oneself against such an eventuality it is imperative to degrade the accumulated polymers since they form a transistorized response to incoming frequency signals that can destroy human beings from within. This is the rationale for the weight-based nanosilver and sodium borate regimen.
When polymer based transceivers in WBAN get degraded, binary bioweapon signals cannot activate cellular self-destruction inside the body. For the men who control the world and their invisible handlers, this is a game of numbers. Their agenda is fixated on monopolization of all available resources. In their playbook this translates into the necessity of thinning of the herd. The transhumanist agenda is nothing if not logical. But logic divorced from the compassion of heart centered awareness gives rise to madness.
The entities controlling the world today should be diagnosed as criminally insane.
Dark Energy and Black Magic
Image credit: Scientific American
It should be obvious that in order for our enemies to accomplish their goals they need a source of dark energy. In occult terms, dark energy is called black magic. We are living at a time when black magic is in-phase with the medical-military-industrial-technology complex. Through black magic, the real world simulation is being engineered. How far will this go? We are now at a critical stage of its development.
IBM, Apple, Raytheon, Boeing and countless other corporations, agencies and government departments are in thrall to this energy. This makes the issue of trust primary and at the same time critically endangered. Whosoever does not come across to you as a trustworthy person must be assumed to be under the influence, consciously or not, of these prevailing dark forces, and susceptible to black magic. As we have seen in the most shocking manner, these prevailing forces spawn limitless greed, human mutilation and child sex trafficking. If this world we inhabit is intended by them to morph into a simulation, much more blood must be spilled along the way. But we will get into that later in the segment on Digital Twins.
The Club of Rome, The Georgia Guidestones and All That
In 2003 a Swedish man called Nick Bostrom came to the attention of very influential NGOs and thinktanks connected to the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove, WEF, WHO and UN. Bostrom spoke about the possibility of a technologically adept civilization outside our spacetime location and possessed of immense computing power. They would only need to use a fraction of that power to generate simulations with “conscious” beings in them. Bostrom implied that this could describe, or better still, define, our lived reality. We would be, according to this concept, little more than avatars inhabiting a simulation, a Matrix.
Bostrom held that for this to be the case, humans would have to have gone extinct before evolving into the simulation stage where they would be retrojected on to a simulation screen not dissimilar, in some ways, to the walls of Plato’s cave. This is where it gets interesting however. Bostrom, like Elon Musk, felt the likelihood of us living in a simulation that has overlaid “base reality” to be extremely high. To put this point more clearly, Musk stated at a 2016 conference that “The odds we are in base reality is one in billions.” In other words, non-existent. Forget about the flowers in the field and all that. Everything is computer code. Line up there for your brain-to-computer interface. You know you’ll feel better.
Digital Twins
Do you know that you have a digital twin stored on a server? This virtual simulacrum incorporates a massive plethora of data harvested from your authentic, biological self. Your digital twin lives, by definition, inside a simulation. What is important to understand here is that your digital twin has been designed to take you over: your digital twin, once ready to launch, can replace your autonomous being by virtue of all the transceivers transfected into your body. This is no longer science fiction, it is an existential threat. Before we discuss what firewalls can be put into place, let’s have a brief expose in more detail of the digital twin concept. I have selected the following from an article from February, 2024 published in Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering volume 1, pages 199–207. The authors represent the construction of digital twins as a 5 Level process:
Level 1 aims to determine various human health indicators by using AI to trawl and arrange real-time data.
Level 2 builds on the first level by adding past data to real-time data. This, supposedly, is to train predictive models for forecasting future health conditions.
Level 3 expands on the previous levels by configuring human interventions, such as drug treatments, organ transplants and gene editing. Hence, the purpose at Level 3 is to analyze and predict health outcomes post-intervention.
Level 4 adds yet another layer by also taking into account interactions between the body and the environment (e.g. time spent outdoors, sun exposure, diet, interpersonal interactions with other people) to allow for more accurate health projections.
Level 5 is based on the previous four levels. It uses self learning AI to delve deeper into the underlying logic of health analysis and prediction. It explores not just the output results from data input to health state but also the biological principles involved.
In brief: A digital twin (DT) of the human body is a virtual representation of an individual’s physiological state, created using real-time data from sensors and medical devices, with the purpose of simulating, predicting and optimizing health outcomes through advanced analysis and modelling. The technology has the potential to decode uncertainties within the target system by using sensors to collect information over an extended period and making use of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms.
The Divine Human
If we are “made in the image of God”, then God moves in each of us. That means everything is up to us. There is no foregone conclusion. No one comes from anywhere to rescue us. Only we rescue ourselves by dedicating ourselves to truth, the God within. Otherwise we fall into what in Sanskrit is called Maya, or in modern English, the Matrix. This is a labyrinth of illusions where all beginnings, endings and everything in between is projected on to screens which cover the containing walls.
With the advent of transhumanist AI, we are in danger of being reduced to avatars in a simulation game. Outside our labyrinth, an invisible authority holding the joystick in its sweaty palm rigs the game so that he always wins. That is the only “god” involved. This AI god is the Wizard of Oz 2.0.
Can the simulation be understood to originate from “times ahead” where some technologically vastly superior species has the power to “create” via time reverse waves ? Absurd as it may sound, this is the belief system of people like Bostrom and Musk. We should remember that, as Einstein suggested, time, past, present and future are merely conventions. Time can be made to “move” in more than one direction.
So is God just some spotty teenage computer nerd operating on us from the distant future? Techies and TED talker types like to suggest this kind of nonsense because all they have experienced in life so far is …nonsense. So, that’s what they do, spout more nonsense, because, if you haven’t noticed, nonsense sells in today’s world of super-idiots.
Clean and Upgrade both your Hardware and your Software
In no way do I consider the human being to be analogous to a computer! However, I am going to use the terms hardware and software here just to clarify that we need to pay equal attention to our biological structure (body, including the brain) and our software (our thoughts, emotions, directed stream of consciousness, willpower and spirit).
I have already proposed in other posts, regimens to break down hydrogel and clean out accumulated nano debris from the body. I will add to that whenever new information comes in.
In regard to the software. It is critically important to find one’s center. This can only be done by withdrawing from noise and dwelling in stillness. Only by pulling free from expectation and projection can we activate the power of spirit. The higher frequencies we generate from that incinerate negative energies and weaken their physical correlatives. The entities that stream through open portals and technological implants love the darkness and hate the light.
To these beings, love is painful and light burns. Love incinerates what is negative. Love, remember, is cosmic fire. Fire is both purifying and transformative. It follows there is no greater energy or higher frequency than love.
Therefore, if the Real World Simulation run by Digital Twins is to be destroyed, this will only occur if our heart awareness is ignited with love.
Hate, fear, suspicion, even when well grounded and well justified, are not enough to get us through the valley of death. Love alone lights the way.
A simple Mantra
Here is a simple mantra I composed to take on the road:
A loving person does not blink.
A loving person does not sink.
A loving does not think.
A loving person remembers.
Simple truth! The One behind Creation is probably thinking..."Why did I create mankind? So many souls have gone entirely off track.. I provided a beautiful world with everything people needed. What did.I forget? I guess, it was a manual on what their brains needed in order to think!' Many today think the world appears to be run by lunatics. I am so grateful that I was born in the Great Depression. There was no money, but people had time to relate to each other.. I learned more from them than i ever learned in school. My grandmother taught me at four years of age that God was Love...and God loved me. It was a very comforting thought. When things got bad, as a young child, I prayed to die, because then, I would be with God...and God was love. Today, I don't use the word God, because it is very generic. Mankind has worshipped 5000 gods... and the Romans and Greeks who produced the Bible (Gr. biblia.. meaning books) were people who believed in multi-gods. So, the word God is used in the Bible. The word Creator is only used five times. I now say Creator! However, I still believe the Creator made us to love us. Over fifty years ago, when I was in a very unhappy state; crying so hard that I couldn't breathe, I thought..."All I want is to be loved." Instantly, I felt a touch. It was incredible...every cell in my body was infused with love. It turned darkness into light. I felt the Creator's love
Now, when I get into bed at night, I am so happy to feel the energy of love, when I just think. "I love you," to the Creator... and I am 'wrapped in a warm cocoon of love'. . I told a friend who was having problems in her marriage, just to go to the other side of the bed. Put your arms around yourself and think "I love you" to our Creator. I told her, "Do this until you experience the love." Several weeks later she called me. She is the one who said those words..."I felt like I was wrapped in a warm cocoon of love."
Thank you for the "traveling LOVE Mantra". Much appreciation for your ability to break down this sinister foolish attempt on the human mind. In addition, for bringing up the Digital, space based HAARP frequencies which is the "key" that many overlook and stay focused on the 5 6g etc. etc. Once HAAP switched from Analog to Digital back in 2013 and broke into the 5nanometer scale that was the game changer and is where we are today. Meaning a basic AM radio wave is all that is needed. These frequencies are flowing through all of us 24/7. Much elaboration on this was from the late Bill Hayes years ago.. Also given to Terral Croft. Disconnecting this ability as you state by the use of Sodium Borate and Nano Silver presents a great benefit for human survival on many levels.
Brilliant post :-)