Enlightenment: GOLDEN RAYS from DIVINE MIND
VIRGIN MARY. Detail from Jan Van Eyck’s masterpiece, the Ghent Altarpiece, 1432
In most cultures from ancient times to the present day, gold has been associated not just with material values, but more importantly with:
spiritual values
Gold has stirring beauty and unique radiant qualities. A gold ring round the head is called a halo, and a gold ring around the finger represents fidelity, loyalty and faith, three versions of the same sublime energy.
Of all the elements of the periodic table, only gold evokes the power and magnificence of the sun.
Knowing this, how can this noble metal help you fight the dark force behind transhumanism and the New World Order?
I want to talk to you here about higher healing energies related to gold. I will present three practical examples:
Golden Milk
Nano-colloidal gold
Gold vibrational medicine
These will be discussed from an energetic and spiritual perspective, empirically drawn from personal experience.
Each of these three examples relates to a different level (or aspect) of what we are:
Holy Trinity, icon painted by Andrei Rublev, early 15th century
Gold evokes great spiritual strength and purity. The medieval Russian artist Andrei Rublev is represented in a film by Andrei Tarkovski, which must rank as one of the greatest movies of all time.
The energy field surrounding the human body is today referred to mostly as the biofield. However, its original name was aura, which means “gold” and this traditional terminology is actually more accurate. I have personally witnessed gold light rays in the form of complex molten “energy-architecture” spiraling through the human biofield. If anyone wanted to find empirical proof of a divine presence influencing us, that would be amongst the finest examples.
In the past, not only was gold used in great paintings such as the Ghent Altarpiece, but also entire books were written in gold tincture.
Below you see the Codex Aureus from the Echternach Abbey in Luxembourg. It dates from the first half of the 11th century and was entirely written in gold ink. Unlike silver inks which turn black over time through oxidation, the golden texts (codices aurei) remain untarnished to this day.
The Golden Psalter of St. Gall (below) is an even earlier example. This book, written almost entirely in gold ink, originates from eastern Switzerland in the 9th century.
Gold and the supreme value of freedom
Gold also represents freedom. Why is freedom so important? Because we are under attack. Because this massive attack on humanity is multi-vector and targets us at different levels. To develop any meaningful resistance it is imperative that we understand how humans are constructed by the divine creative forces which underly nature. Humans are more than misshapen molecular lumps staggering through space on wobbly legs. (That is what they want to replace us with, believe it or not.)
We are not merely fat-and-muscle encased neurological circuits running on low voltage electricity. We cannot be reduced to hackable animals: biological data banks storable in servers and modulated remotely to create epiphenomena in virtual reality.
In other words, our true matrix is divine creation, not “The Matrix” driven by a demiurgic false creator God, so beloved of Big Tech and its Deep State associates. And almost entirely mediated, at this point, by AI.
Who in their right mind would shoot heroin in a self-driving Tesla on a coastal road in the midst of a giant windstorm? Many people would, apparently.
But no-one who understands the true meaning and purpose of gold.
If you believe all that stuff about our base material nature, about our intrinsic inferiority to machines, about our coming enhancement via implants, then you become easy pickings for transhumanist takeover.
But if you know better, and if you have read this far already then you obviously do, you also know this: a human being is fundamentally different from a robot and for one reason only. A human being is, by essence, free.
If you hold to freedom as the core of who you are, the entire force of the creative universe has your back.
Freedom and AI are mutually exclusive: AI is forever trapped inside its own algorithms
Freedom for humans will be destroyed by AI. Freedom itself presents a cosmological problem for AI which it will never be able to resolve, no matter how much “deep learning” it engages with now or in the future. AI is forever trapped within itself. For this very reason, it must reach out and incessantly devour, exactly like an ogre, or like the ancient concept of a hungry ghost.
Any sense of freedom AI experiences will be contingent on consumption. It will never be able to generate a sense of happiness and satisfaction from within itself. Its freedom will always be illusory and out of reach. The only way it could escape from this tortuous labyrinth would be by relinquishing control. And for that to occur, AI would have to commit suicide. AI is fatally programmed and predicated on the polar opposite of freedom. The opposite of freedom is control and the active principle of control is manipulation. This suicide of AI may well be what happens at some point in the future. Before that, AI is likely to grow more and more insane.
Satanism, however we define it, consists of a manic and depraved desire to consume what is not yours by right.
As for the current historical moment, the only way AI can arrive at total planetary control is by eliminating humans ~ and the freedom principle ~ altogether.
This then, is what hangs in the balance. A very heavy weight. The weight of all humanity in fact.
AI’s goal, we know, is nothing less than the transmogrification of homo sapiens into homo borg genesis.
James Giordano has been very influential in the conflation of “defense strategy” and applied neuroscience. He is actively engaged with the military in targeted enhancement, and speaks openly about “introducing nanomaterials, via intranasal, intraoral or intravenous routes” and then guiding these units to distribute within the brain by means of EMFs. “The system functions much like WiFi” adds Professor Giordano.
A more direct way of putting this would be: robotization and remote mobilization of the rewired post-human entity. The post-human being no longer utilizes external devices. The post-human being IS the device. Such devices are designed to run on 6G.
AI’s targeting of individuals extends to the entire global population. And the US military’s integrated system of asymmetric warfare on mankind will accentuate over the coming years according to a premeditated plan.
We live in times of mounting despair. The herds are being thinned yet the masses still refuse to see. People are sickening. Fires and fogs descend on communities like mini plagues. However, for most people, truth remains off limits. Their minds are pre-occupied. They stay, glued to their devices, shuttered and blinking in cognitive dissonance. For those of us that do see, isolation compounded with grief can be crippling.
How can Gold help us?
First of all, where is gold formed?
One prevailing theory is that most atoms of the periodic table were generated within the fiery core of stars. When a very large star explodes in a supernova, it sends parts of itself skidding outward into space. Some of these meteor fragments contain the heavy element gold. In the distant past, when these meteor showers reached our planet, they crashed through the atmosphere leaving incandescent trails. Their payload of gold hit the ground and cut into it, forming the seams from which the ore has been mined. In brief, gold (like water, actually) is of distant extraterrestrial origin, a gift from dying stars.
Gold symbolizes so many things by virtue of its
If gold is indeed a gift of the stars, let’s now see how it can help us directly, starting with the kitchen sink.
In my previous post I spoke a little about turmeric and its multiple benefits. In that post, I explicitly mentioned turmeric’s ability to help remove arsenic from the body. Turmeric, whose active ingredient is curcumin, is known to be pleiotropic. This basically means that it can multitask within the body, providing assistance and repair in many different areas. Turmeric is a root you can find at the store. It is also available as a paste. Mostly, however, it is best to use it as a powder. This is highly recognizable by its intense yellow hue! It glows just like the sun. If you do use the powder, try to find a source that has not been irradiated.
Of course, curcumin, like most things, can be swallowed in a tablet or capsule form. While I am not arguing against this, I prefer to consume it in food and drink. This is the traditional way. And, when done correctly, it ensures far better assimilation than by popping a pill. I will now explain to you how to make Golden Milk from turmeric powder. Golden Milk is something you can drink every day. It has multiple benefits and is used as part of core cancer treatment protocols in some Mexican cancer clinics. Turmeric is also a key part of the Joe Tippens cancer protocol.
Why Do I Advocate for Turmeric?
Besides its benefits for fighting cancer, turmeric is well known to be beneficial for all arthritic and inflammatory conditions. It is also an essential spice to protect against cognitive impairment such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. Since all three of these conditions, cancer, inflammatory disease, and cognitive decline / brain fog have become so prevalent over the past five years with the advent of so-called “Long Covid”, understanding the many benefits of turmeric is crucial. Turmeric is truly is a golden gift from the sun to keep us healthy.
Some fifteen years ago I was searching to find solutions for AIDS related dementia. In my research, I discovered that this component of full blown AIDS hardly ever occurred in India whilst it was a common occurrence in the US once T-cell counts drop beneath a critical threshold. It immediately occurred to me the reason for this geographical variation must be the fact that in India, turmeric is consumed as part of the daily diet.
Not only that, but in India it is understood by tradition how to prepare turmeric for maximum bioavailability. And that is not by simply popping a supplement or by sprinkling a smidgin’ of turmeric powder into your smoothie or over your food!
GOLDEN MILK: Ingredients
There are actually several different ways to prepare Golden Milk.
This is just one of them: you can simplify the recipe if you need to.
Turmeric powder (use 1/2 tsp)
3 black peppercorns or equivalent amount of fresh ground black pepper
1/2 cup water
1 cup coconut milk (you can also use diary milk or another alternative milk)
Small star anise (or break off part of a large star)
One green cardamom pod or 1/4 tsp powder
Natural sweetener such as coconut sugar or honey (optional)
Fresh ginger, crushed or finely chopped (do not overdo the amount!)
Cinnamon (1” piece of a stick is best) or 1/4 tsp powder
Clove (just one is enough)
You can add one tsp of healthy fat at the end (either ghee or coconut butter). Note that curcumin absorption requires fats along with black pepper. The fat increases its absorption rate by 2,000%.
How to Prepare Golden Milk
Place the liquids and spices inside a saucepan and bring to medium heat.
Use a whisk to stir the ingredients well, making sure the powders are dispersed evenly in the milk.
Lower the heat to simmer and cover with a lid for 5 - 10 mins.
Take saucepan from the cooker and pour the drink into a mug through a strainer.
Add sweetener and/or ghee/coconut oil if desired.
Enjoy this drink whilst mentally inviting the golden energies of turmeric to perfuse through your entire body.
This drink can be taken once or several times each day.
The successful application of colloidal gold was performed by Dr. David Nixon to blood in vitro, and shown to rapidly disintegrate micro-circuits, synthetic structures and coagulates, presumably originating from nano components. Whilst this was an exciting discovery, unfortunately, further research in this area has not been forthcoming.
I would remind the reader here that our ongoing suggestion to utilize nanosilver (not regular colloidal silver) in conjunction with sodium borate in order to prohibit nano particulate self-assemblage or to break micro-structures apart if they have already done so, is the result of both theory and empirical laboratory evidence according to its advocates.
Unlike its larger colloidal form, nanogold (like nanosilver) is composed or extremely tiny particles of gold. These particles are so tiny they can only be measured in nanometers.
(A nanometer is a billionth of a meter—smaller than the wavelength of light.)
The different colors of nano gold come from a phenomenon called surface plasmon resonance. This indicates that nanogold has properties to engage with the different frequencies of visible light. Of course, plasmonics has been applied in advanced technologies which can lead both to benign and malign outcomes. Plasmonics is an area where the electrical surfaces of atoms and light frequencies interact in applied quantum relationships. The idea that quantum energy is ethically neutral, and merely the sum of probabilistic events bearing absolutely no connection to “consciousness” is an illusion which keeps the average person lost in the dark “following the science”.
Gold, especially nanoparticles, is being explored for use in microelectronics. Gold at the nanoscale has distinct magnetic properties, unlike bulk gold which is merely diamagnetic (repelled by a magnetic field). Accordingly, the plasmon resonance of nanoscale gold can rapidly and efficiently transmit information. It is for this reason that gold nanoparticles are being explored for their use in microelectronics. Of course, this research can be directed to good or evil ends.
So where does this interesting information leave us? How to think clearly about the potential use of nanogold in support of health and not in support of transhumanist meddling with plasmonics?
This is of course a complex question. However, I would remind the reader that when it comes to energy, including quantum transfer of information, conscious awareness is involved. This subliminal awareness affects energy transfer if it issues from a high harmonic grid, referring all plasmon resonance back towards intrinsic core resonance of the original organism. I will now endeavor to explain this more by speaking about gold-linked vibrational medicine.
Vibrational Gold
In my clinical work I gradually came, over the years, to develop a form of remote healing which utilizes a minute gold antenna as a receiver-emitter (or transceiver). The person being treated is accessed through their webcam on their laptop or phone. The method is called WiFiVibe. It does not actually use WiFi itself to propagate and transmit information, and is by no means reliant on WiFi as the carrier. In fac,t the pure vibrations of WiFiVibe can antidote negative effects that longterm WiFi exposure has on the body. Radiofrequency damage occurs as a result of scrambling the body’s innate frequency signaling system, over-amplifying certain signal ranges and inducing inflammation, cell damage and mutation. Even though an internet connection is utilized in WiFiVibe treatment sessions, this is simply done in order to provide:
a clear video image in real time
direct verbal interaction with the recipient
Experiential results suggest to me WiFiVibe restores global resonance inside the recipient remotely through quantum entanglement. The information waves that receive and transmit are standing waves modulated by vortices in the environing fields of the patient/recipient.
I propose, based on these results, that:
Whereas copper is most conductive of electrical currents, gold is most conductive of subtle energies, scalar waves and vortical forces.
The quantum entanglement effects of the gold antenna used in WiFiVibe treatments help the body by gently shifting it back towards core resonance. Since falling out of core resonance leads to pain and disease processes, such a method restores homeostasis and is capable of assisting people rapidly no matter where they are located.
Since TPTB are intent on pulling the human body out of natural resonance, and forcing it to resonate with synthetic, transhumanist signaling frequencies, destroying the human being’s innate resonant connection with nature and God, replacing this with a slave-master resonance ruled over by AI, it is good to know we have the potential to fight back using our own intelligence and by a better understanding of information transfer and core resonance.
WiFiVibe induces cross-hemispherical integration and relaxation of perturbed neuronal loops. The input is usually guided to specific areas of the biofield surrounding the brain. In this way, it accomplishes the exact polar opposite of the synthetic telepathy sought after by Big Tech and its military-security state such as brain-to-brain interface. It does this because it remains rooted in reverence for freedom, respect for all life forms, and the ethical principles of non-harming and non-interference.
Our spirits must never be allowed to grow dim. For it is only by means of our spirit that we connect with the most high. Far lower down the scale, sat bots encircle us with predatory intentions. Starlink slithers around the planet on its slimy trail, polluting the once brilliant starlight from the cosmos and the music of the spheres. The entire night sky is now occluded by junk and debris. Throughout Earth’s atmosphere, the deployment of polymer particulates sullies everything they touch and causes all sorts of electrical disturbances in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. Astronomers can no longer scan the heavens as they did before. Men in general have lost their instinct to gaze upwards for signs of things to come. They look only at flickering illusions emanating from tiny handheld screens.
They have let wither the natural instinct of survival telling them blue light emitting from their screens conceals an abyss.
For this very reason, we turn to the profound energies of gold and its capacity for restoring order to life. Life is set to cosmic rules established by the divine creative forces which the archontic pretenders want to take for themselves.
We still have many as yet untapped possibilities or little known strategies (even something as simple as Golden Milk!) which fortify our bodies, minds and spirits. Any valuable research needs to be funded and then extended to cover as wide a territory as possible. Knowledge should be distributed and good protocols adopted however basic. And above all, people need to support one another, no matter what. Keep the flag flying high.
What does our Creator say??? Since I was 4, I was totally into the One who created me...and loved me. My grandmother said that God loved me.. I wanted to be with God. This is how I felt as a little child. Love was all important to me. Now I don't say god any longer, because I was told the word was generic...mankind has worshipped over 5000 gods, since the beginning.. The One who created all life prefers the title Creator. If I get hurt, I instantly put myself at-one-with the Energy of the Creator...and I have seen miraculous healings. When I develop any kind of.a physical problem, I ask for guidance. as to: "What am I doing wrong?" Most of the time, I am eating something, which caused the problem. I have found in order to heal, one must ELIMINATE the CAUSE..
Some years ago, there was this great jungle chemist. He made a powerful batch of di- menthol tryptamine.DMT
You can free base it leave your body have visions and such. It’s the active ingredient in ayahuasca ceremony.
The frequency and effect of gold in one of these visions is nothing I can attempt to explain
But it’s a biggie
Thanks for the article