Oct 1Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

This is wonderful, thank you., Nicholas - all rounded and sane, and a refreshing change from the doom-laden posts the Substack bots have taken to sending me recently. People speak of demons at the same time as H+ via needle poison but without joining up the concepts, thus perpetuating the science v religion dichotomy. We need to think more wholly, so to speak.

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Thank you. I am glad this resonated with you. I fully agree with you about the primary dichotomy serving the occlusion of human intelligence. Mechano-mysticism is one way of naming it: Irrational materialism on one side of the equation, irrational (blind) faith on the other. Reason is nowhere to be found inside this duplex. We need wholeness of vision and freedom of thought where reason can act in the service of higher understanding.

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Oct 1Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge". Life on Earth started with the Super Nova explosion and when gravity formed the Sun and planets out of the dust, photons from our big Star created consciousness.. Photons are the product of hydrogen and helium fusing, gradually in to each other due to the huge gravity. Photons, also called light, no life, as we experience it, is possible without those particles of consciousness , plants need light all life need light to exist. So from one time dust, consciousness is created. Metal might as well be consciousness. This more easy to imagine, but to imagine the Ultimate Reality, why there is something instead of nothing, , if there is a beginning or end, the human mind is too primitive to comprehend. I feel there is no beginning or end, nothing was created, that what exist now, always existed. The Universe is a living conscious thing

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I believe you are quite correct Paul. Beginnings and endings are merely phenomenological projections issuing from time-bound beings with their partcular stories to tell. Beyond these experiences there is no chronological time in the universe itself. The universe is fully living, and conscious as you say. There is neither death nor steriity. These are simply human projections. Photons, which have no mass, always appear in dynamic shifts of energy state of electrons on atomic orbitals. Therefore we can say that energy = light = life. If all life is conscious, then photons must transmit this consciousness during energetic perturbations. Darkness, in the sense I am referring to it, means absence of consciousness. This is a peculiarly human trait: stupidity. In our time, wokeness and communist inspired conformism has taken over institutions of learning and turned off all the lights. The Universe itself does not care and hardly blinks.

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Oct 1Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

You are very thoughtful, so rare to find someone who will think like that. You and Dr. Danniel Nagase , the Alberta doctor who was fired for treating with Ivermectin, and saved lives, fired for that. Dr. Nagase is also a good thinker who deals with this subject . I feel humankind is heading in to a catastrophe the way things are going,. medical science is no science. it deals with something man knows nothing about, play God-Nature they have zero understanding about. Thank you for your thoughts

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Again, I agree with you. Dr. Nagase is a good thinker who has also sacrificed much personally and made significant contributions to our understanding. We are heading as you say into a catastrophe and we have lost control of the brakes. Thank you for your contribution to this discussion.

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Oct 1Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

My father, a design mechanical engineer would have been very interested in your article. He often mention that he thought there was a good possibility that the “inanimate” objects around us such as rocks had some sort of memory. He was a combination artist/ engineer/ inventor.

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I would have enjoyed meeting him!

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Oct 2Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

So interesting the studies by Toyota in reference to the plants . Have you wondered what happens to their defense mechanism when harvested to eat? I always talk to them and hold them in thanks before

preparing. Was always a "gut" feeling. Thanks again!

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You are surely a very gentle soul, and highly perceptive too.

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Oct 2Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

So refreshing reading this! Thank you!

What an honor having your father in a university meeting room with Haldane when he was still in England.

Agreed. Freedom and thought are required for reason which is non-existent in this matrix of intentional stupidity. When organic reality is co-opted in a lifeless replica, or, so to say the same thing otherwise, when a concept rooted in sensory experience is replaced by a denatured form of thinking conceived to exist in an abstract or trans-mundane setting, off planet rather than in the natural world, the "alteration " begins.

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Very astute remark. Your last sentence sums up the dynamic extremely well. The alteration is being imposed by sources ultimately situated off planet. Simultaneously, the alteration is accepted by masses of human beings kowtowing willingly to psychopathic authority. Idiots all, they happily exchange their human nature for a synthetic simulation. Lacking self-respect, they gaze entranced at the myth of personal enhancement as though it were as simple as a breast reduction or a tummy tuck. Before long, they will find themselves swallowed up by the simulation, and all the residues spat out. Our only hope is to remain anchored in nature, and to be true to our own nature.

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