Mankind thinks its so advanced. What exactly is its motivation? Does it want to lift and elevate humanity or is it simply in it for the buck? We have many problems that need to be solved; like ending pollution, saving our soil and all the waters on earth. What are these "advanced" thinkers doing about them? It is a sin to use the resources of the earth in order to contribute to one's bank account. This is going against the Thou Shalt Not Steal Commandment.

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May 20Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

Wow, thinking outside the box is starting to happen more often today. I just read Anita's latest post and am starting to have real hope with professionals like your good selves speaking up -


A big Thank you Sir.

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May 23Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

My husband and I are long time meditators, and we had this feeling that the ultimate purpose of what we're witnessing right now is nothing short of enslaving human spirit, or at least, preventing its advancement. Consciousness is non dimensional, non temporal, and unbound by matter (matter is nothing else but condensed consciousness, much as the iceberg is water) so it cannot be 'contained'. It is before the universe is. However, in will only expand or evolve in the right environment. It requires conscious effort on our part. This truly is a battle between good and evil. My only comfort is, since this is being allowed, there must be a purpose. And I believe the purpose is humanity growing up and taking responsibility for our destiny. We are only playing our roles :)

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I agree with you. What we call consciousness is surely primary. However, the way we divide consciousness from physical manifestation in the form of “things” - as though they truly could be separated - is just a trick of the mind. Humanity needs to evolve not simply in an ethical sense but also in a cognitive sense. This may not be possible at the species level and there may likely be a splintering of the race which occurs. The war between good and evil that is engulfing us is at once a war that involves cosmic beings, extraterrestrials who inhabit on other planes both predatory and noble, and our own troubled hearts and minds. The giant waves building and crashing are the result of all this and more. Enslavement of the human spirit is necessary for nefarious entities to suck energy and resources out of us, the way we ourselves have unthinkingly done as a society for many other species. So it is a time of reckoning. And for a kind of maturation and rediscovery of youthful exuberance at the same time. It is the truth alone that will carry us through. We must be explorers with hearts on fire with hunger for what is real.

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May 24Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

Very happy that I found your substack, Dr Corrin! I cannot wait to read your future posts, especially on the link with the ET intelligences. Blessings and all the best🙏

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My dear friend Nicholas, You ask in your letter; What can be done?

My response is this: Do not listen to the mainstreaming of anything on this plane! Especially, under the auspices of change. For example: Mhz; We, our species, the animals, plants, water... - All have been programmed to resonate with a blessed frequency, by way of our original creator. We are in no need of reprogram. We must gain back our power. Such as growing our hair...

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I agree with you 100%. I am letting my hair grow long! Our original creator knows everything and provided for us exactly what we need. Evil men and fools have distorted everything with their lies. All mainstreaming is in defiance of the true creation and is a nothing but a tool of harmfulness. We have reached critical point and we must regain our power for the sake of all that is good. Go forward in peace and in strength.

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Creator bless you n Kat, with much love and ultima blessing. We shall overcome, and we the meek, most def. WILL inherit a jacked up plane - Yet, we shall over come the obstacles of evil, as we become effervescent in our love both for and of our Creators, as well as our reason for being.

I know you understand and appreciate.

With kindness, always, D

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May 23Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

An answer to your question is eagerly awaited. Aliens? Reptiloids? the Annunaki? The Nephilim? Tell me please... because it is profoundly anti HUMAN, anti all LIFE of this planet.. therefore is it even FROM this planet this horrible mind virus of the depop the control??? Or from elsewhere? Another dimension? Parallel worlds? Invasion of the body snatchers for sure...

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Yes, I am going to be going into all this in depth in upcoming posts. This is absolutely the single most important question we need to be looking at right now. It is complex and not for the faint-hearted. Nonetheless, I believe that it will bring with it strength of purpose and also support from higher dimensions.

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Get a load of the Q-A results from Brave's AI search engine. 2.45 Ghz is in the mid-Bluetooth LE frequency range.

"Q: 2.45 Gigahertz microwave radiation and p53 gene alteration and which cancers are most likely to occur?

AI: The 2.45 GHz microwave radiation has been linked to oxidative/nitrosative stress, which can lead to p53 gene alteration and subsequent DNA damage. This can result in the development of various types of cancer.

Studies have shown that exposure to 2.45 GHz microwave radiation can impair learning and spatial memory, and induce oxidative stress, DNA damage, and apoptosis in the hippocampus, a region of the brain involved in learning and memory. This can lead to an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Regarding specific cancers, research suggests that exposure to 2.45 GHz microwave radiation may increase the risk of developing:

Brain cancer: Exposure to microwave radiation has been linked to an increased risk of developing glioma, a type of brain cancer.

Lymphoma: Microwave radiation has been shown to induce oxidative stress and DNA damage in lymphoid cells, which can lead to the development of lymphoma.

Breast cancer: Exposure to microwave radiation has been linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer, particularly in women who are already at a higher risk due to genetic factors or other environmental exposures.

Colorectal cancer: Microwave radiation has been shown to induce DNA damage and oxidative stress in colon cells, which can increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

It is essential to note that more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which 2.45 GHz microwave radiation contributes to cancer development and to determine the specific types of cancer that are most likely to occur. Additionally, individual susceptibility to the effects of microwave radiation may vary depending on factors such as age, sex, and genetic predisposition.

AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more"

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You don’t mention that WiFi routers broadcast at 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz. Tolerance is +/- 20 MHz. That’s 2.42 MHz if I’m not mistaken. That’s awfully close to 2.45 MHz.

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My bones are magnetic, but I am unvaxxed. No idea if I have a mac address .

What exactly does nano tech do to us in detail outside of the blood? What is it currently capable of right now, in practice, not theory?

Everything sticks. Including my phone. The solar storm kept me up for 2 days.

How were the other people with nanotech affected?

I can only speculate that something embedded in my bones to make me highly conductive at some point in my lifetime. When?

Living a clean lifestyle for decades, chelating often …filtered water, organic foods, very few metal fillings … I cant figure it out.

If it was environmental , wouldn't everyone have magnetic characteristics ?

Would you be able to shed some light?

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Yes, I will do that. I will be talking later about ways to resolve these things with Chlorine Dioxide solution protocols including CDS baths. It is possible that you are being targeted for some reason. Hold tight.

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I appreciate your response.

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Thank you! Very sensitive and enlightening post.

Could you provide the credits or links for the pictures?

Best regards.

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Thanks for your appreciative response to the post. The nanotech assemblage photo is from the microscope analysis of vials studies done by La Quinta Columna in Spain. The photon beam is an image you can find at https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/flowers/chemistry. Let me know if you have other questions. Best Regards.

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Thanks for these informations! Warm regards.

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You are very welcome.

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