Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Imaging requires these muon emitters be highly mobile, as well as having a detector assembly below the presumed target. Dunno how feasible that would be. They must have some other purpose. Irradiating said chambers and tunnels? (IOW, a bunker-buster weapon. But you still gotta know where they are so you can locate your muon-emitter roughly atop them and set the energy to dissipate just as the muons reach them. Muons aren't radar.)

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Thanks for some interesting info. The morons that have money think of all kinds of ways to spend it, but nothing good to help humanity. They use the resources of the earth to enrich themselves. Musk's feats are not impressive...Serving himself at the expense of the earth. He is totally egocentric!!!

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They are morons deluding themselves they are superior and so deserve more than we do when really they are nothing but run-of-the-mill morons who won't shut up or go away and let the rest of us live our lives in peace.

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AGREED 100%!!! One day these ego-centric megalomaniacs will face the Truth! I totally believe the Creator does not want to see the world destroyed by ignorant mercenaries. There will be a Day of Reckoning.

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I agree with you that all is being witnessed and that a Day of Reckoning is coming.

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