In today’s upside down world, expect the unexpected, the abnormal is normal
Inversion of the good, the holy, and the true.
As Orwell warned, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.“
Two symbols sum up our state of affairs: the reverse pentagram and inverted cross.
How about that for a fashion statement?
So what is happening? Just a couple of weeks ago the fogs, and now, the fires. Once again, we find them there where the sun goes down. First Paradise, then Lahaina, now Palisades. Over to the east, where the sun rises, lies a nation well advanced in building the hive mind: social credit and digital ID. (Which large and powerful nation lies to the east but also directly to the west of California?)
And of course, those fierce, blistering, unnatural winds. Who and how are they being generated:
For updated analysis on weather manipulation please go to
But first, let’s consider the relationship between heat and light. They are not at all the same phenomenon.
What is light?
electromagnetic waves quantifiable as photons
What is visible light?
a very narrow range of frequencies our retinas and brains can detect and decode
What is the capacity to think, or consciousness?
another way of saying spirit, or light of the mind
What is heat?
an effect of combustion sometimes but not necessarily emitting light
What are lasers?
in-phase arrays of light frequencies aimed for specific purposes, to heal or to destroy
What are DEWs?
modulated frequencies tuned as weapons (including lasers)
How do DEWs cause fires or implosions?
by delivering streamed surcharges of energy causing the target to combust or disintegrate
What is plasma?
known as the 4th state of matter, plasma contains free electrons. This makes it highly responsive to electromagnetic fields and capable of producing strong currents. Plasma weapons deliver an electron avalanche to their targets. This produces a range of devastating thermal, kinetic or electromagnetic effects
What are electrons?
considered as part of the atom’s mass, a photon emerges whenever an electron changes its energy state. Thus, atoms are inevitably and internally linked to light
When is light or electrical energy to be considered creative?
when photons or electrical currents give rise to stable living forms
When is light or electrical energy to be considered destructive?
when photons or electrons induce rapid entropy in biological systems
What is the logic linking DEWs, smart devices, 5/6G, smart cities, nanotech?
engineered entropy of biological systems, replacement by digital (robotic) systems
What caused the fires?
So what has caused the fires in the West? Well, let’s see what the PR machine is pumping out.
Level one misinformation: global warming.
Level two misinformation (assuming level one doesn’t work): arson perpetrated by random suspicious people. 180 suspected arsonists have thus far been arraigned in LA.
Also, consider this:
As in Lahaina, municipal water was mysteriously cut off during the conflagration which began in the city and spread west fueled by winds in excess of 100mph.
The mayor of LA was, strangely enough, absent from the city at this time.
As in Lahaina, there is evidence of trees standing whilst buildings were razed to the ground, and other such anomalies also seen in NYC during 9/11.
Before proceeding further in our investigation, let’s recall how our primal energy source, the sun, gives us life.
I touched on this theme in my previous post on turmeric and melatonin, gifts of the sun.
How does the sun nourish and support life on our planet?
by delivering light rays of diverse yet harmonious frequency and by sustaining a thermal temperature conducive to growth and survival
by radiating via incandescence, which is the exact opposite of mono-focused laser light
as a side note, incandescent light bulbs were eliminated by former President Obama and also banned from the entire EU, to be replaced by “energy saving” LEDS which induce eye strain, brain fog, and which also promote cancer. Most pointedly, LED technology enables track and tracing of citizenry and can be weaponized to make a direct kill
Laser based direct energy weapons systems
It is appropriate then, to take a brief look over laser based DEWs. Since an image is worth a thousand words, let’s look first at a picture of the recent fires in California and then at a photo taken almost twenty years back from Laurence Livermore of an Nd:YAG laser slab taken by a camera filtered to block most wavelengths except for 808 nm.
Fires raging in the Palisades
Nd:YAG slab at Lawrence Livermore’s solid-state heat-capacity laser. (The camera was not filtered to block 808 nm wavelength, the only frequency picked up on this photo.)
It has been proposed by, that the recent fires at Pacific Palisades were caused by directed laser weapons, specifically Nd:YAG type, operating at 281.95 THz or 1063.3 nm. It has also been proposed that these destructive laser beams, normally invisible to the naked eye, can be rendered visible by means of an infra-red camera.
Artist’s image of Nd:YAG attack laser sourced from
Lest anyone dismiss this notion as fanciful, I recommend they do due diligence in research of infra-red photography used to image plasma effects. Most pointedly, this work was pioneered by Trevor James Constable and described in detail with associated imagery in his classic book, “The Cosmic Pulse of Life”.
Constable’s use of infrared to capture images of UFOs and other anomalous entities and plasmoid events was independently corroborated by Luciano Borrone in Italy, and by the East European engineer Florin Georghitza in Romania. Both captured numerous stunning images of plasmoid processions (UFOs) by means of simple infra-red cameras. It is thus hardly irrational to assume that infrared photography could make visible the otherwise undetectable trajectories of laser DEW hits on ground targets.
A bit of history
As early as 2007, Northrop Grumman (Los Angeles, CA) and Textron Defense Systems (Wilmington, MA) both demonstrated 100 kW output from competing diode-pumped solid-state lasers. The sponsor of these tests was the Joint High Power Solid State Laser Program (JHPSSL) at the Air Force Research Laboratory (Kirtland AFB, NM).
The goals was to show that such solid-state lasers could meet the requirements needed for battleground operational power.
Diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers were already a prime objective for battlefield application. “We firmly believe that directed energy is going to revolutionize the way we fight wars,” announced Dan Wildt, at that time director of business development for directed energy systems at Northrop Grumman.
Source:, Jeff Hecht, 05/01, 2007
The enemy is whoever stands in the way of progress
Who is the enemy these weapons are being aimed at? What we are now seeing is that it is not so much the specter of a hostile foreign power so much as the ordinary citizen who finds himself in the cross hairs. Any person, collective or community, who stands in the way of progress towards the New World Order.
Recent posting by Breggin Alerts and Mark Crispin Miller highlight the interpretation that the fires in the Palisades have a distinct developmental goal: conversion of key areas to construct smart cities in time for the next Olympics. The devastation heaped upon Lahaina was linked with similar motives.
DEWs then become simply the military arm of pure corporate predation.
Or is is that simple? If AI is part of this, and if AI, as I have already explained, stands as much for Alien Intelligence as it does for Artificial Intelligence, then the activation of robotic kill switches may herald an unanticipated loss of control at the switchboard level. Be that as it may, the use of DEWs to plunder and pillage, smart city development in assigned areas, building up 6G and the Internet of Bodies as critical Matrix infrastructure, all represent component parts of an AI networked system. Quite obviously this includes fabricated public health emergencies and ongoing EUAs to fast forward the agenda.
What can be done?
The beginning of positive change relies on creating, and amplifying, shifts in awareness. As dark as things currently are, more and more people are gradually waking up. Amplifying such shifts in awareness is helped by the work of courageous people on substack. Will it be enough? That is an unanswerable question and perhaps one that should not even be posed. Defeatism and fatalism are two words for exactly the same thing. Accepting the tragic nature of our reality does not equate to surrendering to something that should not be. It means holding more powerfully to what should and could be. That only comes from staying true to the light of the spirit, a light higher up in the heavens and ultimately far more powerful than any satellite directed DEW system.
'staying true to the light of the spirit, a light higher up in the heavens and ultimately far more powerful than any satellite directed DEW system.'
Well said Dr. Corrin and true. Unfortunately, more attacks on us to come.
I read years ago that LED bulbs were health destroying. I tried to find out info on them on the negative info. Its always the same thing...when it comes to money-making technology hide the side effects.