'staying true to the light of the spirit, a light higher up in the heavens and ultimately far more powerful than any satellite directed DEW system.'

Well said Dr. Corrin and true. Unfortunately, more attacks on us to come.

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Unfortunately, yes.

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As always so perfectly captured, your closing statement is sublime truth. Resonates well at this time. Much gratitude is felt.

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Thank you, much appreciated.

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I read years ago that LED bulbs were health destroying. I tried to find out info on them on the Internet...no negative info. Its always the same thing...when it comes to money-making technology hide the side effects.

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Yes. Deceit for profit. Same old story.

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Ah! Dr. Corrin!! Again!! You end with the essential point.

My Substack has largely focused on the Gaza Genocide. I had no intention of writing much nor focusing upon anything. Yet, when my emotional response prompted me to write, the impulse has been conditions and violence perpetrated in Gaza. No greater moral question faces the world at large today than whether or not an individual speaks about Gaza.

Such inquiries sent me into lengthy investigations. The terrifying conclusion to which I've arrived within the last month or so involves how highly developed the AI-driven extinction is. The fires you describe are "undeclared" war on civilian populations.

Israel doesn't merely use AI to develop targets; their systems are run and interlocked via AI. AI can terminate a mission in a bombing or tank deployment to redirect them to a Hamas enclave nearer to them. This sophistication remains the sole reason so many Palestinian civilians have been exterminated. Note that drones swoop down upon children as they attempt to get up from a near-by bomb blast targeting their chests and heads as reported by surgeons who have extracted a cube-like drone bullet from them. This is AI.

I would direct the reader to Russian actions in Ukraine with drones stalking citizens (both sides have committed atrocities). My Substacks document and reference these events. I see this type of stalking in the future of this century.

I've equally come to the conclusion that the U.S., who has placed themselves to look inadequate or unclear at times on the world stage (Afghanistan withdrawal), is actually a deadly monolith who initiates these enterprises. Vatican=religious center; City of London=financial center; Washington, D.C.=military center from satanic ritual survivors. All three areas are technically not apart of their countries but remain independent geographical centers.

Here's my conclusion from the Middle East and what we've seen thus far which tallies with your conclusion.

The "Greater Middle East Plan" is well underway. Note the very telling CENTCOM=U.S. Central Command. The U.S. military has divided the world geographically into "Unified Combatant Commands" with 4 "functional commands"=special operations; transportation; strategic command (also known as "force multiplier"); cyber command.

Central Command isn't called "Middle Eastern Command" nor "East Asian Command." North America is called "Northern Command" and South America is called "Southern Command." Europe through Russia is called "European Command." The very center of the Middle East and Arabian peninsula is called "Central Command." It controls the wide continental masses of Russia; Africa; and East Asia. Scroll down for a picture which gives a clear idea of future one-world government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_combatant_command

The reason Palestinians must be exterminated with Israelis replacing them as a population is because they're not a civilization currently desired by One-world Government. They want people like the Israelis who are fascinated by and developing AI systems; hybrid humans; smart cities; etc. In fact, they've already sold AI systems to **over 50 countries** based upon "their proven effectiveness" in Gaza. As you say: "Be that as it may, the use of DEWs to plunder and pillage, smart city development in assigned areas, building up 6G and the Internet of Bodies as critical Matrix infrastructure, all represent component parts of an AI networked system."

Qatar and Saudi Arabia are currently tolerated with their megalithic hyper-modern cities and willingness, as evidenced by the NOEM (currently vastly downsized) project proposed by S.A., to undertake NWO plans and projects. If they become less enthusiastic, they will be eliminated.

Palestinian culture focuses on traditional human pursuits. They grow crops on their land such as cultivating and harvesting olives. They live as humans have lived for centuries. They are connected to the land. Their spirit or life force is connected to the land.

AI demands disconnection to planet Earth because AI in 3D plans dominion in the solar system and beyond (an impossibility but another comment). Such people are a detriment to anything NWO. The West Bank will follow. Israel will finish with much more of Syria...which is gone. Next target is, of course, Persia or Iran. We will see. The Greater Middle East carves up Iran.

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An accurate analysis. Tragically. Yet at the same time there are agencies involved at levels beyond the seen. The rules of life and our genetic code, not just the boundaries of nations, are being deleted and re-written. We know what is coming. Pursuit of complete NWO hegemony is under central command of AI itself. This is far more than "artificial" intelligence.

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Yes, Dr. Corrin, you're correct. I "see" this scenario in the future. I also "see" the causes people are making to place themselves in that future. Karma is subtle and not the "tit for tat" interpretation so many people spout these days (which is actually based on a dualism of evil and good as apparent in the Abrahamic religions which structure so much of Western thinking today).

The test at that time will be how to subvert an AI which will divorce spiritual consciousness from the individual before birth. I want to cry inside when I think of this development.

Funny how our "higher selves" always direct us in our search for truth. I've never been interested in satanic ritual survivors (although much interested in MKUltra) but recently encountered one who piqued my interest. I also began questioning whether or not my understanding through Buddhism on evil was sufficient so was already predisposed to investigate the true mechanics of such torture; the purpose; the methods; etc. in correlation with the proposal of evil.

I wanted to see their viewpoint. You must know your enemy. I then noted that such deeply disturbed individuals can, at points in their lives, come "awake" and abandon such lives. Of course, they're shattered individuals and have a long road to recovery.

Individuals born during the time period AI rules will have the challenge to awaken from a game heavily stacked against them--AI-sanctioned life. One survivor to whom I listened said that the "Illuminati" (or whomever you like to call them) have known for a long while how suggestible the fetus is. They program the fetus in multigenerational ritual abuse. AI with drugs and artificial environments (virtual reality intersecting with "reality" as we see today with some people wearing AI glasses) will do the same only the human will be engineered and won't wear glasses. The "humans" born at that time will have an incredibly difficult challenge.

Of course, I always return to Steiner. Perhaps these people are the ones who volunteered to undergo the evolution humankind needs for the next level. Perhaps they're a particular subset of souls. (I was intrigued that Steiner revealed a group of souls came through the Sun which abrogates some necessary training here.)

Ahriman (AI) is an impulse within the human as is Lucifer. The human simply needs to develop so that they master these impulses rather the impulses mastering them.

Apple wants me to download their helpful AI called Apple Intelligence which they've thoughtfully placed on my computer. I had a good chuckle. To refuse is a cause. To accept is a cause.

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Yes, very perceptive remarks. You are spot on, in my view, as to the major role of karma in the current unfolding. Karma is nonlinear and far more complex and than the common prejudice, the tit-for-tat, color by numbers nonsense. Karma both predates and postdates our current collective predicament. Yes, there will be giant challenges and struggles afoot in the coming epoch. Survivors have important stories to tell us, just like the myths and soothsayers of old, they are both surreal and hyper-real. Since the unreal is now the death-trap of fallen consciousness ruled over by AI, awakening us from the slumber of slaves into potential liberation will require smelling salts, not chloroform.

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I just came from a Substack where they're touting that Hamas "won" over Israel in this latest conflagration. I left a searing post. My Substacks have been examining this war in detail. This war was the beta test for future AI wars. Israel has exterminated, imo, 150,000-200,000 Gaza residents--some Hamas fighters but mostly civilians. People like fairy tales and like to believe 40,000+.

Over 50 countries have contacted Israel for information on their AI systems which are now being sold and advertised as "tested in Gaza."

How foolish people are!!! AI drove the Gaza War and extermination. My concluding sentence was that human life has always been cheap but now far cheaper. People didn't pay attention, Dr. Corrin. They simply didn't investigate and pay attention. No one stopped Israel. Israel was on the path to exterminate or "ethnically cleanse" Gaza. This cleansing in no way resembles the cleansing of the past when humans did so. This involved rapid strikes with coordinated weapon systems to fire instantaneously. This war involved deliberately targeting children. No one was immune, for there was no human element involved.

I'm infinitely relieved and glad that the atrocity will cease but astounded that people can only retreat to their usual biases and responses when this war has revealed everything.

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"The Beta test for future AI wars." Yes, but I think you mean, more precisely, a beta test for forthcoming battlefield operations, as we are all in some way now in this AI war that is in "deep learning" mode. Drone marauding is also occurring on a smaller scale in Ukraine although not yet upgraded into full-on, it seems. The parts for the Ukrainian drones are made in China whilst the CCP openly supports Ukraine's nemesis, Russia. Meanwhile, Russia willingly accepts emaciated and untrained N. Korean soldiers to serve as frontline cannon fodder, or rather, drone fodder. These dead men walking have no choice in the matter obviously. Kim and DJT "fell in love", apparently, according to the man himself, the father of the jab and warpspeed. China supports N. Korea, substantially. China incarcerates its entire western non-Han population in a massive surveillance matrix. The Gazans were slaughtered en masse, as you say, to sell Israeli AI weapons on the global market. The killing fields, and numbers slaughtered proved they were "safe and effective". Enough said. Thank you for having a strong human conscience.

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I'm going to write another Substack soon which will further explore AI as an integrated weapons system against humanity. In my mind, no difference any longer exists between "battlefield operations" and civilians. The perversity is staggering. As we remove soldiers from harm's way, we place civilians squarely in the scope's sight as legitimate fodder for destruction. Russia has drone-stalked and fired upon civilians in Kherson.

Have both sides used drones to create havoc on civilians in the Russo-Ukraine conflict? Of course. The Moscow attack by Ukraine targeted civilians in apartments just like in Gaza.

I've never been much interested in dystopian movies or shows so I'm way behind this curve. To my mind, however, people must awaken and realize that the distinction between civilians and war participants no longer exists. Governments are using these drones on civilians (noncombatants), and this type of thinking can easily be switched to their own citizens.

If Gaza should have taught us anything, we should know by now that no limit exists in extinction of people. This dangerous line has been crossed, but people are distracted and asleep and speak at length of dystopia without realizing they've entered those boundaries.

I provide a few links for those interested and to support my contentions.

From "Al Jezeera":

"They started flying dozens of drones in south Ukraine to follow cars and people in a video game-like chase. They have dropped explosives on civilian targets, wreaking havoc, according to Ukrainian officials.

In November and December, at least 16 people died in these attacks, while 144 were injured, local officials said.

According to city council estimates, while in June only 5 percent of injuries and deaths were caused by drones and the rest by artillery and missiles, six months later in December 2024, drones were responsible for 60 percent of attacks against civilians."

Link: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2025/1/16/russians-in-kherson-train-on-civilians-deadly-drones-stalk-south-ukraine

Link with most widespread video supporting the targeting of civilians:


Link: BBC-confirmed footage of drone explosives dropped on Kherson citizens: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c207gz7key6o

Link: From "The Moscow Times": "Ukraine's Kherson Target in Months-Long Russian Drone Campaign": https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/12/04/ukraines-kherson-targeted-in-months-long-russian-drone-campaign-ft-a87223

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Seeing the 20k ft view is essential to understanding all the elements of their control grid of plantation earth.

Your short essay harmonizes with my thoughts- thanks!!

Ps. Honey bees buzz at 532 hz and are in harmony with love of life…

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This is simply a wonderful, positive and helpful essay and if l may, I agree 100% with your way to the summerize of the situation anfolding around the world and the WAY OUT imho is to NOT COMPLY AT ANY COST, what ever happen even if you loose everything, situation, life... Because what is in preparation is far, far worse than the actual situation.

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Thank you for your comments and your insight. Also for your noble sentiment "Do not comply."

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Are you aware of ANY infrared footage of the LA fires?

Also, what is Biden saying here:


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Well, his meds aren’t “normal” meds. We possibly have a glitch in the matrix here. They are fumbling, and can’t even control a senile brain enough to prevent it from “leaking”. That would represent, for them, his AI handlers, “a senior moment from hell.” Probably the AI algorithms haven’t yet figured out how dementia actually works and some of their input synapses are backfiring on them. The only other feasible explanation is that this iteration was planned in some kind of surrogate gleeful admission scene. Either of the two versions is plausible in today’s hall of mirror “reality”. Main point to take away here is: flagrant admission by POTUS that citizens were put inside a war zone where DEW was used on them. Period.

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Not yet. The claim was made by TJ. Perhaps some evidence will show up. They may have some already. I will check out your link.

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Positive is as positive does - I shall remain positive, without holding my breath.

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You radiate immense positivity whilst never for a moment shying away from seeing what lies all around and before us.

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Thank you - For your encouraging words.

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From what I've uncovered beyond the many layers of deception and information overload, the entire point of dialectical clashes is to ultimately induce a false perception of reality where objective good is perceived as evil and objective evil perceived as good. No wonder you also have FBI/Zionist-organized "alt-right" psyops co-opting any criticism of the liberal/MSM narrative so that the SPLC apparatus then seizes upon this to slander all "right-wingers" and "conspiracy theorists" by falsely equivocating them with neo-Nazis.

Personally I'm inclined to believe the woke liberal idiots at CA deserve this kind of judgment for their atrocious repeat reckless stupidity endangering their neighbors, though this year *has* also started off with a pattern of psyop manipulation... wouldn't be surprised if these wildfires are intentionally set off by NWO agents to lend credence to climate change scaremongering so Pope Francis at some point conveniently publishes a well-timed encyclical (or even a papal bull, the LORD God knows) saying "we need to all rest on Sunday to reduce climate change so these wildfires will stop."

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The main point of all this dialectical subterfuge is confluence of deceit to disseminate ubiquity of illusion. This benefits exclusively the ubermensch which is now a robot entity and no longer human. Inside the historical petri dish, neonazism and judeonazism formed tendrils, entangling as one. `Supposedly antithetical, they grew up in symbiosis. They proliferated, exchanging energies. Who, or what, placed the necessary growth factor inside of this petri dish? A specific state of consciousness: the perverse satanic hubris of believing oneself "the elect". This then transferred to AI as overlord through obeisance to technocracy in classic Mephistophelian mode.

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I have Geo Engineering already on my Email after watching some Highwire Episode. Excellent post. You remind me of Dr. Daniel Nagase.

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Thank you Paul. I imagined you would be familiar with Dane Wiggington's site already. Dr. Daniel Nagase is intelligent and deeply philosophical in his interpretation of our current reality.

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Excellent article. So well written and your final points, beautiful. ❤️ Thank you, especially for the closing statement ✨🌹

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Thank you. I very much appreciate your response.

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You're most welcome ❤️ have wonderful day Nicholas 🌹

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You too!

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Is this Eminent domain (land grab) using plausible deniability (secret) weaponry and human incompetent scapegoats (DEI and Democrats) how this all boils down to? Better be prepared to run for your life at anytime, nobody is safe if that is the unofficial way of change.

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I salute you Dr. Corriin.

Always posting relevant information.

Unfortunately we (biological life forms) are rapidly running out of time. Planet Earth is loosing its ability to sustain life. Everything from microbes to primates are dying at an alarming rate.

Can we correct course? I don't know!

Even if all the assaults against us ended today, it would take decades if not longer, for the planet to recover. Not to mention all the life forms already lost, never to return.

Does that mean the cause is hopeless?

Of course not. As long as we have breath we must strive for a solution.

Never give up.

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Thank you for your sentiments. Yes, to give up is to give in. Did you know about the Russian/Ukrainian pyramids made of fiberglass? They used to be numerous in that region before the outbreak of war? Reports indicate that the energy fields generated from their particular design and shape irradiated into the surrounding fields. This field effect both detoxified them of gmos and even brought back to life certain species of plants that had previously been extinct?

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I had not heard of the Ukrainian pyramids. Thank you for sharing.

They're are so many things about this place that we do not know or understand. Ancient knowledge intentionally destroyed or covered up and hidden. History rewritten to serve the controllers and keep humanity in the dark. The awakening has begun and is growing. Very interesting days are ahead.

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Indeed. Glad to be on the same wavelength.

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I have a Question, I know this is off topic. However when looking at the Cancer Tumor Protocol, it appears as though the dosage of 1mg ivermectin/ kg body weight is very high. Is that the correct dosage?Additionally a drug that was very inexpensive has become very expensive and much harder to acquire. I understand that in the event a person is diagnosed with cancer. The protocol is much less expensive than chemotherapy.

However if you are approaching it as a preventative measure, not so much. Do you have a source that offers ivermectin at a low cost?

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The standard dosing is 0.2mg/kg for prevention and 0.4mg/kg active cancer. There are different results achieved depending upon the type f cancer cells and the formulation of the IVM according to latest research. Dr. William Makis is an authority in this area. If you are considering cancer prevention in general or due to effects of the bioweapon itself, there are multiple things to consider. There are also different preventive protocol options.

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Thank you,

Is Dr. William Maki's on substance?

0.2 - 0.4 mg/kg sounds much more reasonable. When a little is good more isn't necessary better.

I've always believed that all things in moderation is the best policy.

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Always discern the chaff from the wheat!

Substack has been infiltrated!

Go back 20 years and ZH went thru the same metamorphosis. Plenty of snake oil for naive and unsuspecting…

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There is a guy in India that hasn’t eaten drank or shit for 60 years. When one realizes the possibilities that are everywhere for the taking change happens. That is why the educational system is contrived by a few terrified souls. A Mexican Opthamologist figures the guy is photosynthesizing with the melanin. Doc solis created lamps that work with melanin

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It is known that melanin receptors on the skin collect magnet energy which goes to the substantia nigra in the brain.

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Have you heard about doc solis?

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Not sure who you are speaking of. In what respect do you ask about him?

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