That's a HELL ofva proboscis!

This shit has been going on for years - WAY back in the 80's, I treated a client with a wolf spider bite; Same sort of installation of eggs into the unsuspecting host. This client, nearly lost his leg, in that he waited too long to get treatment: Reason being, he did not trust the modern day ding-a-ling, to do or know, the right course of action.

Much causation regarding the Dr.s ignorance, is many years of inDOCtrination!!!

Moral of the story: Do not let your common, third eye, sense - stand in the way of tried n true Creator given gifts.

~Blessings friends; Go with love n Light

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The third eye is our prize asset. It can never be conquered , led astray or defeated.

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Unles, it is conquered, led astray or defeated by a mRNAjab, lies, chemicals, food, and the list appear - ENDLESS!

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The third eye itself cannot be poisoned, infiltrated or deflected by such things. But the third eye must be activated and developed over many years to have this degree of strength. Also, the third eye relies upon healthy vibrations of the body which are indeed susceptible to being distorted by all those synthetic, evil things . So the body must be vigilantly defended and kept clean in order for the beam emitted from the third eye to be maintained in all its potency. This is no easy matter and requires the attitude of a warrior together with a scholar.

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Well put - Thank you!

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OH crrrrap - It just dawned on me, Clause wishes for us to eat Zeeee bugzzz (my mouth puckers into a sizable spitting motion, as I feign yacking). Not unless there is dark chocolate involved. Even then, it dozzz not appeal to me to eat Z human bugz!


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Exactly so. Graphene is made from chitosan, and chitosan is a molecule made by heating chitin. And chitin is what is found in large amounts in the shells of insects. So as you can see, Zerr izz a method to zerr Madnesss.

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Yes Zir - I believe you to be spot on!

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

"To become a young global leader you must demonstrate significant talent for deception together with subservience, sneakiness, and low moral character."

OH Darn - I shall never become one of them, then!

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Haha, no I didn't think you had the right attributes for that. I don't either. Too bad for us

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Yes, we got rejected, that was a narrow escape. They might have wanted us to join them :)

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Or, Creator forbid, we may have changed the world into a better place in which to be human; knowing how to live, love, laugh and be truly united.

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We can still accomplish that vision for the future if we hold the resonance in our hearts. It helps to be in the presence of animals. No, more than helps, it is absolutely vital. We will never be truly human without our animal friends beside us.

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Walking the "wheel", dancing the dance, loving.

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This my friend, is the essence of life - As we are, (should be) one with the animals.

We compliment one to the other. We teach, grow, love together.

Blessings ~

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May 24Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin


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Yes, very true, sad to say, not just in the obvious case of "Metamorphosis", but also "The Castle" and "The Trial". I will be delving more deeply into all of this material in future posts. The use of chitin and chitosan as graphene precursors will be explained as metamorphogenic elements in the Gates driven food engineering chain etc.

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Dr N C N - Every attempt was made to connect with you personally - Apparently, you have not yet engaged this portion of substack. Blessings ~

Sincerely, Dr N D N

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Please check your chat for a response.

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We should ALL, be speaking from the experience of the past - Understanding, not letting go of the love of life and what matters to go there. Being real, using the mind, resource and past as a catalyst to a brighter future for all.

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Yes, our past, our roots, our ancestors, our heritage, we are nothing without them. The past is the vital blood supply for the present. Without due reverence for the past, our present and future become sick and soulless. The brightness of any possible future depends entirely upon our remembering and honoring our past.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

Agreed - However Nicholas, we are on the precipice of yet another past with no story. Something quite difficult to get passed, recognize past, or able to get by, to a future based upon, no past story, our burial of the past truth, of our story - All, as a result of HIS-tory rewritten, of what they want and believe to be our past.

Bless you

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True. They have falsified the real past into HIS story, eliminating all possibilities of THE story. Their goal has always been to reduce everything to money and rubble . And in their wastefulness they themselves have become trapped inside their own fabric of lies. The vanquishers are caught up in decay and indolence. They have fallen prey to powers they cannot see or control, dark powers which are eating them up from inside. We are now on a precipice because they have destroyed the ground underfoot we all stand on.

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However, there is an up side to the ending - We, those who truly are meek, shall inherit the Earth!

Eradication and education will be our labor. Our laboring will be for our children's children. Therefore, not labor at all, but one of love. A love that will endure for many generations to follow.

May you sleep well my friend ~ Gnight.

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