This post will disclose some recent chapters of my story.
photo credit: Oskar Kadaksoo
Personal revelations are provided here simply as assists to focus your own lens.
First of all, this:
We have full rights and obligations as to our own views. We are, ironically enough, condemned to be free. To be free is at the same time to accept full responsibility for our actions proceeding from that freedom.
No one should ever try to censor anyone else by declaring what is off boundaries in the way of thought, or vision. By the same token, no-one should naively assume they are not personally responsible for their own thoughts and whatever actions proceed from them.
What about those folk who hide out in reasonableness? Those who seek security by staying on the sidelines? Those who do not care enough to risk anything of what they possess in order to serve a higher principle?
Their choice is spurious. Inaction and indifference are not viable options in real life. In the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer:
“Silence in the face of evil, is evil.”
Bonhoeffer also said:
“Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating.”
In order not to be in judgment, but to love, and in order not to stand passively by on the sidelines, we need above all to see.
What is it that we need to see?
What is actually there.
That said, seeing is no simple act. Sight is not just about reception, it is also about projection. Rays of energy emerge directly from our minds via our eyes, imprinting themselves upon the world, impacting people and objects, altering things for good or ill. And most of what surrounds us is not directly perceptible to our senses, even less so to our easily distracted minds.
How to see things more clearly? First of all, pull away from what you think you already know. Maybe what you believe is accurate, maybe it is not. Quieten your mind and be prepared to question without reacting emotionally to whatever emerges. What you will realize is that the world around you and the world within you are not distinct at all. Inner and outer can in no way be separated.
We are surrounded by enormous amounts of grey noise. Such noise is both electromagnetic and psycho-dynamic. This noise is composed of waveforms. Waves of opinion, counter opinion, misinformation and disinformation. Such waves move upon a sea of emotional discontent, desire and rage. Gallon upon gallon of this stuff spews forth from our collective unconscious. It is a precious fuel gathered, processed and re-distributed by social media and its overlords at Big Tech.
Small wonder so many people feel exhausted, harried, unable to trust, both overwhelmed and underwhelmed. It’s a giant mess we find ourselves in.
Malefic forces know how to utilize these chaotic waves to their own dark ends. They have zero interest in our awakening as it would signal a rapid end to their power.
Abstractions and speculation never resolve anything. Only words from actual experience, spoken from a beating human heart have any power to guide, or to heal.
The universe itself is a sea of vibrations. Cosmic interactions can either be resonant or dissonant. Resonance is supportive of life. Dissonance promotes death and decay.
How do we move together from dissonance (divide and conquer) into resonance?
We need to stop arguing, fighting, hating, criticizing endlessly. Negativity never gave birth to anything except for more negativity. That is not to say that whoever is responsible for doing great harm must not be identified and held accountable. It is to say that this alone is not enough. There must be a deeper change to move out of an impasse.
Let’s recall what Bonhoeffer said:
“Judging others makes us blind, love alone is illuminating.”
The cosmos pulses with a limitless supply of energy. Pulses of this energy allowed terrestrial life to emerge within our dimension. It also allowed other species to translocate from one dimension to another. Such shapeshifters now move amongst us for the most part unobserved and unseen. And they do not have benign intentions.
These entities have advanced knowledge about pulsed energy technology.
Let’s remember that all life is synonymous with pulsation: just think of your radial artery. Why does your doctor check that one vital sign before any other?
However, in the wrong hands, pulsed energy is deadly. We are now all at risk from DEWs. Directed energy weapons are, in the simplest of terms, forms of pulsed energy. Such pulses, when of great amplitude, create unbelievable amounts of destruction in mere seconds as we have seen at Paradise, Lahaina, and before that, 911.
Pulsed energy weapons also move at lower scales and amplitudes to target our cells via 5G, optogenetics, and other tech weaponry.
Similarly, lower amplitude pulsed energy waves are being aimed at our subconscious. This is how malefic beings infiltrate the psyche of millions of humans, controlling them from within. Humans become possessed, or robotized. Yet the ultimate source for this invisible remote control lies not outside but deep within us. Just as WBAN uses human electromagnetic energy to fuel implanted nanorobots and nanocircuits, so psychological mining by alien entities makes use of our mental and emotional energy to transform us into compliant and servile robots.
Today’s War of the Worlds is not happening externally. It is happening internally. It is occurring within what we call “consciousness”. Some speak of this as 5th and 6th generation warfare. This is correct, but we also need to understand that our true enemies are not human, they are alien.
There will be no coming invasion from “outer space”, no mass arrival of alien craft to take over the planet. There is, by contrast, an ongoing invasion occurring within “inner space”. It is from the inner recesses of the mind that we are now being threatened with extinction.
Who is doing this to us? There are several entity species, groups and players not of this dimension. Humans colluding and collaborating with these entities are traitors to our species. Some of them are no longer fully human. Their fate is no longer in their own hands, though they might believe otherwise.
So far, very few leading voices in the “truth-telling” movement really understand this all the way down to the inner core. If we are to find a way out of our existential threat, we need to look closely at our psychic landscape. It is not enough to peer frantically at contaminated blood samples under microscopes and seek for helpful substances to eradicate self-assembling nanotech. Yes, of course, the overarching goal of the plandemic(s), chemtrails and every heinous intervention in between has been the installation of such malefic hardware.
But if we possess a kryptonite against this encroaching evil, it consists of our soul energy, not physical stuff.
It may prove to be a long, drawn out struggle. How then to create a lifeline so that the lamp waiting in the future will not be extinguished by our weakness?
The destination point fueled by the PEG, hydrogel, graphene oxide derivatives and other nano-muck is the so-called “singularity”. The point at which homo sapiens morphs into a cyborg.
But software for such a transhumanist takeover ultimately relies on more than synbio implants, electromagnetic data trawling of our neural pathways and their replacement with externally generated command-and-control systems.
Neural data trawl and replacement is only possible when the human submits at a soul level. The soul is a bulwark that transhumanism cannot breach unless it yields willingly.
How to fortify this bulwark?
We must first detect then remove all mental and spiritual pollution within our psyche. At the same time we must identify and activate the immense spiritual resources lying dormant within us. This requires profound self-honesty. Some call this prayer.
There are many ways to pray.
This is what Mary Oliver says about praying in one of her poems, The Summer Day:
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
Personally, I have a need for silence as great as the need for food. Silence allows me to hear inaudible sounds. Silence itself emits a kind of “sound”.
Photo credit: truthseeker08
Perhaps harmony would be a better word for this sound. Harmony, what the ancient Greeks called συγχορδία, invokes the kind of calm energy we find hovering upon a lake.
photo credit: Birger Strahl
Silence and harmony give rise to the plashing of waterfowl and buzz of dragonflies.
photo credit: David Clode
Silence gives wings to the wind and to the flight overhead of scudding clouds.
At least it did, back in the day when clouds were still uncontaminated by chemtrails!
Last, but not least, silence is required for warriors to garner inner strength and for the spirit to grow wings. These inner organs can lead us to ultimate victory over evil and the forces of darkness.
photo credit: Aitac
Nike is not just the name of an American sneaker company.
Nike means “victory” in Greek.
The Earth is now in peril, attacked by alien invaders. The Earth is where we are. It is our Earth, a sacred place we share with all the other critters the great Father Spirit (or however you choose to name such a Being) placed here. This Earth is our home, our greater body. Actually a good part of our soul is co-extensive with the Earth’s soul. We need to defend our home and our presence here with all we are worth. We are teetering now on the knife’s edge. Shall we fall, or shall we muster the courage and wisdom to prevail?
This is what happened to me recently.
For weeks during the spring I had a gnawing sense of foreboding.
Then, in late May, my wife flew to New York where a violent assault left her beaten up and brain damaged in an unknown location. At first, no one knew where she was or what had happened. I flew out there as soon as I found out she was at the ER in Jamaica Queens. That hospital prematurely discharged my wife without a care in the world even though she at that point could barely stand up or speak. She had no recent memory and no idea in which country she lived or what kind of building she was in. They diagnosed her with skull fracture, subdural hematomas and altered mental state. They made no attempt to examine why she was in such a condition. After leaving that hospital and following one day of initial improvement, she deteriorated into a full-on manic state, with seizures and loss of bladder function. I had no choice but to call EMS and have her admitted to another ER in uptown Manhattan. I stayed at my wife’s bedside in that second hospital for over a week. She had multiple deep contusions on her limbs, besides the skull fracture, cerebral edema and atrophy: clear signs of brain damage.
At the second hospital, however, the medical team was clearly in the grip of some kind of madness. Instead of treating my wife as a victim of a sadistic assault, they pivoted to Fauci-think. They “saw” her condition of “altered mental state” as resulting from infectious disease. They were surreally, totally blind to the presenting reality. Under the influence of their delusional compulsion, they “treated” her empirically (aggressively) for bacterial and viral meningitis plus other suspected infections instead of tending to her actual trauma.
There was zero clinical evidence for any such infection.
They completely ignored the severe mental anguish she was in.
Their mission to attack non-existent infectious organisms by harsh procedures was unstoppable by reason or logic on my part. Constant “testing”, harsh fluorescent lights day and night, complete lack of privacy, barking commands by thuggish nurse assistants with obvious anger management problems…altogether, this “standard of care” significantly reinforced my wife’s acute psychological and physiological trauma.
Like insatiable junkies, the medical team insisted on infusing massive amounts of antivirals and antibiotics as well as polyethylene glycol into her inflamed body and brain.
I was finally able, only after a huge persistent effort, fighting and arguing, to pull the plug on all this poisoning and get her the hell out of there.
It took me over 3 1/2 hours to get them to discharge her. They really didn’t want to let her out of their clutches.
In their follow up plan, they wanted her to receive at least ten different “vaccinations”.
How so?
Well, it is obvious that “medical murder” does not come only via Remdesivir or Midazolam. There are myriad ways to depopulate.
The original assault itself was by unknown assailants. I summoned NYPD while at the hospital where, as I have said, the doctors were operating in some parallel universe of illogic and insanity. When the cops arrived on the 7th floor, all the white coats suddenly disappeared.
However, later on, once the coast was clear and all the cops had left, things went back to the way they were before. Even the presence of NYPD officers investigating a criminal assault did not get those white coats to budge from their Fauci-think. How programmed were they? Who, or what, was programming them? What role does AI play in all this?
A detective from the Queens Special Victims Squad got on the case. However, because my wife’s memory of her assault was at that time wholly inaccessible due to PTSD, we could not identify the perpetrators. Most importantly, we had to get out of New York city and fly her back home so that she could heal.
That was almost three months ago. I am pleased to be able to say that, with the special protocol I have her on, she has made outstanding progress. In real medicine, healing results from the study of nature, not from prescribing drugs.
Back home here in Switzerland, I continued on with my own research. I found a very dubious cover up story by the owners of the airbnb where she was originally picked up by EMS. There were all sorts of contradictory statements in their records, but no hard evidence of primary malfeasance.
Who, or what, was behind the original assault? Why had my wife (and through her, myself) been targeted? What were they trying to interfere with? And why did the hospital protocols effectively continue the momentum of the assault instead of remedying it?
From beginning to end, the entire series of interlinked episodes from the original assault to the insane antics at the hospital implies satanic forces.
One single fact sums this up: a three digit number.
The number of pages in the medical records released by the hospital (basically just repetitive gibberish, distortions of data, poor interpretation of lab results, and lies about what I had told them) was…take a wild guess.
Yes, 666.
Pure coincidence? Or an overarching entity inscribing its unequivocal signature? Is this special numeric favored by AI and whoever AI’s handlers are?
Why, after all, was 060606 the patent application number chosen by Microsoft for its CBDC technology on March 26 2020, at the height of Covid lockdown and pandemic hysteria?
Let’s continue on a bit further with our investigation.
Michael Dowling is CEO of Northwell Health, the corporation which owns Lenox Hill “hospital” whose bizarre Fauci-think protocols I have just been describing. Northwell Health is the largest single employer in the whole of New York state! Mr. Dowling boasts that, with him at the wheel, Northwell’s health facilities were the very first to inoculate all their frontline staff with the Fauci-jab.
Did Dowling’s early jabbing strategy have palpable effects on the behavior of those doctors and nurses who were “treating” my wife?
“I just wanted to do it (i.e vaccinate the frontline staff) quickly because it’d give confidence to the staff and everybody else.” You can find his statement in a recorded interview on
Dowling is much enamoured of AI. In a 2022 article from entitled “Confessions of a dangerous health CEO”, the “pioneering, tech-forward” head honcho speaks of his admiration for artificial intelligence ~ and for tech in general. He gushes about “maximizing the role of AI” in healthcare settings. As for tech “it has always been a core part of the healthcare industry. I mean all you’ve got to do is go into any ICU or operating room and they are basically tech centers.”
Dowling’s aim is to extend the reach of tech way beyond those rooms into “customer relationship, patient relationship and …(wait for it)…remote monitoring.” (My emphasis.)
To sum up:
At that hospital I felt as though I was dealing with robots more than humans. Was I in fact bearing witness to effects of the jab on the minds, brains and behavior of the staff?
And what does all this have to do with support for the Ukrainian war effort? Isn’t Ukraine intended to become a tech hub using Microsoft technology once things “settle down”? What are the operational forces and entities linking all these events?
(I am not sure to whom credit is due for the photo above. It shows President Zelensky meeting with Northwell CEO Michael Dowling on an official visit to Staten Island “to express his gratitude to Northwell for its aid to Ukraine.”)
But why would bit players in geopolitics and regime change have any role in messing with individuals to get them brain damaged, or otherwise rendered inactive?
To answer such a question one must first understand the fluid relationship between AI and maleficent aliens, or demonic forces. AI, after all, stands as much for Alien Intelligence as Artificial Intelligence.
That is not my opinion, it is my observation.
Just read this quote from Yuval Noah Harari’s latest book, “Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI”:
“Traditionally, the term “AI” has been used as an acronym for artificial intelligence. But it is perhaps better to think of it as an acronym for alien intelligence. As AI evolves, it becomes less artificial (in the sense of depending on human designs) and more alien. Many people try to measure and even define AI using the metric of “human-level intelligence”, and there is a lively debate about when we can expect AI to reach it. This metric is deeply misleading. It is like defining and evaluating planes through the metric of “bird-level flight”. AI isn’t progressing towards human-level intelligence. It is evolving an alien type of intelligence.”
There exists no secure membrane between artificial and alien intelligence. To the contrary, the one is “evolving” into the other.
This means, no less, that the esoteric realm of occult entities and alien species will increasingly intermingle with human affairs as AI advances.
The number 666 is ascribed to satanic forces. Things not of the flesh, but “powers and principalities”. Such powers and principalities cannot be naively reduced to simplistic concepts of demons, but must include the reality of other species with designs on human life and freedom. The arrival of Big Tech in our lives, and the essential role it now plays in Big Medicine and in military affairs ~ which can no longer be dissociated the one from the other ~ implies that the ultimate beneficiary of all the horrors we are undergoing will not be human. It will be alien.
It is this that we must understand if we are to be able to make a concerted defense.
We should add a final note: possibly the most critical component of the technocratic takeover is what they call synthetic telepathy. Brain to computer interface, brain to brain interface, and so on. Obviously, this is to run the hive mind by fusing transhumanist technology with demonic possession and mind control.
What then, of natural telepathy? What about our dormant powers of the mind that our ancestors had in abundance and that we, entranced by all the gimmicks, have allowed to wither on the vine?
We are wise figures now reduced to drooling, jabbering fools. That is what we have become by surrendering to their malign influence. But it is not what we are.
If we humbly withdraw and re-awaken innate capabilities provided for humanity by the cosmos itself, energies will come to our aid from within.
Can we encourage others to do so?
Is it not high time to fundamentally, humbly, reconsider what a human being is deep inside? Not to just point despairingly towards our own demise? What we most imagine, what we feed with our beliefs, will come to be.
It is from the way we see that our future reality will emerge.
Without a fundamental trust in nature and in the divine, without a reawakening to what is truly beautiful, humanity will perish.
But with these qualities, we recover a cosmic tailwind: we remember our true reason for being here.
Also, I’m so very sorry you and your dear wife had that horrific experience with the dark side/ health system. There is a definite feeling of an evil vacuum that lost its prey. Positive prayers pushed your way to stop that sucker.
I had a most troubling interaction with a hospital administrator and her partner at of all places, my fruit stand. It was so weird as to be almost unrelatable. This was in 2021, and they were tourists. I looked up from tending my flowers to see a woman dressed in a designer yellow and black track suit “buzzing” around with her arms outstretched crooning to the multitude of bees. Very strange behavior at a fruit stand.
So I walked over to help them, and in the ensuing conversation found out she was a hospital CEO. She was quite discomfited when I expressed rejection for the v*cc*ne. Her partner came up and demonstrated his superior intelligence with a vicious attitude. He put his face close to mine, and used his hand 👌 to show an infestiminal space between his forefinger and thumb. He squinted his eyes at me and said with a foreign accent “ You are this big.” ( meaning insignificantly small.). I didn’t show any emotion, and concluded he was in possession of some sort of knowledge about the pl*nd*mic, and wanted me to understand my