Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

Fascinating and somewhat illuminating.. Thank you..

My vision of the Future of Mankind is one of the fusion of the finest of the Occident and the finest of the Orient.. a highly developed rational mind committed to the highest purpose coupled with an equally highly developed Intuition.. found in a depth of Silence and Space.. This Human can sense danger from a great distance in its most subtle forms and uses thought like a surgeon uses a scalpel.. Constantly sterilized and sharpened by demanding ruthless honesty from oneself..

Thought is a material process and as such is always limited no matter how advanced.. Mankind for thousands of years has given thought based action preeminence.. traditional religious thought and prayer included.. again being a Material process these are limited actions..

The question then arrises How can the Truly Unlimited Act.. the Infinite Unknowable.. Act... if we are constantly on the transmitter spewing the limited... Thought no matter how well intended is LIMITED.. Prayer Included..

Mankind has persisted with this behavior for thousands of years and yet Here we are on the very Brink of exterminating our selves via a number of avenues, Nuclear, Military grade Global Psyop, etc.etc. No REAL Change..

Negation, Negation, Negation of the limited is the Way forward and Out of this Abyss..

Release from the KNOWN...the limited... where a wonderful Depth of Silence and Space contain the Answers to what is Right Action Now...

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In "The Power of Letting Go", I tried to provide the reader with a simple life approach based on this philosophy ("Don't-know-mind" as opposed to "Know-it-all-mind"). Perhpaps the original Taoism came closest to this in that it brought awareness of the Truly Unlimited right into the here and now (The Valley Spirits). The book I mention was written some twenty years ago and as we know, tragically, the world has rapidly cycled downward since then. The grip of predatory, parasitical algorithms enforced by non-human entities have worked to this effect and the nano-hardware for reformatting the base in increasingly in situ. The algorithms transmute a fluid and oscillatory dualism (Shiva-Shakti, Yin-Tang) into a fixed sclerotic one where graphene and quantum dots are in charge of information flow. What is the intellectual stranglehold and its concomitant neurotic defense mechanisms? It is fear of the Unlimited and subjugation to the Law of Entropy in the controlled subconscious mind. The prevailing mechano-mysticism maintains the grip of the parasitical geopolitical forces by disabling integration of the hemispheres. It reduces both science and religion to toxic by-products of primary ignorance. And it fails to perceive the 2nd "Law" of thermodynamics as nothing but a mechanical by product of the Steam Age. The paintings of JMW Turner from that time period , by contrast, evoke the swirl of free primary energies emerging from the "Depths of Silence and Space".

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Brilliant, thank you.. When I was 19 I had a Clear intuition that Machines were going to be abused against Humanity.. so yes The Complexity of this Global assault on Humanity is indeed daunting.. consequently it's vitally important we embrace Simplicity as we engage it..

Free of Time, Free of being a Thing of Thought we See and Act.. Now.. See and Act..Now. Awareness of Danger expands in the moment as needed.. Clearly revealing it's source from a distance.. when it comes from the right we move to the left.. etc. whether it's physical, mental, or spiritual it can be Exposed Clearly in the Now..

Anything can be SEEN Clearly from a depth of Silence and Space.. including Evil in it's most advanced form.. All machines including AI to the 15th power and its creations can be SEEN... Every machine that will Ever be created can be kept in a place of Service, kept completely in their place...

The skill required to negotiate this Earth Plane and nurture a Bona Fide reduction in Suffering is found in a Depth of Silence and Space..

This is Mankind's Opportunity.. We can Restore ourselves and the Earth

As the TAO stated ' after a period of Decay comes a Change...'

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Perfectly said! All complexity resolves in simplicity. Silence is source, stillness engenders vision. Simplicity brings us back to the center from which life emerges. Life is never killed, merely submerged. There is no sterility. Following decay, new flowers come. New expressions are created since change must come to be. The best change is the one we have not tampered with, the one that comes into being by itself and includes us as part of itself.

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Thank you for your thoughtful response. I will reply in due course.

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Sep 5Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

Such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. May you both continue to shine a Universal Divine Light :-) The cosmos ; true authenticity of our souls. No one can take that from us . We just need to know who we really are.

Much Respect!

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Thank you so much Dr. Deborah.

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Nicholas, Thank you for sharing your story. I realize how difficult this must have been and continues to be for you both. With all my love and blessings friend - Heal well, as I hold you both deep in my bosom.

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Thank you, dear friend.

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Not a pleasure, definitely a service to extend my loving prayers and thoughts to you and your bride. Sending a bucket full of HUGZ to pick as needed. You also have my numbers, call if you desire - Am aware of the time distance, yet I do keep unusual hours. However, at this time, my phone is out of commission until the new SIM shows up at my box. Apx a week, they say. Hoping I have no dire need of it in that time!

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Again, sending waves of gratitude your way. Will be in touch again. Please reach out via chat if ever you need to whilst your phone is out of commission.

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