Very good. Your post has been cross-posted here (https://terral.substack.com/cp/154948439) with my comment:

"Dr. Corrin's work is among the best you will find anywhere on the worldwide web. Dr. Corrin helps you to identify and neutralize binary bioweapon threats growing around us and inside most of us with every passing day. Share links to his posts with others, so that together, perhaps, we can help save a few from what is coming. - Terral Croft"

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Excellent recommendations..! Thank you for your hard work.. your efforts are appreciated.. as you stated you gotta keep ourselves cleaned out here, what a crazy world..!

Look forward to your next...

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Blessings to you, Nicholas for this concise pragmatic recommendation!

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Excellent, really helpful info. Thank you.

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ah' there's sum' gold in this depart-mentalized tale!

so first, haha my hubby sawr that Walmart "rebrand" logo an' immediately said wull that's "conCERN"'in or Masonic... I'll add in that that new gold logo looks like whut happens when a shell casin' bursts (i.e. on TARGET) an' we know Sam Walton ran POW camps, worked at DUPE-ont an' later for SeekCrud Services....likely he wuz a good shot with that war wreck-hurd... I had no idear Target wuz Hudson's (Dayton-Hudson) rebranded...

There's a story in that!

So... the JL Hudson co' originally was part of the Hudson Bay Co.--founded on the iconic (iconic!) striped Hudson bay blankets--an' THOSE were named after British trader Henry Hudson (who settled the Hudson River here in NY!). The JL Hudson company (which sold the blankets!) was a fine dept. store in Michigan. There was some connection/fundin' with a real nice car, "The Hudson" made by Hudson Motors. BUT... this is kinda twisted... they IMPLODED IT. It was like a pre-9/11 "'speriment" / test to traumatize the peepull of Detroit (I still got fambly there).

This was like the Macy's of the city--in fact it was the 2nd largest dept. store in the USA, 2nd in size ONLY to Macy's an' also the ONLY dept. store... freestandin', quite purdy, 28 storeys, city block square. The city had long gone ta pot but that store--a real beauty, had remained standin'. My gran used to love the "sales." Thing wuz HUGE! so the effect wuz velly 9/11... smoke like crazy, dustifukation..perhaps too?

WARTCH the "controlled demolition" (sound familiar...) HERE


Not sure of the tech (what they used might NOT have been what they SAID they used) but it was in 1998--and made a TARGET.

Folks were like DEVASTATED they just wartched with dropped jaws. This was a ritual sacrifice of sorts...



Folks wartched this as a freaky spectacle. The made a huge deal out've it an' I'm SURE there's a story ('er three) in there as it wasn't long after they DEW'd an'nuther CONtrolled DemoLition... as ye know. Hudson's was all STEEL like some other blds. I'd eat mah hat if this wasn't a TEST fer bigger thangs ta come... tyin' it all in with TARGET is one more piece'a that puzzle.

address... 1206 Woodward Ave--like HollyWOOD, WOODward...hmmm.. if you look where it is on a map you'll see what looks like a starburst of streets--called Grand Circus Park it looks like a half-target symbol with rays...i.e. the streets make a masonic pattern kinda like in DC. Hudson's was at one end of it. Few blocks away from the Masonic Temple... literally a straight line from one to t'other.... There's likely more to it but anyway...

This is a story of... TARGET Practice!

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Wow. Such a fascinating backend story(ies). A rabbit warren of hudsons and hoodlums. That more than fills in some of the gaps and joins up the dots. We are now getting a full 3 D image of things with surround sound added in. Thank you for your eagle eye, bloodhound scent, and that other thing you're perdy darn good at, ya know, YOU-MORE.

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shucks 'n thanks fer the props--'twas ye own postin' that got me started! OH you'll find it velly interestin' that JL Hudson Co's flagship store (the one they blew IN-not-up in 1998) was built in 1911 (9/11)... hoooboy...little did we know... Also just found out JL Hudson was English (the founder I mean...just like Henry) AND that the store owned...I never knew this either... the LARGEST American Flag in the USA... (FlagShip DOWN...) Talk about cymbal-izm. JL Hudson store wuz also the TALLEST Dept store in the whole NayShun... an' the WTC wuz (at the time) the tallest bld in NYC... Both "Targets" an' I guess we might say "bullseye!" ;-)

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You are right. JLH was a Geordie. I can't make out yet what kind of a character he was. Can you? Amazing connections between the imploded store in Michigan and the WTC towers...and the largest flag was there??. Do you presume that flag was destroyed in the kon-trolled demolition job? Does anybody know? In any case, some real deep plannin' goin' on here, fer'sure.

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yup, me neither... but his nephew that took over the co. after 'im was a Yalie (i.e. Skull N' Bones likely...) . This flag wuz quite the thang but I just looked it up--they stopped raisin' it in 1976 (200 yrs after 1776) so tho' it warn't destroyed in the implosion... it's interestin' they dun-ate-it on the anniversary of the American Revolution! ALSO they always flew it on July 4th... Thing was HUGE...

"The flag was 104 by 235 feet, and on its debut in 1950 required 55 men to hang it. In 1976, the nation's bicentennial, it was retired and was donated to the Smithsonian Institution, which gave it to the American Flag Foundation in Houston."

It would'a been "of note" if they did destroy it in '98 but second best is retirin' it ON the bicentennial of all years... I wonder if they flew it BEFORE donatin' it or if they took it DOWN fer the bicentennial... THAT would be tellin' too...

Anywhoo--takin' down a massive all steel structure in GREAT shape by implosion... couldn't be anythin' BUT related ta 9/11 (also its birthdate) -- let's call it TARGET PRACTICE (haha) an' the connection ye highlighted with TARGET (which ye recall was also instrumental in the BLM/George Floyd fiasco) as well as hive-mind targetin'... is more 'n interestin'...

BTW re Target...it's been in mah own crosshairs fer a time too!




Target as theme, not the store...


Either way, they're takin' AIM at US!

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For sure. Let me look into this some more and I'll get back on trail with you.

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ha ha no hurry ... thx ;-)

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Excellent info Nicholas! With gratitude.

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On a lighter note: I had to laugh out loud when I read the bit about not holding the phone in hand and at arms length...This adds a new dimension to keeping a distance of six feet; In my perpetually 14 yrs young mind, I saw myself standing in the local "Target" store with an apparatus (third artificial arm) stretching out from my neck whilst it upheld my cellular devise. Each time I made a turn, it widened my six foot personal space area - Either slapping them upside the head or making the unsuspecting duck!

By the way, I do my best not to carry my phone with or near me. Only use the speaker or play music. Many years past, I created a faraday box that holds laptop, tablet and phone, by day, often times I forget to switch them on, they are switched off at bedtime.

You are beautiful, caring & I love you friend.

Blessings ~

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Dr. Corriin,

Another excellent post, focusing on products that can help bring the body back into balance.

That said, I have and still do, use most of the items in list #1. However, most people will not, or can not, do the research on how or when to employ various protocols, or where to acquire the items needed. My point here is just to make a recommendation. I don't expect you to do all the work for everyone. That is simply unreasonable. You have already shared more relevant information than 99% of your contemporaries. My suggestion is to assist your readers in acquiring additional information or details by way of links to resources. By doing so you not only help more people, you also eliminate personal liability when people do stupid stuff, and try to blame you for the results.

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Thank you for your recommendation. In previous posts I have made it clear that the information provided there is educational and not to be taken for medical advice which requires a professional and confidential relationship. I have added an addendum to this effect in this particular post. As for links to resources, I did provide resource links to some items in previous posts. However, to make it more helpful for all subscribers, I will provide a concise resource link in a follow up posting. Thank you again for your helpful suggestions!

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You put them in prison, that's what you do. They violated the EUA on at least two counts, and without that the entire operation was illegal. They violated human rights, and they failed to uphold EUA requirements. They are liable and the law needs to do it's job.

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I greatly appreciate your recent columns as I definitely have been suffering from information overload. I read in detail and most often receive a "ping." The ping, of course, is an intuitive insight. The overload is so tremendous at this point (deliberately orchestrated) that I think many people are disassociated. Much like an MKUltra or SRA survivor is. The disassociated states conflict in persona with one another...which is why clear, distilled thinking must be nurtured. The individual, as a consequence, is sent scurrying in all directions to try all avenues. They're scattered like buckshot. You notice this tendency particularly in the comments of a forum like Substack where innumerable Substacks discuss the Covid injection and subsequent results in freedom.

A characteristic I see in whistleblowers is becoming more urgent to examine since the same tendency is developing like a fungus in the overall human population. Investigating Bill Cooper's demise a year or so ago by thoroughly understanding his speech and behavior prior to his death yielded a systematically induced condition which, apparently, separates the vibratory bodies. (Through this loss, he lost his will to live.) He was certainly "persecuted." He was, most of all, persecuted by having his mind warped via paranoia. I note this tendency in most every human being today particularly fostered by social media which is largely driven on emotions.

The problem with this approach is that paranoia gives the Great Wizard of Oz his being when, in actual fact, he's nothing more than a mere mortal behind a curtain flipping levers. I don't deride persecution, nor do I pretend the occult isn't used successfully in today's world. Such activities do exist in this world. However, a balance must be sought between entertaining a strict reasoning and between an understanding, largely through the imagination, of the duplicitous world and behavior in which we live.

By "strict reasoning" I do not refer in any manner to current "scientific" reasoning. "Aether Force" characterized it as: "Rudolf Steiner stated that humanity should not retreat entirely from the oncoming technological agendas. But rather, stand strong in a balanced state, reaching deeper within themselves to their stillness of power, and learning to observe the environment supersensibly to counteract and harmonize the detrimental, purely electric based technologies."


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Well, Honeybee, you certainly have hit the nail on the head here. Or, as we used to say in England, on its proverbial noggin. Rationality is anything but mutually exclusive with spirituality. This is what Steiner meant with spiritual science. Reason and logic open the gates towards a non-denominational cosmic Christ consciousness. What the Greeks called "ratio" was central to the flowering of their philosophical prowess. It is now what we need most urgently. Yet people are floundering in the choppy waters of irrationality. As you propose, overload of emotional circuits ends up with a critical disconnect from the center. Once the center no longer holds, everything becomes illusion. Once everything has become illusion, there is no longer any antidote to paranoia and pain: they become limitless. This would be one definition of hell, and equally of the "Matrix". Hence, the answer must be to steady the ship, to centralize, distil, and simplify. Strength and stability are gained and lost from the center.

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Amen. This is why Yeats wrote: "Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold...."

Great poets and writers tell us about our world and what's to come. They are among the mystics.

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Thank you for this. Very much appreciated 😉

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Dr Nicolas Corrin is so right...Stalin got rid of "Useless eaters" and this is part of thr NWO's Depopulation Program today. In 1979 I wrote a manuscript entitled "Whole Food Diet Information: An Aid to Higher Consciousness." I had found that a change in my diet had opened a door...and I had started writing songs...words and music. I thought others might be interested in having a stronger connection to the Infinite, too. I am a writer...not a business woman...and I had no drive to waste time trying to promote my songs or other writings. However, I was totally focused on helping people health-wise. I am glad that My Whole Food Diet Info didn't sell...I had more learning to do about the right foods. There is no subject more important than nutrition...if people seek good health. If they ate specific biochemically right for their bodies... natural wholesome food, they would rarely get ill. This is the reason Rockefeller did not implement nutrition in the med school curriculum. He promised Medical doctors who joined the AMA that they would make Higher Incomes...and have more prestige. They needed sick people in order to sell more of Rockefeller's patented petroleum based drugs...and be successful.

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Thank you for acknowledging my post.

We are all caught in the same net. Literally!

I do not have a platform or following. What i do possess is an inquisitive mind and the willingness to try unconventional approaches to solving problems.

Thank you again for everything you are doing.

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Thank you for the advice

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Hello Dr. Corrin! Thank you so much for your hard work and excellent information to assist humanity throughout this "critical period of human survival".

I wanted to add on a screen protector link that is free to install. Been using it for a few years on my grounded desk-top. I do not utilize a cell phone,but I think for those that do, this program can also be installed.

What f.lux does

The light that comes from computer and mobile phone screens has a real effect on the human circadian system, especially at night. Based on your wake time and location, f.lux creates a custom lighting schedule for you that changes every day throughout the year. By moving the sliders, you can fine tune the colors to fit your needs.


Much Respect!


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Hi Dr. Deborah, thank you so much for sharing this information. I will pass on this information in other posts. I just downloaded the app and already feel better for it. Respect returned. Nicholas

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Not referring to you or any others who give things freely. But there are some who withhold some info and state if you want to know more sign up as a paid subscriber.

People need to reconsider the many who do not have the finances to pay monthly or yearly. Besides the human race are really the ones who are important, not a buck or two. When posting, if plans are not made ahead for possible costs, then don't.

There are others too who are going via the "app" to read something, bad, bad, bad.

Mac address in apps too (apparently) as with PC's, there is nothing now that isn't traceable. I do applaud the good guys, not always in the open via posts, but private emails or messages. Always credit where credit is due.

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