Did you came across the book 'Biophotons - new horizons in the medicine' by a Prof. Fritz Popp???
The source of ultra weak coherent radiation in every cell comes from DNA.
In super healthy individual the entire light emission becomes minimal, around 350nm, the sicker one gets the more radiation is being emitted. His special detector system allowed for these findings, in particular on cancer patients, whom he investigated even through the point of death and beyond it. The emitted light after the point of death lasted 3 days, as measured with his detector...
Electrons and photons alone can't do it all, only together, with charges condensed on the outer portion of helix (phosphor contributing to the e-current) and light absorbing elements inside of the helix (bases absorbing and emitting entire range of hv). The temperature dependent mechanical motions allow for the enzymatic reactions to run smoothly at body temperature only when enough photons are out there..
Thank you for mentioning that. Popp also found evidence through infrared spectroscopy of a structure of light-conductive channels in the body consistent with the so-called meridians identified in Chinese medicine. These meridians, by the way, have been shown by Dr. Manaka to respond to differentiated optical frequency ranges, which I have tested and can corroborate. These channels, when observed by Popp, had an extremely high level of optical coherence, in a range from 3.4 to 5 μm. Popp found evidence of a similar network in plants. As you may know, Prof. Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose demonstrated high levels of profound emotional sensitivity and awareness in plants. These electromagnetic interactions in plants systems were observed by Popp to maintain coherence throughout all levels. There seems to be evidence of a network of light or electromagnetic information flow through both meridians and plant networks suggesting intelligence, coherence and emotional awareness. What I have found is that these interactions can also be nonlocal, and that includes plant awareness and plant telepathy. The Phantom DNA effect also suggests coherent assimilation of photons within the helix.
you mean OCT signals which apply to the depth of the investigated tissues.. Popp was measuring the physical coherence for single wavelengths looking at the degree of the coherence, values 0-1. He saw differences between plants and their corresponding genetically modified species, which lost that feature significantly. I noticed something related when looking at 3D macromolecules and their corresponding dipole moments. The natural complexes were always aligned to each other, 'made sense', the genetically modified molecules would fluctuate all over, including dipoles pointing towards inside of their own volume... That is what RANDOM modifications of genetic code would do. You can literally see how genetic modifications of nature 'make no sense', and Popp was indeed capable of measuring it. The photoelectric effect combines all the processes but how deep it goes into that entire quantum entanglement and how that translates into the Grover Cleveland "Cleve" Backster Jr. effect in plants, is kind of being still in research.
It is also scary thing, he worked for the criminal CIA...
The fact that genetic modifications are being done on real HUMAN bodies ever since 2020, with covid genetically modifying injections, is just shocking and criminal in fact. And here again, the same mafia involved.
Yes, exactly, OCT signals. The wobble you notice in GM macromolecules and dipole moments indicates fundamental debility of synthetic structures since they are not intrinsically bound to the overarching coherent template of life. They are ugly and chaotic. This applies to recombinant engineering: it produces ugly monstrosities, as pointed to by Dr. Garyaev in contrast to wave genetics. This is borne out by the failure rates of GMO crops. Milan Kundera referred to the "uglification" of the world. The archontic influence over science has driven it into the arms of a puerile and sick version of interference technology. You mention randomness. That too, was part of the preparation for today if you recall the tremendous influence that Jacques Monod had back in the day with his theories of randomness. This paradigm was taken up enthusiastically by the School of Paris and the Poststructuralists, who ran with it. We then got to Postmodernism, the death of the author, which is then projected on to the death of nature-as-author, to be replaced by technological man as creator-inventor. The lines all intersect as in some grand design. We end up with Musk, Fuckerberg, Harari et.al., heaven help us.
That's beautiful! Thank you! Right on! That's the kind of information we need to fill our evidence up with. Hmhmhm.
Yea. That is the difference between LIFE, that is Natural, and death, that is artificial. Those genetically modified idiocies are obviously intended to drain the life force out of people. Thanks for putting it so clearly.
---"The natural complexes were always aligned to each other, 'made sense' "
According to Ibrahim Karim, the father of Biogeometry, there is a time limited in-phase correlation between the rotation of an individual's biofeld and the earth's rotating field. This probably explains part of the Star Excercise of axial alignment taught to, and by, Reich's follower TJ Constable, and also the effects experienced by the whirling dervishes. It also relates to the ida-pingala oscillation known to pertain in the body from Ayurveda. The intricate web of both time based and space based phase relationships points to the overarching symphony of life as it was intended to be before archontic interference (Ennoea). Covert, ugly, out-of-phase, out-of-sync creations/monstrosities have been forcibly inserted into our pristine nature by nanotech in order to disregulate our core functioning and enslave our spirits.
"The intricate web of both time based and space based phase relationships points to the overarching symphony of life as it was intended to be before archontic interference (Ennoea). Covert, ugly, out-of-phase, out-of-sync creations/monstrosities have been forcibly inserted into our pristine nature by nanotech in order to disregulate our core functioning and enslave our spirits."
Fascinating to learn of these earth-shattering or changing testimonies and the power of natural medicine based on biofields, chakra energy points and how heat/energy can heal vs cold leading to illness and death. As you rightly point out we must use a combination of conventional with alternative medical protocols. Well done, not only demonstrating the principle of do no harm, but the timeless principle of agape love of God and for neighbor or fellow wo/man.
It is one uninterrupted web of life, and web of goodness. Once you penetrate the veil of deceit, this is what you find. Working with remote healing methods on "distant" biofields leaves one in no doubts whatsoever as to the true structure of our interwoven reality. Space and extension, in the classical sense, are pure illusions.
Negative thinking is harmful...and lowers one's resistance, but cancer always has a CAUSE. 95% of the time it is caused by something, which has gone into the mouth. Most people have absolutely no idea of how to eat. I was one who had to learn the hard way. i got a tumor twice, but instead of going through with what two doctors tried to scare me into doing...having them remove it...I opted for prayer. I asked for guidance: .What was I doing wrong? I had added a food into my diet on the advice of a nutritional doctor some months before....He said that I should eat a lot of dairy, because I intended to nurse a new baby.. After, I prayed for guidance, a book came into my hands by Dr. Norman W Walker who lived well over 100 healthy years...it was about eating raw fruits and vegetables...which were the major foods that people survived on from the beginning of time. I followed his advice and removed the dairy...' ate nothing, except raw fruit and vegetables. The tumor disappeared in less than three months. Twelve years later I developed another tumor, I did not bother going to a doctor this time...I simply examined my foods. I saw that I was going through a lot of honey in all the herb tea I was drinking daily. So, I stopped the honey...and the bulbous tumor with spikes coming out of it...right above my right breast disappeared in less than 3 months. Yes, there are environmental causes in our toxic world today, but the major cause is connected to one's mouth.
The best dietary approach to healing cancer was, without question, created by Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist. She was nominated for the Nobel prize numerous times but was sidelined due to her gander, amongst other things. Her success rate was phenomenal at over 90%. The special diet is based on flaxseed (oil + ground seeds) combined with quark (low fat cottage cheese). It also includes a glass of champagne every day plus a little wine! Also 15 minutes of direct full body sun exposure. I have recommended this to many patients. One was cured of breast cancer after just doing the diet. Budwig was still working in her nineties but sadly, she died following a fall.
My only physician is the Great Physician...the one who designed and created mankind and all life. I prayed in 1976, when i got the first tumor...and Dr Norman Walker's book came into my hands. It was amazing by simply eliminating the dairy...and sticking with raw fruit and vegetables...the tumor disappeared. I learned, if. you don't feed a tumor it won't grown. NOTHING GROWS WITHOUT A FUEL. Later, after I got rid of the first tumor, I started meeting people who knew the AGELESS Dr. Walker. I met a man who met Dr Walker, when he was a young 12 year old...and Dr Walker let him drive his car around his farm...He saw Dr Walker's Baptismal Certificate...the date was 1857. and he died in 1985...He was 118 years old.
The Social Security records have his age of death... 99 years. However, I met an older woman in the 1980s who owned a health food store in Long Beach, CA. in 1934. She told me that she met Dr. Walker, when he came to her store and wanted her to sell his newly invented carrot juice press. She said that he looked about 70 at the time. I met other people who knew him too...He hid his age for his own personal reasons. He never mentioned his age in his ten books. I have my suspicions..as to .why he hid his age.
Interesting thoughts on all the associations of warmth. I have experienced for myself the radiant effect come and go. The glowing aura. And yes there is an association between emotional warmth in the heart, the skin and eyes actually shining, the aura attracting unusual (if you aren't accustomed to having the glow) attention and positive manifestions.
And I'm a bit of a sun freak, so for me there might be an association between sunbathing generating biochemical energy through the IR and UV that then shines outward. Absorb, store, and radiate like a human solar panel. I'm a very solar being. I was born at noon in August on a Sunday.
This information merely scratches the surface of Disease & Emotions.
Without actually speaking with you, I am unable to add further color to your words. Although, unnecessary - The extent of what you have so eloquently painted here is pure genius. Your perception on such a complex issue, is fantastically written.
Thank goodness for those who are able to dis-clude themselves from further negativity and harm, as a result of living and life's unexpected actions there of.
Unfortunately, I have also received patients who have worked themselves into illnesses. This, at the hands of not being able to, or allowing themselves of letting go of a negativity - In many cases, it is clear, those individuals are not in control of their own domain possibly, through years of conditioning. Something that likely began in childhood. IE: Being traumatized, taunted, ridiculed, put down or otherwise abused in some way.
Thank you. Yes, for sure, merely scratching the surface here, if that. Enough material to fill several tomes. My shelves are creaking under the weight. Seems like yours are too.
I am going to have to reread this at least ten times. We are electric and magnetic beings first. If our pH or electrons are reduced we will have disease. As our cellular voltage is reduced and our cells have the reduced ability to absorb oxygen which creates disease.
Yes, very true. Yet I find it interesting how electrons are termed "negatively" charged and protons "positively" charged when a relative excess of protons in the body (low tissue pH) correlates with disease. Shouldn't an energy source critical for life systems be called positive? Smoking gun pointing to some kind of subconscious conditioning? Also the conventional representation of current flow through an electrical wire is counter-intuitive. Does current even flow "through" a wire as opposed to spiraling "around it? Since you very rightly mentioned Dr. Tennant and brought up the generation of electrons endogenously through the piezo-electric effect in your comment on a previous thread, another interesting facet of all this is the noted effect of physical forces on cells. This is supposed to affect intra-cellular processes and protein enfoldment far faster than biochemical diffusion through the blood. A motile system of fluctuating compression and elongation of connective tissue fibers travels all the way through the general ECM and via integrins, transposes deep into the cytoskeleton where the micro-movements even condition gene expression. These forces have long been studied and applied at the Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard. Unfortunately, their research seems geared towards distinctly transhumanist directions.
Yes, Nasim Haramein has said something similar in that protons are all interconnected throughout the entire universe by a system of wormholes. In essence, hat makes all “matter” nonlocal.
Hello Dr. Nicholas. Beautifully written on a deep level but understandable through common sense. We are such amazing human beings with so much to offer . Presenting case studies was a wonderful touch. May happiness about all that read, opening the mind , cells, and good thought.
Leider ist mein Englisch nicht gut....aber einiges kann ich lesen...und ich bin ganz bei Ihnen !!
Was ich für mich herausgefunden habe: Sie (das Böse) sind die "Meister"über die Materie!! Diese Welt!!! Was sie noch nicht besitzen ist unsere Seele ! Leider können sie unseren Geist zu wohl einem großen Teil beeinflussen eventuell steuern...doch wir können die Kontrolle zurückgewinnen-durch Bewusstsein-in dem wir uns mit dem"Heiligen Geist"verbinden...denn:es ist eine Spirituelle Angelegenheit = siehe Max Planck.
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Kommentare. Ich stimme mit Ihnen überein. Ja, Max Planck hat den Vorrang des Bewusstseins vor der Materie oder sogar der Energie festgestellt. Das Böse hat, vor allem durch das Wirken der Archonten, von allem Besitz ergriffen, außer von unserer Verbindung zur Sophia (Weisheit) oder dem Heiligen Geist. Das ist der Ort, von dem aus wir zurückschlagen müssen.
Schöner und treffender hätte man es nicht sagen können. Weil der Höchste die Seelen erschaffen hat….dieses Licht können sie nicht kopieren…und nicht tilgen. Und wir werden dieses Licht jeden Tag mehr und mehr ehren….bis wir es mit dem Ursprünglichen im Pleroma vereinen…
Ja, das geschaffene Licht der Seele ist unauslöschlich. Das falsche, flackernde Licht unserer blauen Bildschirme ist der archontische Versuch, unsere Verbindung mit dem wahren Licht zu trennen. Wer sich darauf einlässt, wird ins Verderben geführt. Das wahre Licht kann, wie Sie sagen, nicht kopiert oder ausgelöscht werden.
Absolut!!! Der Weg für mich ist wie Plotin es sagte -warum wir hier in diesem 1. Äon sind : Edel und Rein unsere Seele das Licht zu nähren ,mit dem wir dann die Archonten blenden,sie abschrecken….es ist das Licht des wahren Vaters unserer Mutter Maria Sophia und dem Sohne….je mehr wir das tun,hier in den Äonen des Chaos,um so heftiger die Angriffe,auch des Jaldabaoth….
Wir können aber nicht anders …..wir nähren « den weißen Wolf «
Ja, das stimmt mit meinen Gedanken überein. Die Wirkung der Archonten hat zu dem geführt, was Milan Kundera die „Hässlichkeit“ der Welt nannte. Plotin ist unser unterdrückter Vorfahre. Ficino hat den Neuplatonismus wiederentdeckt, und aus diesem kehrte in der Renaissance die Schönheit zu uns zurück. Aber die Kirche wollte das nicht und hat Schuld und Sünde wieder eingeführt und dann die Inquisition, um den Archonten die Kontrolle zu geben. Schließlich kommen wir zur heutigen archontischen Herrschaft, die Steiner vorausgesagt hat.
Merci d'avoir soulevé cette question. C'est tout à fait vrai. Le péché et la culpabilité, avec leurs connotations si négatives, s'inscrivent directement dans le cadre de votre merveilleux article. A la fois mentalement et physiquement.
Oui, je crois que Reich l'a compris mieux que quiconque. C'est pour cette raison qu'il a été persécuté. Encore aujourd'hui on l'ignore. Les gens ne s'intéressent qu'à Tesla et ne reconnaissent pas Reich.
Il s'agit d'un accord. Le travail de Reich est vraiment brillant ! Merci de l'avoir également reconnu. On peut voir l'agenda avec ce qu'EM a fait et les tentatives actuelles des petits monstres :-)
Ich bin zum Teil Franzose...im Herzen und der Seele jedoch absolut....leider verstehe ich fast nichts mehr, ich lebe nur wenige Minuten von Frankreich...was Sie hier geschrieben haben verstehe ich 🙏✨️ meine Seele und mein Herz sind EINS mit Jeanne aus Domrémy la Pucelle
I am partly French...but absolutely so in my heart and soul...sadly, I barely understand anything anymore, I lived for just a few minutes in France...what you have written (however) I do understand! My soul and heart are one with Jeanne from Domrémy-La-Pucelle.
Ja, Dr. Corrin, immer wieder (viel zu oft-gelinde gesagt)so auch heute,bin ich mehr als betrübt,wenn ich sehe ,wie die Menschen auf so hinterlistige Weise hinter das Licht geführt werden. Gerade auf YouTube-eigentlich überall…..durch eine Flut von Lügen …noch schlimmer durch Halbwahrheiten-die ohne Bewusstsein darum nicht durchschaubar sind.
So können die Menschen niemals den Kreis verlassen…auf den Punkt die Reinkarnationen !
Ich habe die größten Fragen beantwortet bekommen-die man wohl stellen kann…(für mich)in eben den Apokryphen…der wahren unverfälschten Gnosis…und ich fühle,dass etwas unbeschreibliches geschehen wird,vielleicht relativ bald. Einfach weil es in der Macht des destruktiven-deren Herren ,keine Steigerung mehr möglich ist…in den Lügen…diese Kräfte oder -Energien-müssen ja freigesetzt werden…etwas wird -explodieren-bevor es letztlich zur endgültigen Transformation kommt….
Zurück zum Ursprünglichen: Dem Geist des Vaters.
Oder anders gesagt : Der eigene « Erfolg « des Jaldabaoth und seinen Söhne….und dessen wiederum Helfern,wird es beenden-sie tilgen….Es gibt hoffentlich eine Intervention des Christus. So wird dann glaube ich dann der -Lichtschacht-in den 13. Äon,ins Pleroma geschlossen,die gerechten werden von ihm und den göttlichen Heerscharen dort hin geholt…das Reich der Archonten wird sozusagen versiegelt….es gibt keine Nahrung durch reinkarnierte Seelen/Menschen mehr…somit keine Nahrung für die Archonten….sie werden sich dann selbst vertilgen….
Sollten sie bis dahin unser Bewusstsein nicht geraubt haben,werden wir es sehen.
Did you came across the book 'Biophotons - new horizons in the medicine' by a Prof. Fritz Popp???
The source of ultra weak coherent radiation in every cell comes from DNA.
In super healthy individual the entire light emission becomes minimal, around 350nm, the sicker one gets the more radiation is being emitted. His special detector system allowed for these findings, in particular on cancer patients, whom he investigated even through the point of death and beyond it. The emitted light after the point of death lasted 3 days, as measured with his detector...
Electrons and photons alone can't do it all, only together, with charges condensed on the outer portion of helix (phosphor contributing to the e-current) and light absorbing elements inside of the helix (bases absorbing and emitting entire range of hv). The temperature dependent mechanical motions allow for the enzymatic reactions to run smoothly at body temperature only when enough photons are out there..
Thank you for mentioning that. Popp also found evidence through infrared spectroscopy of a structure of light-conductive channels in the body consistent with the so-called meridians identified in Chinese medicine. These meridians, by the way, have been shown by Dr. Manaka to respond to differentiated optical frequency ranges, which I have tested and can corroborate. These channels, when observed by Popp, had an extremely high level of optical coherence, in a range from 3.4 to 5 μm. Popp found evidence of a similar network in plants. As you may know, Prof. Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose demonstrated high levels of profound emotional sensitivity and awareness in plants. These electromagnetic interactions in plants systems were observed by Popp to maintain coherence throughout all levels. There seems to be evidence of a network of light or electromagnetic information flow through both meridians and plant networks suggesting intelligence, coherence and emotional awareness. What I have found is that these interactions can also be nonlocal, and that includes plant awareness and plant telepathy. The Phantom DNA effect also suggests coherent assimilation of photons within the helix.
you mean OCT signals which apply to the depth of the investigated tissues.. Popp was measuring the physical coherence for single wavelengths looking at the degree of the coherence, values 0-1. He saw differences between plants and their corresponding genetically modified species, which lost that feature significantly. I noticed something related when looking at 3D macromolecules and their corresponding dipole moments. The natural complexes were always aligned to each other, 'made sense', the genetically modified molecules would fluctuate all over, including dipoles pointing towards inside of their own volume... That is what RANDOM modifications of genetic code would do. You can literally see how genetic modifications of nature 'make no sense', and Popp was indeed capable of measuring it. The photoelectric effect combines all the processes but how deep it goes into that entire quantum entanglement and how that translates into the Grover Cleveland "Cleve" Backster Jr. effect in plants, is kind of being still in research.
It is also scary thing, he worked for the criminal CIA...
The fact that genetic modifications are being done on real HUMAN bodies ever since 2020, with covid genetically modifying injections, is just shocking and criminal in fact. And here again, the same mafia involved.
Yes, exactly, OCT signals. The wobble you notice in GM macromolecules and dipole moments indicates fundamental debility of synthetic structures since they are not intrinsically bound to the overarching coherent template of life. They are ugly and chaotic. This applies to recombinant engineering: it produces ugly monstrosities, as pointed to by Dr. Garyaev in contrast to wave genetics. This is borne out by the failure rates of GMO crops. Milan Kundera referred to the "uglification" of the world. The archontic influence over science has driven it into the arms of a puerile and sick version of interference technology. You mention randomness. That too, was part of the preparation for today if you recall the tremendous influence that Jacques Monod had back in the day with his theories of randomness. This paradigm was taken up enthusiastically by the School of Paris and the Poststructuralists, who ran with it. We then got to Postmodernism, the death of the author, which is then projected on to the death of nature-as-author, to be replaced by technological man as creator-inventor. The lines all intersect as in some grand design. We end up with Musk, Fuckerberg, Harari et.al., heaven help us.
That's beautiful! Thank you! Right on! That's the kind of information we need to fill our evidence up with. Hmhmhm.
Yea. That is the difference between LIFE, that is Natural, and death, that is artificial. Those genetically modified idiocies are obviously intended to drain the life force out of people. Thanks for putting it so clearly.
---"The natural complexes were always aligned to each other, 'made sense' "
According to Ibrahim Karim, the father of Biogeometry, there is a time limited in-phase correlation between the rotation of an individual's biofeld and the earth's rotating field. This probably explains part of the Star Excercise of axial alignment taught to, and by, Reich's follower TJ Constable, and also the effects experienced by the whirling dervishes. It also relates to the ida-pingala oscillation known to pertain in the body from Ayurveda. The intricate web of both time based and space based phase relationships points to the overarching symphony of life as it was intended to be before archontic interference (Ennoea). Covert, ugly, out-of-phase, out-of-sync creations/monstrosities have been forcibly inserted into our pristine nature by nanotech in order to disregulate our core functioning and enslave our spirits.
I have been a student of Ayurveda and TCM for many years. I wish you were one of my teachers!
That is very nice of you to say so. If you ever have a question, please run it by me. If I am able, I will do my best to answer it for you.
Reich / Constable such aware spirits!
So well said!! Bravo!!!!!
"The intricate web of both time based and space based phase relationships points to the overarching symphony of life as it was intended to be before archontic interference (Ennoea). Covert, ugly, out-of-phase, out-of-sync creations/monstrosities have been forcibly inserted into our pristine nature by nanotech in order to disregulate our core functioning and enslave our spirits."
Yes, absolutely.
And they're trying to kill me.
Please contact me privately through chat.
Fascinating to learn of these earth-shattering or changing testimonies and the power of natural medicine based on biofields, chakra energy points and how heat/energy can heal vs cold leading to illness and death. As you rightly point out we must use a combination of conventional with alternative medical protocols. Well done, not only demonstrating the principle of do no harm, but the timeless principle of agape love of God and for neighbor or fellow wo/man.
It is one uninterrupted web of life, and web of goodness. Once you penetrate the veil of deceit, this is what you find. Working with remote healing methods on "distant" biofields leaves one in no doubts whatsoever as to the true structure of our interwoven reality. Space and extension, in the classical sense, are pure illusions.
That sounds like very deep spiritual, mental, psychological food for thought. I have a book on how to do remote viewing from a Christian worlveiw.
Negative thinking is harmful...and lowers one's resistance, but cancer always has a CAUSE. 95% of the time it is caused by something, which has gone into the mouth. Most people have absolutely no idea of how to eat. I was one who had to learn the hard way. i got a tumor twice, but instead of going through with what two doctors tried to scare me into doing...having them remove it...I opted for prayer. I asked for guidance: .What was I doing wrong? I had added a food into my diet on the advice of a nutritional doctor some months before....He said that I should eat a lot of dairy, because I intended to nurse a new baby.. After, I prayed for guidance, a book came into my hands by Dr. Norman W Walker who lived well over 100 healthy years...it was about eating raw fruits and vegetables...which were the major foods that people survived on from the beginning of time. I followed his advice and removed the dairy...' ate nothing, except raw fruit and vegetables. The tumor disappeared in less than three months. Twelve years later I developed another tumor, I did not bother going to a doctor this time...I simply examined my foods. I saw that I was going through a lot of honey in all the herb tea I was drinking daily. So, I stopped the honey...and the bulbous tumor with spikes coming out of it...right above my right breast disappeared in less than 3 months. Yes, there are environmental causes in our toxic world today, but the major cause is connected to one's mouth.
The best dietary approach to healing cancer was, without question, created by Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist. She was nominated for the Nobel prize numerous times but was sidelined due to her gander, amongst other things. Her success rate was phenomenal at over 90%. The special diet is based on flaxseed (oil + ground seeds) combined with quark (low fat cottage cheese). It also includes a glass of champagne every day plus a little wine! Also 15 minutes of direct full body sun exposure. I have recommended this to many patients. One was cured of breast cancer after just doing the diet. Budwig was still working in her nineties but sadly, she died following a fall.
My only physician is the Great Physician...the one who designed and created mankind and all life. I prayed in 1976, when i got the first tumor...and Dr Norman Walker's book came into my hands. It was amazing by simply eliminating the dairy...and sticking with raw fruit and vegetables...the tumor disappeared. I learned, if. you don't feed a tumor it won't grown. NOTHING GROWS WITHOUT A FUEL. Later, after I got rid of the first tumor, I started meeting people who knew the AGELESS Dr. Walker. I met a man who met Dr Walker, when he was a young 12 year old...and Dr Walker let him drive his car around his farm...He saw Dr Walker's Baptismal Certificate...the date was 1857. and he died in 1985...He was 118 years old.
The Social Security records have his age of death... 99 years. However, I met an older woman in the 1980s who owned a health food store in Long Beach, CA. in 1934. She told me that she met Dr. Walker, when he came to her store and wanted her to sell his newly invented carrot juice press. She said that he looked about 70 at the time. I met other people who knew him too...He hid his age for his own personal reasons. He never mentioned his age in his ten books. I have my suspicions..as to .why he hid his age.
Blessings ~
Interesting thoughts on all the associations of warmth. I have experienced for myself the radiant effect come and go. The glowing aura. And yes there is an association between emotional warmth in the heart, the skin and eyes actually shining, the aura attracting unusual (if you aren't accustomed to having the glow) attention and positive manifestions.
And I'm a bit of a sun freak, so for me there might be an association between sunbathing generating biochemical energy through the IR and UV that then shines outward. Absorb, store, and radiate like a human solar panel. I'm a very solar being. I was born at noon in August on a Sunday.
Me too! August baby born at 11:11am !
Sun babies Unite! 🌞
Haha, yes, count me in!
True. I am also a sun magnet :-) Human solar panel! Also, an August born on a Sunday but at 12:11 PM.
See you in the sunshine!!
Human solar panel. Yes, I can feel your light and warmth all the way over here!
Nicholas, Great Article!
This information merely scratches the surface of Disease & Emotions.
Without actually speaking with you, I am unable to add further color to your words. Although, unnecessary - The extent of what you have so eloquently painted here is pure genius. Your perception on such a complex issue, is fantastically written.
Thank goodness for those who are able to dis-clude themselves from further negativity and harm, as a result of living and life's unexpected actions there of.
Unfortunately, I have also received patients who have worked themselves into illnesses. This, at the hands of not being able to, or allowing themselves of letting go of a negativity - In many cases, it is clear, those individuals are not in control of their own domain possibly, through years of conditioning. Something that likely began in childhood. IE: Being traumatized, taunted, ridiculed, put down or otherwise abused in some way.
Blessings ~
Thank you. Yes, for sure, merely scratching the surface here, if that. Enough material to fill several tomes. My shelves are creaking under the weight. Seems like yours are too.
Miniscule, as compared to others. Thank you.
What I meant to say was that your shelves are creaking under the weight of things witnessed, and empathetically related to.
Lol - Get some rest Doc.
I was talking about shelves creaking, not bones creaking.
Yes, I understand. Although, originally my thoughts led to weight on the mind. lol
Thank you for letting in on your thoughts. Typing is not always easy to understand. Blessings ~
Absolutely fascinating post.
Thank you.
This was excellent! I enjoy your writings very much. If I end up in Switzerland I must come say hello!
My one layover there post my Ayurvedic studies in India was one of the best days of my life.
Yes, do please come say hello if you are ever in town.
I am going to have to reread this at least ten times. We are electric and magnetic beings first. If our pH or electrons are reduced we will have disease. As our cellular voltage is reduced and our cells have the reduced ability to absorb oxygen which creates disease.
Yes, very true. Yet I find it interesting how electrons are termed "negatively" charged and protons "positively" charged when a relative excess of protons in the body (low tissue pH) correlates with disease. Shouldn't an energy source critical for life systems be called positive? Smoking gun pointing to some kind of subconscious conditioning? Also the conventional representation of current flow through an electrical wire is counter-intuitive. Does current even flow "through" a wire as opposed to spiraling "around it? Since you very rightly mentioned Dr. Tennant and brought up the generation of electrons endogenously through the piezo-electric effect in your comment on a previous thread, another interesting facet of all this is the noted effect of physical forces on cells. This is supposed to affect intra-cellular processes and protein enfoldment far faster than biochemical diffusion through the blood. A motile system of fluctuating compression and elongation of connective tissue fibers travels all the way through the general ECM and via integrins, transposes deep into the cytoskeleton where the micro-movements even condition gene expression. These forces have long been studied and applied at the Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard. Unfortunately, their research seems geared towards distinctly transhumanist directions.
Thx. Dr Tennant in his book on Scalar Energy proposes the concept that there are no protons and that at center there are black holes.
Yes, Nasim Haramein has said something similar in that protons are all interconnected throughout the entire universe by a system of wormholes. In essence, hat makes all “matter” nonlocal.
Hello Dr. Nicholas. Beautifully written on a deep level but understandable through common sense. We are such amazing human beings with so much to offer . Presenting case studies was a wonderful touch. May happiness about all that read, opening the mind , cells, and good thought.
Merci beaucoup. I am so grateful to have this connection with you.
Merci beaucoup back to you!! Very touched on all levels of communications also!
Leider ist mein Englisch nicht gut....aber einiges kann ich lesen...und ich bin ganz bei Ihnen !!
Was ich für mich herausgefunden habe: Sie (das Böse) sind die "Meister"über die Materie!! Diese Welt!!! Was sie noch nicht besitzen ist unsere Seele ! Leider können sie unseren Geist zu wohl einem großen Teil beeinflussen eventuell steuern...doch wir können die Kontrolle zurückgewinnen-durch Bewusstsein-in dem wir uns mit dem"Heiligen Geist"verbinden...denn:es ist eine Spirituelle Angelegenheit = siehe Max Planck.
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Kommentare. Ich stimme mit Ihnen überein. Ja, Max Planck hat den Vorrang des Bewusstseins vor der Materie oder sogar der Energie festgestellt. Das Böse hat, vor allem durch das Wirken der Archonten, von allem Besitz ergriffen, außer von unserer Verbindung zur Sophia (Weisheit) oder dem Heiligen Geist. Das ist der Ort, von dem aus wir zurückschlagen müssen.
Schöner und treffender hätte man es nicht sagen können. Weil der Höchste die Seelen erschaffen hat….dieses Licht können sie nicht kopieren…und nicht tilgen. Und wir werden dieses Licht jeden Tag mehr und mehr ehren….bis wir es mit dem Ursprünglichen im Pleroma vereinen…
Ja, das geschaffene Licht der Seele ist unauslöschlich. Das falsche, flackernde Licht unserer blauen Bildschirme ist der archontische Versuch, unsere Verbindung mit dem wahren Licht zu trennen. Wer sich darauf einlässt, wird ins Verderben geführt. Das wahre Licht kann, wie Sie sagen, nicht kopiert oder ausgelöscht werden.
Oui. Ils ne peuvent pas prendre votre âme. :-)
Ils ne pourront jamais voler ce qu'ils ne peuvent pas comprendre.
Absolut!!! Der Weg für mich ist wie Plotin es sagte -warum wir hier in diesem 1. Äon sind : Edel und Rein unsere Seele das Licht zu nähren ,mit dem wir dann die Archonten blenden,sie abschrecken….es ist das Licht des wahren Vaters unserer Mutter Maria Sophia und dem Sohne….je mehr wir das tun,hier in den Äonen des Chaos,um so heftiger die Angriffe,auch des Jaldabaoth….
Wir können aber nicht anders …..wir nähren « den weißen Wolf «
Vielen Dank
Ja, das stimmt mit meinen Gedanken überein. Die Wirkung der Archonten hat zu dem geführt, was Milan Kundera die „Hässlichkeit“ der Welt nannte. Plotin ist unser unterdrückter Vorfahre. Ficino hat den Neuplatonismus wiederentdeckt, und aus diesem kehrte in der Renaissance die Schönheit zu uns zurück. Aber die Kirche wollte das nicht und hat Schuld und Sünde wieder eingeführt und dann die Inquisition, um den Archonten die Kontrolle zu geben. Schließlich kommen wir zur heutigen archontischen Herrschaft, die Steiner vorausgesagt hat.
Merci d'avoir soulevé cette question. C'est tout à fait vrai. Le péché et la culpabilité, avec leurs connotations si négatives, s'inscrivent directement dans le cadre de votre merveilleux article. A la fois mentalement et physiquement.
Oui, je crois que Reich l'a compris mieux que quiconque. C'est pour cette raison qu'il a été persécuté. Encore aujourd'hui on l'ignore. Les gens ne s'intéressent qu'à Tesla et ne reconnaissent pas Reich.
Il s'agit d'un accord. Le travail de Reich est vraiment brillant ! Merci de l'avoir également reconnu. On peut voir l'agenda avec ce qu'EM a fait et les tentatives actuelles des petits monstres :-)
Très bien. Mère Sophia. Gaia Sophia est la terre. La plus grande histoire de la terre est la terre.
Ah oui. C'est tout à fait vrai. La plus belle histoire de la terre, c'est la terre!
Ich bin zum Teil Franzose...im Herzen und der Seele jedoch absolut....leider verstehe ich fast nichts mehr, ich lebe nur wenige Minuten von Frankreich...was Sie hier geschrieben haben verstehe ich 🙏✨️ meine Seele und mein Herz sind EINS mit Jeanne aus Domrémy la Pucelle
Ich werde ins Englische übersetzen:
I am partly French...but absolutely so in my heart and soul...sadly, I barely understand anything anymore, I lived for just a few minutes in France...what you have written (however) I do understand! My soul and heart are one with Jeanne from Domrémy-La-Pucelle.
Merveilleux ! C'est très bien dit. Puissent nos cœurs et nos âmes continuer à s'épanouir.
Ja, Dr. Corrin, immer wieder (viel zu oft-gelinde gesagt)so auch heute,bin ich mehr als betrübt,wenn ich sehe ,wie die Menschen auf so hinterlistige Weise hinter das Licht geführt werden. Gerade auf YouTube-eigentlich überall…..durch eine Flut von Lügen …noch schlimmer durch Halbwahrheiten-die ohne Bewusstsein darum nicht durchschaubar sind.
So können die Menschen niemals den Kreis verlassen…auf den Punkt die Reinkarnationen !
Ich habe die größten Fragen beantwortet bekommen-die man wohl stellen kann…(für mich)in eben den Apokryphen…der wahren unverfälschten Gnosis…und ich fühle,dass etwas unbeschreibliches geschehen wird,vielleicht relativ bald. Einfach weil es in der Macht des destruktiven-deren Herren ,keine Steigerung mehr möglich ist…in den Lügen…diese Kräfte oder -Energien-müssen ja freigesetzt werden…etwas wird -explodieren-bevor es letztlich zur endgültigen Transformation kommt….
Zurück zum Ursprünglichen: Dem Geist des Vaters.
Oder anders gesagt : Der eigene « Erfolg « des Jaldabaoth und seinen Söhne….und dessen wiederum Helfern,wird es beenden-sie tilgen….Es gibt hoffentlich eine Intervention des Christus. So wird dann glaube ich dann der -Lichtschacht-in den 13. Äon,ins Pleroma geschlossen,die gerechten werden von ihm und den göttlichen Heerscharen dort hin geholt…das Reich der Archonten wird sozusagen versiegelt….es gibt keine Nahrung durch reinkarnierte Seelen/Menschen mehr…somit keine Nahrung für die Archonten….sie werden sich dann selbst vertilgen….
Sollten sie bis dahin unser Bewusstsein nicht geraubt haben,werden wir es sehen.
Vielen Dank.
Jeanne und Sophia sind die Heiligsten Rosen 🌹 für mich....und eine weitere, die ganz real hier auf diesem ÄON lebt...
Wer weiß, vielleicht werden wir uns einmal unterhalten...Ich hab unbeschreibliche erlebt mit Jeanne.
Ja, für mich wäre es ein Vergnügen, das zu hören, das ist alles sehr interessant