Wow!!! I am so thankful to have found you and all that you post! I have done so much research and have held off in deciding what protocol is best to clean out all the things in the blood!

I will be printing out all your substacks as you do have a full encompassing view in all areas of this plan unfolding! I saw Dr Ana in 2023 and my blood showed only hydrogel, do you know what gets rid of that? I suppose that is the white fibrous clots they find in the deceased! Also I have followed Terral Croft for years and have bought the nano silver and will start that today and all the other things you recommend! I finally feel I can tell others what to take!

Thank you so much!

Also I am thankful for your suggesting meditation and getting outside to balance this online world! I have a few recommendations to search out...

Sabrina Wallace, Psinergy on odyseey.

Celeste Solum, past fema employee

Rianomore on FB

And a group out of Spain, I followed from the beginning! (Dang can't remember then name!)

Thank you again so much!

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Hi Zoe,

I am glad this has provided you some relief through clear direction. Please make sure that if you use any of these items, you prepare them correctly and take them at appropriate times, not all together. Hydrogel is perhaps best degraded by a combination of the items I have already spoken of here, but there are also botanicals and teas which I will be speaking of soon. Some things work better for some people than for others, and it is important to recognize individual differences. As to the nature of the hydrogel like substances perceived in darkfield, we also have to consider: are these abominable substances purely exogenous (i.e. from external sources) or are they partly the result of the body's attempts to expel such substances. These two are obviously not the same thing. There is also the issue of interpretation of the darkfield images themselves. All medical imaging is to some extent subjective and prone to misinterpretation. This is why I strongly recommend stilling the mind and fortifying your energy systems. I am aware of the very important insights revealed to us by Sabrina Wallace and Celeste Solum and I have followed the work of Ricardo and Jose Luis Sevillano @ LQC from the beginning, as you have. These three sources together provide essential background information required for self-protection.

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Just remembered...

La Quinta Columna 😄

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Webinars...lol. Should be rephrased as "webrainars" in this case.

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You are funny!

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Interesting. I've taken DE in the past. I still have a big bag in the cupboard. I've just begun the nourishment with minerals (completely, utterly natural--not synthetic) and vitamins (likely synthetic but from the people who produce the minerals). Extra Vit. C totally from camu camu and rosehips.

I'll add some DE tomorrow.

DE also worked really well with aphids on rose bushes. I have a little blower which powders the leaves with DE dust.

The spagyric tinctures are wild. My sleep got completely whacked out so I tried some Ghost Pipes. Holy cow!! Too much, man. When I get up to use the bathroom, I can actually feel another presence in the house. Someone or something is there. I know Ghost Pipes well. I have an intimate connection with the mushrooms (I believe) from other lives. It's an old friend but not for now. The times or age is too different. I'm taking Lemon Balm tincture instead.

My old herbalist was very insistent on clay, DE, or some compound with which to bind toxins and parasites to exit the body. Believe it or not, one of her sons had a daughter, and the baby was born with tumor(s) on the kidney(s). All this occurred just prior to and as Covid was unfolding. This woman, who published a manual for herbal uses and fervently opposed vaccination, then told me the last time I saw her that "Everyone would need to get the vaccination so Covid could be stopped."

I felt sorry for her because she only listened to MSM and was probably prohibited from entering the hospital to see her granddaughter unless she became vaxxed. When I merely looked at her and said in a friendly but resolute voice, "Oh, Rosie, that's not true," she marched to the door and threw me out of her house. Fini to massage therapy and herbal collaborations.

I've taken CDS in the past; however, I suspect that I took it improperly. A Buddhist friend told me about Jim Humble and lent me his book. I ordered the compounds and mixed as they directed. I took the solution for several months. I finally realized, like a fool, that the compound was poisoning me. I felt horrible. I would skip a week and resume taking the solution, and within a few days, I felt sick again. No, not detoxing. The initial episode went for 4-5 weeks. I felt fine at the beginning only to lapse into ill health. I was still working (12-hr. shifts--14-hr. workdays) and not paying attention I was so tired.

I've since seen the video of a doctor everyone recommends (I forget his name) who produces CDS completely (I mean...COMPLETELY) differently but have been hesitant to try the compound again.

BTW, my friend died of kidney failure before Covid. He was sold on CDS.

I looked up Trevor Constable on the internet and plan on viewing some videos and reading more. I can't afford books at this time. He evidently referred to plasma-like forces seen with infrared photography as "critters in the sky." Have you written on this topic? If so, let me know the title of the article, please. If not, perhaps you could share, if you would like to do so at this time, what you think they are.

I have always...always...felt from the time I read the "Hidden Hand" Q&A and how he spoke of these people one never sees and how he intimated a connection with off-planet spiritual forces (which also gives these older families an unbroken account of their history) that entities exist on the spiritual plane which connect to and instruct the Globalist Cabal. Only those who have innate psychic talent can do so which is why they limit their bloodlines. This is why, too, they test their young.

I was reading and listening to Gigi Young, a self-professed mystic and Rudolph Steiner advocate, during the long Covid shutdown until just recently. She has many interesting ideas. She even suspects that perhaps entities live below the Earth who may still have advanced Atlantean technology.

This heritage she traces in some fashion to Mars. Martian culture, according to her psychic/intuitive sessions, renounced the Feminine Aspect and extinguished Her from their planet. They created, of course, hyper-masculinity with no balance and blew themselves up. They came, perhaps--I can't well understand her and I think she guards this information--during the latter end of the Lemurian Period which was unfixed physicality but just forming human bodies (Steiner, Blavatsky)...just beginning. They were able (she's never been clear for me) to integrate themselves into the human form still forming at that time. Perhaps. They didn't travel by space ships. Perhaps thought projection. Maybe I've misunderstood her. She could well still be pursuing this topic of investigation and unsure herself.

Long story short, their heritage becomes manifested in Sons of Belial (my supposition) who took Atlantis down with their misuse of "The Crystal" power. Typical hyper-masculinity.

They simply disseminated as many Atlanteans did prior to the submersion of their continent. I think one vicious element arose in the Khazars who, of course, worshipped the Siva Lingam and not the Feminine, Yoni, as the balanced religion of Hinduism indicates. Interesting, isn't it? You know them by their actions...their deeds. Then, of course, they became Ashkenazi Jews: the Great Pretenders.

Steiner, then, hypothesizes the 8th Sphere where these aborted entities eventually reside--those who degrade their human soul/essence/consciousness and fall so far outside the human evolutionary chain that they can no longer evolve. Thus, perhaps the plasma in the sky is 8th sphere consciousness. Because they're unable to participate in physical life doesn't mean they don't usurp or crave power. In fact, Gigi has said that they want to regain entry into human form in order to re-enter the evolutionary chain Steiner proposed...which is why we have this convolution of Harari personalities running around the planet talking about becoming God and physically inventing themselves and the Universe. Classic Mars.

Interesting that another psychic with "The Cassiopaean Experiment" (Laura Knight) hypothesizes a 4D which fights above us and breaks through to our plane occasionally and influences us in other ways. They center around George Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way. To each his own. All roads lead to Rome.

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Again, thank you for your contribution. You raise many points and I will attempt to be brief. Are you familiar with W Thomas Boyce's theory regarding "orchid" and "dandelion" children? It supports the homeopathic and anthroposophic views on the complexities of individuation and enwrapping of subtle bodies. I live in Paracelsus territory, geographically close to Arlesheim and Dornach. You appear to be in the orchid group, hence show inordinate levels of sensitivity and can palpably perceive/receive information through your physical body that most others cannot. As to CDS causing you to become ill: CDS at the electrochemical level simply provides oxygen and free electron flow/correct voltage to the body, and has zero toxicity. The only way it can chemically make a person "ill" would be a) through a herx reaction b) incorrect preparation or adulteration of the liquid c) incorrect dosing d) combined intake of anti-oxidants which are electrically antithetical to CDS. As to Carpenter, his forays into the interdimensional realms were directly empirical via simple infra-red photographs taken in California. His advocating of the "New Knowledge" is rooted in 1) Steiner and etherian physics/spiritual science 2) Reich and orgonotics 3) Drown and radionics. As to the interpretation of giant interdimensional microbes through infra red: do these relate in any way to beings of the 8th sphere or do they perform some function in the ethers analogous to microbiota inside our own bodies? Or possibly both? That is, commensal to the ethers yet capable of morphing into (or becoming vehicular to) malignant energies as manifesting in the ahrimanic "ETs" and "UFOs" which are proving now to be humankind's nemesis? As to the Linnaen/Darwinian tribal reading of ethnicities: I am skeptical about such things since archetypal tribalist forces in the subconscious come into play and lead to division and violence. As to beings living under the earth, there is clearly much to support this hypothesis, not least Antarctica (Admiral Bird, Nazis etc.) On a last note, I think the elementals (spoken of by Steiner, Paracelsus and others) are very pure and innocent etheric beings that can become hurt /damaged presences within our own bodies since they work within us organizing cellular expression of primary elements. As to the world of mushrooms, it is indeed rich and complex, even starting with an understanding of the mycelial "wood-wide-web" and its shadow aspects in the human being (yeasts, mold, fungi - also now the synbio variants developed in labs to induce genetic manipulation). This is all rather complex material and you raise many points of reference and inquiry. Bottom line is we have to maintain our inner balance, reason and sanity in a world gone off the rails: shiva shakti, lingam yoni , inhale exhale, left-right hemispheres etc. Gurdjieff is not for the faint hearted and requires a path through the wilderness, the paths to Rome are brilliant forms of engineering and civilization but all that comes at a price (empire, deceit, control, and the hands of the Jesuits).

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Wow! Just wow! Your mind can not only keep up with mine but surpasses it. I've got a lot to digest and unwrap from your reply! Very kind of you to post such a lengthy response.

I'm not worried about being a mountain. I practice a brand of Buddhism which taught me how to stand my ground. Please note...as most Westerners tend to misunderstand...many different schools of Buddhism exist. Gautama lived long ago and in a different era. Many different kinds of practitioners exist who understand and employ the principles of their various religions and searches for understanding in myriad ways. Some succeed; many don't.

I was struck when engaging with the Gigi Young forum and particularly with her explanations in dealing with karma and daily relationships (her earlier work...she seems to concentrate solely on esoteric matters today) how very similar if not identical they were to the understanding I gained from my Buddhist practice. The tradition and heritage of the strain one practices is also, I came to realize, vital. I just was dumb, plain lucky. The right practice came at the right time. Of course, as one leader remarked, I had to move from Florida all the way to San Francisco to meet that tradition!

Please note that I was an abhorrent practitioner; only the dire circumstances in my life drove me with an intensity to resolve my karmic knot. Literally, the problem became either resolve this karma or die. Literally. Not figuratively. My life became nothing if I didn't overcome and surpass these troubles. My life was in inordinate danger, and the very strict Buddhist leaders at the time needed little to convince that the same situation I encountered growing up with my parents was replaying.

Unfortunately, the organization has become compromised. They accepted the foolishness proffered by the CDC and proselytized the vaccination while censoring comments on Zoom forums suggesting people investigate the mRNA vaccination. Com ci, com ca. Religious organizations are easily corrupted, and of course I could no longer associate with them.

I marveled that they could hold up as an examples the two founding leaders from WWII who refused to enshrine the Shinto goddess per state-prescribed edicts while capitulating so terribly easily in this instance of Covid Fear and Drama. One needs to refer to facts and read widely before entertaining simply notions. One WWII leader died in prison, and the other got out broken in health but established the Buddhist school throughout post-WWII Japan. He was an alive conduit.

Once again, traditions or heritages pass from one person to another. What works for one may offer little sustenance for another...which is why so many people seemingly denigrate another's spiritual path because they can't understand this principle.

Here's a funny story about mountains and will. When I was about 7 or 8, I had such an indomitable will. At one point, I said to myself, "I must relinquish this will or else I'll derive no benefit from this experience." Or thoughts along those lines for an 8-year old. I keenly remember that moment because my power lessened substantially. Otherwise, everything was too easy. I could've learned nothing.

Again, many thanks!! Everyone have a good day! Cheers!! No need to reply. I probably have far more time on my hands than do you.

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Very true what you say here. It is strange indeed how crude covid mythology seems to have the power to easily penetrate the minds of those one might imagine would be naturally immunized against its falsity, such as these experienced Buddhist practitioners or the old herbalist you mentioned in a previous post, who flew into a kind of rage. I guess this only proves their lack of accomplished inner stillness and true clarity of insight, their unresolved susceptibility to fear most of all. Fear and obedience, the ancient pair of shackles that all dictators know how to manipulate, including those demonic entities that work in the “service” of karma. It has its black humor of course. By the way, I completely understand why you would not need to be a mountain, especially if you were aware of having a terribly strong will at the tender age of eight. It is absolutely true what you say: there is no one single way of practicing Buddhism or finding one’s path. It is very individual, it is just the mistakes we make that are rather generic, it seems!

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I skim read this entire enough to know to save it to read again . Many thanks for this Dr Corrin.

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Good. Please let me know if I can assist you with any further questions.

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Dr. You are a Godsend!

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Thank you dear friend.

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Nicholas - I gotcha honey & I love you so much!

Blessings to you and to your beautiful family.

Thank you for another superb writing - HUG

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Hugs to you too. Love and many blessings to you and the kidz!

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Been doing DE for years. One week on, one week off. repeat. Also boron.

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