Wow. I could not agree with you more. Specifically:

1. instinct and intuition are more important to us than intellect

2. your psy-op description

3. your approach to do as little harm as possible to the body while eliminating or nullifying nanotech.

I want to steer clear of chemical solutions so, unless I really end with no choice, I'm currently avoiding EDTA and Vit. C.

I've tried borax on a number of occasions. For me (please do as you feel right for you), I got a very bad intuitive feeling this last time. I'm casting no dispersions on anyone; we must each decide what's right for us. Nanosilver might end up being my therapy in the future for all I know.

Right now, I'm preparing (via completely natural mineral supplementation--no chemicals) my body for a Kllinghardt protocol on neurotoxins. Toxins will very readily attach to those receptors used by minerals. If minerals are already attached, the toxins will adhere to your binding agent (chlorella, cilantro, etc.) and be flushed. I would categorize him as one of the leading world's expert on ridding the body of parasites and heavy metals with a vast experience in patient care.

I have a list of ingredients: they're all expensive and I'm not wealthy. I have Spagyric tinctures for removal of heavy metal and parasites plus blockage of sites used to attach nano within the body. I have products ready to use which dissolve hydrogel and the plastics around nano. I have two more products I need before beginning. Then, I plan a full-scale war.

All these remedies are food-based with the utmost care given in preparation. The body must, in my belief, be rebuilt in addition to rigorously denuding the body of nano. Spagyric takes the entire herb/plant and distills its very essence--not simply a simple soak into a tincture. Spagyric can go into the etheric and astral bodies.

Moreover, one's mind is absolutely necessary. If your mind is strong, you can repel many "things" attacking you. Your mind must be incredibly strong. I don't know how to describe this characteristic except I've approached people to talk with them only to have them back up away from me. I'm speaking kindly and politely toward them about general subjects (in the past), but this is mind in operation. It's like a force field. I was essentially born this way.

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Thank you for your astute comments. I have patients who were previously seeing Dr. Klinghardt, and I am familiar with some of his protocols and the Biopure products he has available on his product line websites. Your point regarding the vital importance of mineral repletion at receptor sites is accurate. (This is one reason I mentioned Agua de Mar, Ormus and Original Quinton in this post. Shilajit and Sole are also good sources.) Yes, spagyric is far better than simple tincture and can penetrate the more subtle bodies. I am based in Switzerland, where Paracelsus and homeopathy have had a lasting influence which has not been eviscerated as in Anglo-America. Regarding borax, I think you are quite right in listening to you body above all else. "One man's meat is another man's poison." Paracelsus defined poisons in terms of dosage, not essence. It can be that a tiny amount of one substance is intolerable for on person but a large amount quite innocuous to another. Paracelsus also described the emergence of endogenous elementals within the biofield whose origin lies in perturbations of the astral body. These correlate with Rudolf Steiner's clairvoyance regarding what he called "phantoms", which are disembodied fragments of astral material floating around us in the ethers. Steiner wrote about how, when he was a young man, he was tutoring a child at the student's home, while the mother lay sick with smallpox right behind a curtain in the same room. Steiner prevented himself from being infected simply by steadfastly regarding the mother's presence with neutrality, as though she were a rock. In this way, the steady strength of his mind supported his immunity. I totally agree with you about a strong mind being primary. However, the problem is that most people's minds are extremely weak and growing weaker as time goes by. To sum up, health and healing are highly individualized, yet at the same time we must now search for general solutions that can be adopted by large numbers of people, regardless of their background or constitutional variations. These can be adapted and customized as needed.

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Omg small world. I used to go to Paracelsus Klinik! I wanted to continue to go, but it’s just so difficult because I’m on the French-speaking side. The trajet is almost 4 hours one way.

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C'est dommage que vous soyez si loin. Mes meilleurs vœux en tout cas !

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I think it was around 2011 when I first started taking borax tonic. It's one level teaspoon to 4 cups of water, and then taken a sip of about two or three times a day. I had arthritis that would come on in a day and affect a foot or a hand so strongly that I couldn't use it at all, and was left limping or only using one hand. Then the next day it was gone. I started getting this when I was about 25 years old. I had to do something. And borax is natural, so I liked that about it. Ever since I've been sipping this, which I make and then keep a clean capped pop bottle in the fridge and refill as needed from the main old glass milk bottle, I have had no more problems with arthritis. Only when I forget to take it for about a week, then my body starts feeling like the arthritis is coming back. So it has been very helpful for me. I'm grateful for those who brought it to my attention those years ago.

I think I should add, for people who would like to use this tonic...You heat a very small amount of water and then put the level teaspoon of borax in to melt it. Then you put some cold water into it and pour it into the glass container to keep in the refrigerator. You can pour some of that into a smaller bottle for everyday use.

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Your response is so incredibly excellent!!! I'm a prime believer in "It can be that a tiny amount of one substance is intolerable for on person but a large amount quite innocuous to another." I see your compassion in continuing to search for general solutions "which can be adopted by large numbers of people."

I've walled myself off to try to think independently because so much conflicting and contradictory information is floating everywhere. I believe these tactics are deliberate and perhaps influenced by AI-driven algorithms to help create the weak minds you describe (along with other avenues like too much lack of sleep; poor nutrition and exercise; etc.) Too much conflicting and contradictory information simply makes a mind spin and spirit ultimately collapse within.

I'll see how I feel once I've begun the program and spent some months on it.

We must recognize the interesting clue given us by the effective use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which have helped numbers of people regain their health. This condition can be attacked via parasite-heavy metal protocols. The body is recognizing many of these elements as foreign and requiring ejection. (When I first saw the white, ropey "blood clots," I said instinctively...that's the body trying to protect itself. It's manufacturing the white-rope substance to protect itself. Just read an article a few days ago by scientists in a study expressing the same sentiment!!)

However, as we all recognize, I suspect we need far more to eject nano. How to extract nanotechnology from our tissue and organs becomes a challenge. One challenge will certainly involve the astral plane (where, supposedly, all illness or disease originates)--but perhaps this type of treatment is centuries in the future.

An interesting experience this morning. I injured my body quite badly by driving commercially the last 15 years I worked. The rigidity of position required to drive greatly damaged the musculoskeletal structure which I quite naïvély believed I could regain even in old age.

I've found acupressure mats very effective. Extremely painful (when one initially lies down) but effective. As I rolled over areas, after 40 minutes, my mind had completely and totally cleared! I was rather astounded. The correlation between acupuncture therapy on the physical body and mental clarity was pronounced.

I'm greatly intrigued by Steiner's phantoms and must look them up! Many thanks for the reference.

The point of neutrality, as I understand the concept from practicing Buddhism, is that the emotions are highly magnetic: they draw "things" and situations to the individual. To further develop the idea, this is how karma forms in our lives. By remaining neutral, that is, without an emotive state--which, btw, isn't simply denying emotion but rather mastering emotion--one controls their environment to a great extent. Past karma, to add further nuance, often precipitates the emotive response in our current life to "draw the karma."

Enough. My answer is already too long. No need to reply. Thank you for your response. Cheers!

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Thank you so much for your insights, Blessing ~

It is also important to note: As a populous, we must consider and include the following...

Years of ingesting poisonous/toxic, air, water, food, textiles and media also play a huge part of the puzzle, with regard to our overall physical and brain health.

Should one be consuming tainted junk, or other unhealthy foods, etcetera; Then one can expect also, not to be balanced of both hemispheres, as a result or this unnatural poisoning of the brain and body. Within this unbalance comes, doubt, insecurity, unclear thoughts, irrational thinking as well as, unstable behavior. As these significances of pollutants arise in the body and the brain, so to does the ability to clearly discern, and or reason. Hence, allowing your body to be manipulated, used as a pin cushion, in exchange for a joint, a beer, a doughnut, or perhaps, free internet.

The opportunity to be suckered, coerced, or played the fool , becomes the norm. Each person, one to the other, adapts and adopts to these poisons introduced and ingested through the body and mind.

What I suggest, is to first and foremost, get back to basics. Clean up up your intake: Whether this be textiles. groceries, intellectual input or the like, it must all be clean - In order that we begin anew!

I am not stating that nano tech can become removed by this method - Only that it may slow the process and eliminate further harm to self.

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Great points and I concur with you 100%. You are very accurate in pointing to the chemical derivation of brain and behavioral malfunction. "Get back to basics". Yes! I agree with you completely. I have two cats and living with cats you can clearly see how the phrase "cleanliness is next to godliness" did not come from a human, it came from a cat. In Patanjali's 8 Limbs of Yoga, "saucha" (which means cleanliness in all senses) is at the very top of the list of the Niyamas (what we must do to stay in alignment with nature and with our our inner divine nature). The tragedy, and the challenge are so great because, as you clearly point out, we have been subjected to a multi-generational, multi vector barrage of toxins and mind bending poisons. The place to start is to throw away as much as possible which might be adding to this, and clean up your own internal rivers, blood, lymph, emotions, thoughts, the lot. It does not happen overnight, but then nothing does. Supposedly, it even took G-D seven days to create the world, but man can destroy the whole lot now in just seven seconds.

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Thank you - There is a divine plan. I do not believe, our Creator will allow this type of happening. As this is the ultimate in beauty and of all creations. Our world always has been and shall always be, Protected.

Blessings ~

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I agree, this creation cannot be destroyed, it can only be temporarily sullied. These pestilential beings will be cast off and the beauty restored. But we must do our part to ensure this happens.

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Take my hand...Walk with me...Only in the spirit of love and positivity, can we begin to turn this crazy around. The evil ones, thrive on negativity and hate. When one takes these items away from those who wish to destroy, they become weak - Like that of Samson, after his hair was cut, he became weakened. We must utilize those tools in our immediate surrounds. As the old saying goes: Kill them with kindness!

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"Only in the spirit of love and positivity can we begin to turn this crazy around." Yes.

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...and, turn it around, we must and we shall, as we are those whom they deem the inferior and the weak. As you are aware, we the inheritors of this Earth, DO once again, Prevail!

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Thank you, Dr. Corrin for your insights / opinion. I agree. Time is passing so quickly. We do need to explore the options available.

Much Respect.

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Yes, so thank you, Dr. Deborah, for opening doors and disclosing key options. Respect returned.

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Nanotechnology - Nanorobot engineering is now in a very advanced form.. 40+ years of work.. around the world.. Fact .. and thanks to GOF it was formulated into the Slow Kill Covid Bio-Weapon.. not only are Nanorobots fully functional in a large portion of the citizens of the G20.. most have no idea.. how ubiquitous this has become..

Blood cleansing must be done daily.. and a clear understanding of what works most effectively..

Thank you for exploring this vitally Important issue.. Let’s see what we can discover..!

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Very true. Never before has "saucha" been so critically important as it is today.

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Illusion of security as a psy-op. I love this. Thanks Doc

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What a fascinating, informative read! I especially appreciate these two items from your list:

"people are generally far more lost and ignorant than they are willing to admit

instinct and intuition are more important to us than intellect"

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Thank you Katherine. You yourself clearly do not belong in that group!

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Is there any truth in the proposition that nicotine inhibits self assembly?

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Great question. There is much debate around this topic at the moment and we lack a clear definitive answer. My sense is that nicotine can play some part in inhibiting self assembly (as can numerous other substances) and we need to explore a variety of comprehensive approaches. There will doubtless also be individual variations at work. No two bodies are exactly he same and reactions "in vivo" differ accordingly.

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Terral03 quotes from the NASA papers with the 2025 scenario. This lady puts together all the papers published by NASA.

Terral03 claims that the Borax - Nano Silver comes from a NASA Whistleblower. I found a different Whistleblower from NASA saying the exact same thing.

Let me remind you what NASA stands for Never a straight answer.

The major difference in the borax - Terral says it is 'eating' the legs and antenna off the nanobots. . The other whistleblower says borax clears out radiation.

Another NASA Whistleblower says that removing the nanobots is a PsyOp. Terral03 goes to great lengths to bad mouth Colloidal Silver or any other Nano Silver out there other that is not his. I do believe Nano Silver is the 'Silver Bullet' but there are a 1,000 ways to make it.

Bottom line do your own research on the different Nano Silvers on the market. And bear in mind Google will block certain results. Same with DuckDuckGo, Bing and such. Remember we are in an Information Warfare Theater.

Answer me this Honeybee... EDTA has been around since the 1930s. When did Nano Silver arrive on the scene?

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I don’t understand why you say so confidently

“ there is zero toxicity associated with nanosilver. None. Nanosilver cannot do any harm or accumulate inside the body.”

There’s plenty of literature on toxicity of silver and it bioaccumulates…


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I am not sure about your "literature". My confidence is based on multiple peer reviewed studies from multiple major institutions, specific studies into silver bioaccumulation (showing zero) conducted by the EPA by means of MRI, having the clear ability to differentiate between ionic forms of silver and nanosilver, metabolic time frame of silver, plus the fact that even in cases of argyria due to overdosing, the excess silver simply gets packed around the outer layers of skin cells, and is not pathogenic. By the way, silver is not a heavy metal either, according to the Merck manual. Silver has been used in medicine for thousands of years going back to Hippocrates and even earlier. One last point that gives me confidence: 30 years of clinical practice.

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I’m not saying that there is no merit to using silver and I’m aware of the use dating back years. You say multiple studies have shown zero bioaccumulation yet you didn’t reference anything 🤷‍♂️. I even presented a source after reading dozens of peer reviewed studies (which is meaningless given all the corruption in the scientific industry) showing toxicity and accumulation.

Anyhow I’m still following, thanks for the response

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Perhaps you can listen to this interview on Brighteon of Dr. Keith Moeller talking with Celeste Solum:


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Ok thank you will do.

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Great. You are welcome. Let me know your thoughts afterward.

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Speaking from personal experience, I took silver for a couple months, and then several years later, my silver levels were sky high on a metals test, so that conflicts with the narrative that silver doesn't accumulate.

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You have not said what form of silver you took years ago, or in what quantity, nor what kind of metals test you had. Therefore I cannot comment further on bio-accumulation. Some people are highly allergic to silver or gold. Perhaps it would prove helpful for you to watch the video link posted just above in this thread to an interview with silver specialist Dr. Keith Moeller.

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I took nano silver, about 1 tsp./day, and it was a hair test. I'm not allergic. The issue isn't an allergy -- it's that it accumulates.

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I don’t know what to do for the best, such a lot of conflicting information about best way to detox from nanotech.

I went down the EDTA & Vit C route but stopped due to concerns about how toxic that is for body and mind.

Now, I’m taking Zeolite and Asea Redox Molecules. Any advice about this would be much appreciated.

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Good Day Honeybee! Curious as to best place to buy Spagyrics? Also, the Vitamin C I currently use is from Perque--other ingredients listed: NONE. So, I may call the company and inquire further about this. I myself have worked as an operating room nurse for over 30 years (trying to leave asap--finances :( I have a master of science in holistic nutrition since 2018 and have extensively studied the human microbiome (heart of my thesis), EMFs, and on and on. I, as well as my patients, are focused on herbal tinctures over pill form supplements. I totally understand most of the information here and feel so bad for patients who don't know where to start in digesting all the fraud in the healthcare system. I truly appreciate and admire Dr. Kllinghardt for his boldness and ability to shed light on what is truly damaging our bodies. I am super interested in spagyrics, and especially balancing the body through specific frequencies (knowing the 3-Letter agencies are using the harmful frequencies everyday non-stop to distort our DNA--especially in the hospital! Again, if you could share any information on purchase of Spagyric tinctures I would appreciate it ! have a blessed week (:

~Stacy N.


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This is a multi vector biological attack. Relying on 1 or 2 remedies is not enough. Broad Spectrum approach. Bad mouthing EDTA is a sign of controlled opposition. It is truly safe and effective.

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I think it is clear who has the bad mouth here. By the way, "truly safe and effective" reminds me of the favorite phrase of a certain former chief of the NIAID, a person of rather short stature and rather larger faculties of deception. As regards "relying on 1 or 2 remedies" in contrast to a "broad spectrum approach", have you even read my article? That might be a good place to start.

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In Canada here, Chelation Therapy is not covered under the medical plan. Why? I suspect it is the same in the USA. I watched a webinar by a rebel Quack extolling the virtues of Calcium EDTA and DMSA or Heavy Metal Chelation. He was showing the before and after results of the heavy metal urine test. I started Chelation in 1984 before the Quacks would do it. We had to do it ourselves in the kitchen. I just giggled cause I started doing that protocol of measuring Heavy Metals in 2006. Sad when I read a book on Chelation, Morton or Cramer I think. He explained that he found Calcium EDTA to clear out arterial plaque and would reverse strokes. He was astounded that his fellow quacks were bragging about having double and triple bypass surgeries. They are so brainwashed by big pharma they believe their own Bullshit.

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Yes, true. Big P + perks galore + self-induced brainwashing. That's the recipe. Normalize invasive surgeries and keep the $ spigot flowing. Meanwhile, ensure that everyone's arteries clog up. Definition of insanity but a great business model.

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Sad, but true. I see this daily in the operating room. BTW, there are at least three specific procedures that I have opted out of that are purely evil. I am trying to financially position myself to apply for a grant and open my open business ASAP. Thank you for shedding light on so many levels!

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PS - Just to show effective the cover up is. I asked many people I run across talking about health. (probably over 10 people) Have you heard of Chelation Therapy? All said No accept for 1.

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Not at all surprised to hear that. I used to have an office in a clinic that did a lot of chelation therapy. Guess who came to shut them down.

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Sadly most places that do Chelation dilute a bottle so they can make more money off it. I had a shot at my Naturopath and I said that was pretty weak. At 200 pounds I am able to handle 3 grams for a full strength shot. The next shot as a full one cause I could feel it. The problem is people are so polluted they cannot handle a full shot based on their body weight. And if they are only getting a quarter shot then it is not really doing anything. One person i talked to said oh they tried it and it made them feel terrible so they stopped taking it. I literally smacked my forehead with my palm. You just can't help some people. :)

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I went to go find Matt ’s microscopy, and I saw a very strange thing. Inside this photo, https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1272,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fb5f298de-d1f8-47d1-846d-243793d86485_2232x3968.jpeg

you wouldn't believe it...there is this sack inside someone's blood, and in the sack are three alien-worms (they're white). And it seems that those three alien worms would give birth to those three tiny beings, that look like bright dots, but when you look really up close, the one on the bottom looks like a female, the one in the middle looks like a male with a big belly, and the one on the top looks like an older lady, half a body, just the top part, and maybe it's a male/female for all I can tell. Never seen anything like this....


when I was studying deep space from the Hubble photos, and some of those structures out there, not even sure if they are galaxies, looked like a bust of a person. Similar to what these look like, very artificial, almost like a cartoon. And there's one above that one with the 3 worms, it's similar but looks like a wizard with a long skull or a long hat, and he's looking towards the left, smiling. I wonder what the Atlanteans or Lemurians knew that got them all killed?

It's the 21st picture down, or 2nd from the bottom, in this post "The Purple Islanders Monster"https://woodnstone820.substack.com/p/the-purple-islanders-monster

*and, doctor? we don't know what they are. Don't put your precious fingers anywhere near them until we all know a bit more. They, like so many 'spirits' just might be sticky, and if you know what I've experienced with that, no one wants something sticking on their 'aura?' body.

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I would say the three worms look distinctly like humanoid embryos held in that womb sac.

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Yes, the wizard is holding the remains of a cat, upside down. There may be the remains of another head atop his own, which disappears from view under the top hat. There is a suggestion of ears up there. He definitely appears to be focused and contemplating something. I suspect the dead cat is some kind of wand.

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That's interesting. When I was looking at the wizard figure above the other three wormlike, yes definitely humanOID looking embryos, I thought that he was holding a dead baby in his arm. Oh, I see the ears on his head. Like animal ears. And that thing at the top left? That looks like a white rabbit with a really big black eye, looking toward the wizard with his two little arms outstretched against his hat. There's a white cube to the upper left of it. And then, morphing into the rabbit, just above it, seems to be some strange alien looking creature, some demonic like form that when you look at it, then it looks like his arm is stretched into the what becomes the rabbit. I saw a lot of that in the universe photographs Hubble took of Ultra Deep Space. There are some so freaky pictures. Lots of double photos, such as, a girl smiling, and if you look again, it's an ugly face looking to the left. When I try to see the girl smiling, it doesn't come, until I look away then back and then I find it again. Same with when I'm looking at the ugly face, I can't find the smiling girl face. It's trippy. I saw some photographs of a cave that some archaeologist took, and said this was an Atlantean artwork, because it did similar things. You look at the picture, but another picture comes out of it, and another. Those beings back then were pretty subtle and interesting artists...as are those who craft those 'galaxies' or whatever that stuff is out there.

I know there's a meaning behind it. I also saw another one in the universe. Looked like an ugly deformed man looking at a smiling pink pig face. But when I zoomed in to get a closer look, I saw a handsome prince face with a very elegant look, but the pink pig face was still there. Then I zoomed closer, and that ugly deformed man's face showed up again. So I zoomed out, and there was that prince face again. But that pink pig head was always the same. Then I was not able to see the prince face anymore because the ugly deformed man's face was stuck in my view. It's like that. It's strange. Like an optical illusion. But what's even stranger is that, I would never have imagined things like this to be out there. Who made these? What made them?

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This is GREAT. You're the best! I am so glad I found you. Well, I've been asking and asking to meet intelligent people, and finally, I'm finally beginning to meet you, starting with you. Because this is so freaking almost exactly the way I think. I have the right brain left brain balance necessary in order to correctly compute something. Musicians, artists or music lovers who can get deep into the flow of the music, tend to have these abilities at their 'fingertips'...

So, while observing that photo up close, I put it into a new tab so I could take a closer look. My first impression was, at the very top, I saw a bird head, with a black eyeball on the right side of the face, and a very long beak, which instantly reminded me of the bird-alien that Corrado Malanga found out about. (He's an Italian physicist/scientist/whatever else, who has taken up research into why people are being alien abducted, and found valid solutions to prevent it from happening anymore. He's brilliant...too!). I forget what Corrado Malanga called it, Lux? And then I went down the page further and saw what looked like his chest, and it had these shiny things on it, which reminded me of that dream-at-night-vision-in-a-dream I had where I saw Lucifer with a priest shield on his chest, full of those crystals that the Jews talk about their priests wearing. And so that was my next impression. (And near the bottom of the picture, I saw what reminded me of Luciferase, a dull luminescent green ball on the left bottom part of page). And then underneath the crystal priest shield I saw white balls of light which reminded me of the aliens that do the slave work for those controllers. And then I moved to the right of the page continuing observing and I saw what looked like a fat caterpillar alien creature, and just below it, a half sleeping grey coloured robot alien. And then below that, a CUBE! An ALIEN CUBE! I saw those type geometrical structures in another dream I had when it was about aliens coming down from the sky invading us, and people disappearing, and we were holed out in a building trying to find our way out, when finally someone did, and we escaped back out into the sunshine and the police and other specialists buried those intruders and sealed them from ever interfering again. So, that was an interesting impression for me.

There's just too much impressions with stories behind them for me, to describe everything correctly so it could be understood by others. Anyway, I went further down the page, saw that blue and white light, with the Luciferase green colour right next to it. Oh that's a story, I can't tell here, would take the whole page... And then, down about the exact middle of the page I saw a dark alien in the center of that thing, with basically only two white points of light where the eyes are. I didn't see this before but I'm seeing it now as I describe this, that there is another alien, larger head, just above the one I described. Then going further down, I see a little blue alien, looking as though it's hanging onto the blue strip of light on the right side, with his little stick arm. And just below him, another orb of white light, and more below that one, and then further down, finally, that strong green coloured ball (Luciferase) and a very light fuzzy one below it.

So I was astonished when I read your post that you had basically the exact same comprehension, except that you used your own experiences and words to describe what you were seeing! Haha, I'm so glad I found one of you, supremely intelligent beings. Gosh, it's been hell living around stupid ditch-pig dumbass animal-like humans? beings, that I have been suffering so much. I was granted this look at your work first when I was at this page, Joe's work! (Great writer!) https://www.joebot.xyz/p/the-stargate-is-open/comments

"Terral Croft

Terral’s Substack


Greetings Joe: Nice work, brother. The amphibian and reptilian races are terrestrial and have been around for millions of years as God's custodians of this planet. They transported Elijah to heaven in a chariot of fire from 1Kings 2:10-11. We are living inside a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion-Invasion of the Body Snatchers Movie THAT IS REAL. Earth passed behind the Sun relative to the Black Star on December 05, 2024 that was predicted far in advance:..."

I was confused when I read this, because I had never read such complicated stuff like this before, and I was kind of not sure whether I was being confused, or I was just not aware enough...one can't do all the research everywhere all the time, so I just had to check out what this was about that was confusing me. Haha. Am I ever glad I did. I'm so grateful! Anyway...It's already a bit long, and I was so excited about what I read half the way down, I just had to express...but now I'm going to go finish reading the rest of it.

And I started checking out this page, https://www.terral03.com, which is where haha, I found all this brilliant work!

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These are great observations and deserving of a longer response. What you start out by saying in regard to hemisphere integration is exactly how I see it too. Musical and artistic people can achieve this much more readily (although not always is this the case by any means!) Yes, I agree, when getting into the flow of music, abilities arrive at one’s “fingertips”. I actually rely on my fingertips as transceivers for all the remote healing work I do. They sync up with the brain hemispheres of the recipient. Your reading of the image is exquisite. I see most of what you see. The bird with the long beak turning up and away is monstrous, implacable and terrifying. There is a torsion field generated by the spiral from the barely visible fan of the ephemeral dark blue tail at the base of the page as it contorts upward towards the beak at the apex. I also see a crocodile clearly discernible on the right flank (I think beneath your caterpillar). There are many heads, eyes and limbs that belong to robotic or hybrid looking creatures. There is this sense of a chrysalis as well, a semi-amorphous in-between state from which can emerge many different beings and energies. I think the way you are seeing is also the way indigenous people see, or used to. If you go and look at non-western island sculptures and masks in a museum, it is a lot like that. This is, as you say, because their right and left brains are in sync and not falsely separated into the cult of data. This data-driven society is a death cult to end all death cults. And a production line for annoying morons as well! I did not know about Corrado Malanga. I will look him up. Thank you so much!

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I didn't notice the tail, but I was thinking of a specific character out of ancient times, a chimera, but you described it so well, I had to find it, and I did. It's Abraxas.

"The bird with the long beak turning up and away is monstrous, implacable and terrifying. There is a torsion field generated by the spiral from the barely visible fan of the ephemeral dark blue tail at the base of the page as it contorts upward towards the beak at the apex."

Here's the picture. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a3/1e/51/a31e513782c5df321527a4f8bc23d686.jpg

If that link doesn't work, then it's on Pinterest: https://ca.pinterest.com/pin/6122149472118706/

And here's a description of the creature Abraxas in someone else's site: http://www.truthperfected.com/2012/11/abraxas.html

And another thing this chimera creeping thing in the blood, reminded me of is, the Black Plague Doctors: https://animalia-life.club/qa/pictures/black-plague-doctors

The blue chimera really describes that Abraxas character, especially with all those added entities we saw in that photo. It starts with a [plague doctors] chicken head, and ends with a swirling spiralling pair of snake legs, hahaha. So ugly.

The crocodile that you see, is it greyish in colour?

And those limbs... "There are many heads, eyes and limbs that belong to robotic or hybrid looking creatures,"

I saw a video of a strange creature that someone took a video of, which they thought at first was a spider because of all those synthetic webs that were all over his property, but at closer look, it was not a spider, but looks like it would belong into this blue chimera creature with all its strange octopus like limbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFWiaGAb5jg&list=PLKgP3PzIXm2HoyA1Ap121XeLIdxOQ6IjZ&index=316

The video above is a frame by frame, slowed down, showing the thing moving. But this one is the original video showing how tiny the creature is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVvEihxTMDE&list=PLKgP3PzIXm2HoyA1Ap121XeLIdxOQ6IjZ&index=317

The entire observations of that blue coloured chimera only shows negative alien like images. There's nothing positive in it. Otherwise we would be seeing roses and lilies, lol.

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Interesting. I read that Abraxas was inscribed directly on to the shields of the Knights Templar. More research called for. I myself had a sort of prophetic dream before I ever even thought of moving to the US from the UK. In it was tour bus filled with dull witted, complacent Americans. It pulled up into a pitstop in an extremely arid sun-scorched landscape without any vegetation. Just below was a huge lake that had a metallic sheen. The passengers, one by one, went down in to the water to cool off. They ignored my frantic warning cries about a swarm of birds that were approaching fast like a fleet of killer drones over the horizon. I saw these birds in my mind’s eye as mythological looking beings, creatures of ill omen, and not dissimilar in look or feeling to Abraxas.

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Please bear in mind the difference in size between what one sees under optical vs. electron microscopes.

1,000 nanometres = 1 micrometre

1,000 micrometers = 1 millimetre.

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