Frequency Saturation
Even without the nefarious actions perpetrated upon the people of this world, the “Information Age” portends towards global extinction of our civilization. Reckless expansion of carrier waves has resulted in a filthy mess of frequencies polluting earth’s atmosphere. Trees, insects, animals, humans, ocean algae and soil microbes, all are affected. The entire web of life is teetering as ecosystem homeostasis gets thrown off kilter by relentlessly competing signals which undermine biological integrity.
Since the dawn of time, living things have been challenged by the vicissitudes of nature to adapt to change. Some succeed better than others at grappling with adversity. Typically, more specialized species go extinct whilst more primitive ones manage to adjust to new realities. But what happens when change is simply too great and too swift for any biological system to adapt?
Disregulation green-lighted corporations to pursue policies which now threaten all life on earth. The back side of the shiny Digital Age is global extinction. As we have seen, regulatory bodies at both national and international levels work for the other side to the demise of human beings, animals and plants. Their investment is in technocracy, and their end game is depopulation and the rape and pillage of all “assets”.
How is it that electromagnetic waves by themselves can do so us much harm? By overload. The power of these new bandwidths is many thousands of times stronger than the low level our cells use to communicate. Our bodies function on very weak electrical signals. Whatever is too strong will harm us, or kill us.
So we have three problems:
saturation of the earth’s atmosphere through massive overload of carrier bandwidth
harsh frequencies that confuse and “burn” cell receptors
covert, manipulative information streams (mind control) by biohacker frequency modulated carrier waves
Radiation burns from iPhone 12
No one is immune from this. 5G was designed to reach penetrate:
Living in a cave on a remote mountainside does not make you truly immune or invisible to prying eyes. However, surrounding yourself with tree cover and stone walling buffers much of the damage. Covert carrier waves are designed to have deeply penetrating properties. 6G is already being installed and it uses the actual human being (you) as its power source.
In “WarpSpeed World”, our immune systems are continuously trying to correct “warps” in the transfer of electromolecular information. Remember: it is the interflow of electromolecular information rather than crude biochemical processes which supports life inside your body. Synthetic energy saturation generates dangerous distortions in this mix. Energetically speaking, these distortions are torsion fields. The end result is mutation in DNA. Our much abused immune systems cannot hold out forever. Without drastic intervention, we will arrive at the threshold when a complete collapse of our body defenses must take place.
But, as we now know, controlled collapse is the name of the game. Covid and 5G are two sides of the same coin. Perhaps, the coin held by “ The Players” is truly a meme coin. Big Tech is not just Big Brother, he/it is now also Big Doc. Hey, ya know, there are just so many great uses for a white coat!
All sickness has now become to some degree radiation induced. And targeted individuals are canaries in the proverbial coalmine. The ultimate goal of radiation is DNA: your proprietary gene sequence. Alter it to own it. Winner takes all. Regulation? Who needs that? All bets are off. Besides, there are more emergencies we need to take care of. The Oracle, who sees things before they happen, is looking into solutions. They are called EUAs. And they are, of course, safe and effective. So don’t you worry and hurry along now.
What is Free Energy?
All life is movement. All movement relies on one thing: energy. Movement is kinetic energy arising from potential energy. Thermal energy is just kinetic energy at the level of excited electrons shifting atoms.
But, is energy ever truly free to just go its own way? Or must energy, the fuel of life, always be contained and directed just as a human cell must be contained within an outer membrane, and directed by receptors lining its surface? Free access to energy is not the same as free energy. One can refer to the apparently indeterminate nature of quantum mechanics as a kind of innate freedom, but this is not a convincing answer since quantum mechanics shows this indeterminate realm to be highly ordered by probability. That means it must have intrinsic mathematical order. Until you have solved this riddle you will never be able to truly escape from the matrix of your own mind!
For example, plasma is used for high voltage energy transfer. Plasma has a lot of “free” electrons. (Free electrons are not securely attached to the outer orbitals of atoms.) That means they can be harnessed and lined up. This is accomplished by issuing a certain frequency. Here is the basis for plasma based DEWs. But you can see that the original energy (composed of “free” electrons) is not actually free from outside influence. Energy is always up for grabs.
Energy relies on containers, connectors, and states.
Three examples of a container:
a battery
a cell membrane
a plan of action
Three examples of connectors:
synthetic polymer fibers (Morgellons)
insect antennae
Three examples of states:
the valence orbital of an atom
4th phase water
sexual arousal
The link between Electromagnetism and the Paranormal
Electromagnetic energy runs the world. Pull the plug and the most powerful computers shut down instantly. If this continues for a long time, the world as we know it collapses. Perhaps it will.
In point of fact, electromagnetic energy is only one type of energy we draw from. As a society, we revere electromagnetic energy because we can measure it, store it and sell it. We compute electromagnetic energy in metrics such as Hz, volts, amps, and gauss.
However, many other energies exist which cannot be perceived by modern scientific instruments. These are subtle energies. Such energies encompass many things including telepathy, clairsentience, remote viewing and psychotronics. In other words, paranormal phenomena. Denial of such phenomena is what has enabled the dumbing down of populations. Ignorance solidifies the people’s status as stock, or chattel. The average person has been well trained to be their own prison guard. Indeed, since infancy, we are potty-trained to reject all paranormal phenomena as pseudoscience. The common person therefore does not realize the pseudo-rationality imposed on him/her via “education” is itself nothing but a spell.
What is obvious to those who have broken free of the spell is that the most classified levels of science and technology interface with black magic. Forces are being unleashed now which no-one can accurately see or measure. These subtle currents dovetail into electromagnetism in the neural circuits of our brains.
This explains how occult forces can penetrate unseen into humans: via electromagnetic dictation. Psychotronic influence converts into electromagnetic effects by enlivening action potentials: an electrical oscillation then travels down resting nerve bodies to elicit specific muscular responses, hormone secretions, feelings or illusions we project on to the world. Whoever masters this process masters the world. For the world is not really made of matter: it is made of feelings and perceptions.
And whoever has not yet broken free is a person trapped inside feelings and projections which have been externally manipulated.
Ionosphere Disturbance Has Geopathic Effects
The earth has an ionosphere and a magnetosphere which wrap around it. It also has deep water veins and above ground, grid-like structures through which geo-energy runs. Such grid like structures include:
Curry grids
Hartmann grids
Bencker grids
Underground rock faults
Underground water veins
Some energy flows are helpful to us, indeed essential for our wellbeing. Running energy lines occur in the sky, under the earth, and atmospherically, over its surface.
The Hartashen Megalithic Avenue, Armenia (Photo credit: Histories Mysteries)
Ley lines are similar to acupuncture meridians of the earth. And they link up with places where energy efflux is very high. Many sacred monuments were erected in such places.
Externsteine, Germany (Photo credit: Bene Photo)
Similar high energy portals also exist in the sky. However, at certain critical junctures, energy flowing through deep water veins and manmade cables can cause sickness through a phenomenon called geopathic stress. A particular kind of carrier energy wave called negative green is involved.
Today, subterranean conduits are affected by atmospheric and ionospheric manipulation, courtesy HAARP and Darpa. This includes weather warfare, DEW induced fires and the recent spate of chemical fogs which directly disturb electrical charges in the upper atmosphere.
Please remember this:
all energy seeks to move.
movement is life and life is movement.
inertia, stagnancy, stasis = death.
Our ancestors were nomads and always on the move. Today we live in the same place for years on end. We hardly move anymore except to go to the bathroom or to go shopping. Even that is done online, from a sedentary posture. Just one hundred years ago, the average person walked at least 10 miles each day. In today’s world, more and more people work from home and the only things they move are their fingers. Walking generates energy and oxygenates the living tissues. Not for no reason did Hippocrates call walking the best medicine. The nomadic way of life also meant that our ancestors were not constantly being exposed to the energy flows of one particular place. Doing so can be perilous if the place emits a lot of geopathic stress. It is also true that some buildings are sick with mold. Others may retain phantom presences and ghosts. On top of all that, we now have EMF pollution and targeted RF interferences. If we spend most hours of the day in the same location, chances are, over time, we are “warped” by the torsion fields. This alone makes us liable to fall ill. Immunity is not just about what you eat and what supplements you take. It is also a matter of defense against negative energies.
The Covid lockdowns were evil in intent and caused incalculable human suffering. The after effects produced - like the side-effects of drugs - continue to cause irreparable waves of harm. Above all, lockdowns were a means to inflict trauma. Many, if not most, people still carry traumatic after effects at the cellular level. They were also a way of softening communities up for the kill: smart cities aka C40 cities.
Original Geopathic Stress
People suffering from chronic illnesses are almost always exposed to geopathic stress. They tend, almost without exception, to be sleeping on interference zones. Dangerous energy is seeping into them from the ground. Geopathogenic zones can trigger inflammation, autoimmune conditions, cancers, allergies, anxiety, and depression. Disturbed sleep patterns are often an indicator of these negative factors. Once sleep is off, so are the regulatory systems of the body which rely on circadian rhythms to function properly. As I have explained in a previous post, melatonin (the hormone required for sleep) is pleiotropic, and vital for cell detox and repair.
Smart Cars, Smart Cities
New synthetic-radiofrequency stress is compounding the original disturbances. Today, the word “smart” attached to anything really means:
For example, there is perhaps no more dangerous place to sit than inside a Tesla. This smarter than smart vehicle will bombard you with 60 gHz frequencies along with low frequency waves thudding out from its battery. Good luck preserving your own batteries for much longer. I haven’t noticed any human battery chargers lining streets and highways yet, but who knows. It is early days and once 6G gets going the urban environment will adjust accordingly.
Can you appreciate how overloaded our adaptogenic responses have by now become? We were exquisitely designed by nature to be able to adapt to adversity at the biological level. This functional flexibility is controlled by neuropeptides. It has long been understood in traditional medicine that certain plants and herbs are adaptogenic and support our mindbody system.
Some commonly use dherbal adaptogens:
holy basil
rhodiola rosea
Energy Flow Adjustment
The art and science of energy adjustment long predates modern times. Feng shui, geopathology and geomancy are all sciences that deal with environmental energy. They are methods of locating and removing negative energies or rendering them harmless. These fields of knowledge are very ancient, far older than the names we now give to them. Our ancestors deployed these sciences for survival and spiritual attunement. It would not be wrong to state that this knowledge was essential to keep humans in resonance with the earth on which they depended. Ancient does not means obsolete or out of date. Ancient means wise. The oldest traditions and sites are shrouded in mystery. History keeps rolling backwards to ever earlier epochs, and our origins grow far older and less certain. But much of what we see today in regard to ancient geomancy derives from China, Egypt, and India (the Indus civilization). Another remarkable thing is that these cultures developed such sciences at around the same time. Who introduced this knowledge to ancient peoples in different parts of the globe?
The word radiesthesia derives from both Latin and Greek. It means “to feel waves”. Today, we use a scientific sounding term, remote sensing, to refer to the same thing. Since I have worked clinically in this field for a long time, I gained a lot of knowledge and insight. Sensing “waves” requires intense mental concentration. It is the stillness of the focused mind entangling with subtle oscillations in the recipient which allows for healings to occur.
With geomantic work, a radiesthesist concentrates his/her mental power on what he/ she is searching for. Normally, a bioindicator or handheld antenna is used for detection. In my case working with remote healing, the antenna works as both a receiver and an emitter: in other words, as a transceiver.
In general, radiesthesia can be compared to a radio being tuned. First, the desired frequency band where the station (target) is located is set. Then the exact station frequency is set. As soon as the receiver has reached the precise carrier frequency of the transmitter, the modulated waves which create the program can be heard. In radiesthesia, it is the human being who takes on the role of the radio receiver. This method can be applied to the biofield of a human or animal, plants, to the rooms of a building to detect and remediate aberrant energy flows.
Water veins
As water streams through narrow fissures in rock, pressure builds up. This produces a torsion field which “bubbles upward”. You are aware of the shock you can get from static electricity, correct? Think of this also as a kind of frictional electricity. This frictional electricity, when discharged, causes disorders in the bodies of living organisms. It can also cause damage to buildings, and sometimes seeps through cracks in walls.
Deeper underground watercourses generate even more dangerous electromagnetic fields. You should never sleep in a bed over such a vein. Of course, most of us not have the luxury to move things around that much, or the income necessary to move to another location altogether. In this case, harmonization is the only possible solution to the problem. This can be accomplished in various ways by the placement of shapes and geometric symbols, feng shui corrections, or by remote clearing of stuck energy that has collected inside living spaces.
Here are some possible examples of ill health due to underground water veins or manmade cables:
Headaches, migraines
Insomnia, disrupted sleep
Chronic fatigue, exhaustion
Muscular tension
Back pain, hip pain
Mood disorders
Faults are fissures in the earth’s crust. Fault zones are vulnerable to shifts in tectonic forces. These too, are now being affected by DEWs so the likelihood of catastrophic consequences is increasing. In fault lines, when the earth plates move in relation to each other, walls of loose rock may shift by hundreds of metres. As with water veins, the disturbance felt at the surface correlates with depth of the fault: the deeper it lies, the stronger the effect at surface level. Serious disturbed fault lines affect large numbers of people and can cause devastating damage to life.
A major quake hit San Francisco in 1906. Its magnitude was estimated to be 7.8 on the Richter-Scale. 3000 people died and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. The city itself was completely in ruins. Few people today realize that not only the San Andreas Fault but the entire West coast from British Columbia down to Baja California is increasingly susceptible to “The Big One”.
But even when faults are quiescent, the electromagnetic energies thy emit can induce physical or psychological illness. Below are are a few possible syndromes:
Frustration, irritability
Brain fog
Domestic violence
Developmental disorders
Cancer, leukemia
There are many ways we can try to balance our energy systems and eliminate, or at least reduce, damage from occurring. Some people always gravitate towards machines for this, but that is because their psyche is already consumed by the idea that humans, in the natural state, are inferior. This is the same belief system that makes people mistrust the innate immune system. Ultimately, it derives from the imprisonment of intuition. The liberation of intuition guides a person towards the right decisions, and towards solutions. All the problems identified in this post can be remediated by a combination of intuition and subtle energy techniques.
I do not recommend doing anything that at all that makes people more depressed or feel even more overwhelmed. We have quite enough bad news bombarding us each day. Much as evidence from microscope and lab testing proves that all humans are under relentless assault, my suggestion is that we should always try to counter that by drawing on our strengths and keeping a positive force within.
There is so much we have forgotten of what our ancestors knew that would serve us well at the present time. Our ancestors were much savvier than modern peoples as to energy. They did not have a concept of electricity, but they understood better than we do the invisble power running through things. They also intuited that what we call “energy” is continuous with spirtual forces, both light and dark. They sought to propitiate these forces and to maintain a balance. And they developed great skills in remediating against the harmful effects of radiating natural energy from under the earth.
There is a negative force that wraps itself also around “truth tellers” who harp on endlessly about new contaminants, new nanotech, and new evidence of heinous patent applications, all the while trying to get us to pay for protocols they promote.
Humans if they want to survive, need to remember to move their bodies and not just live in their heads. To become more at peace with one’s immediate environment and more robust within one’s biofield is possible by methods of energy attunement such as touched upon in this post. Ultimately, however difficult it may seem, this is the path to awakening each person must follow.
In certain circles, some may say; I'm one of the lucky ones. With much of my time spent with animals and in solitude, I have an overwhelming understanding and feel, of the energies around me - Similar to that of the animals, I am able to tune into the senses. My third eye is uncalcified, therefore I see more clearly, the world around me. I am able to astral project nearly at will. I am to feel other's pain, locate it by vibration, and heal them with human touch. I can communicate or pick up communication with a feeling, a look, or a listen. I speak with nature and animals, probably better than I do humans. I live in a remote area and have a few visitors a year, practically no phone calls throughout the year and minimal other unhealthy interruptions. I do not indulge in the drivel of television, or the poppycock of the news media. Have my bed facing Eastward. Eat, wear and utilize only organic items in my day to day living. And I keep my body and mind quite busy, working, walking, playing and thinking throughout my days.
However, in my defense, I must say: Two pigs, can most certainly, live better than one! Perhaps that would change my being "lucky". Although, what I truly believe is, we humans need to get back to the basics - Loving, living with nature and being honest.
Nicholas, thanks much for your insights and such an in-depth article you have written, pertaining to regaining one's own health. Blessings ~
Just a thanks for the article. You usually have the ability, through your writing, to "flip" my understanding or perception into another angle or view.
You are particularly correct with this statement: "There is a negative force that wraps itself also around “truth tellers” who harp on endlessly about new contaminants, new nanotech, and new evidence of heinous patent applications...."
This interaction makes people who read and frequent Substacks particularly vulnerable, for a huge coterie of people flocked here as the Covid Scare was winding down and who understood then that a massive shift in recognizing the adulterants sent solely to harm or change humans against their will was well underway.
Thus, this group of people, as I note all who stand at the forefront of any movement, are particularly susceptible to negative news and onslaughts. They've "steeled" themselves because the initial recognition of "truth" has been such a blow.
I note so many people writing on Substack attempt to draw the world as one in which we're doomed; we have no chance; we're overwhelmed. Another kind of writer questions everything with such logic and research provided that individuals can begin feeling "What's the use? Everything is fake. I'll do nothing." I believe, unfortunately, much as government censors did during Covid, teams of intelligence units associated with government attempt to dispirit people; collapse their hope; rule them with intellectualism leading to nihilism; or provide so much detail that the reader literally drowns provoking, again, the feeling of hopelessness. We are increasingly facing the danger that many of our interactions are AI-driven. Listen to the AI voice when someone relays what AI told them, and then listen to the writing of any author you follow.
Some of these writers are genuine but literally, as you say, overcome by negative forces.
A mechanism seems to exist, as I've mentioned before, where an individual who clearly sees a truth or new reality becomes extremely vulnerable. I've noted several cases of people who have stood up, written, lectured, and appeared on radio, YT, or some podcast only to become so overriden by some entity which eventually causes a sort of short circuiting in their psyche and they are found dead from one cause or another. I think this mechanism has been studied by those who benefit and is being applied through the internet now.