In certain circles, some may say; I'm one of the lucky ones. With much of my time spent with animals and in solitude, I have an overwhelming understanding and feel, of the energies around me - Similar to that of the animals, I am able to tune into the senses. My third eye is uncalcified, therefore I see more clearly, the world around me. I am able to astral project nearly at will. I am to feel other's pain, locate it by vibration, and heal them with human touch. I can communicate or pick up communication with a feeling, a look, or a listen. I speak with nature and animals, probably better than I do humans. I live in a remote area and have a few visitors a year, practically no phone calls throughout the year and minimal other unhealthy interruptions. I do not indulge in the drivel of television, or the poppycock of the news media. Have my bed facing Eastward. Eat, wear and utilize only organic items in my day to day living. And I keep my body and mind quite busy, working, walking, playing and thinking throughout my days.
However, in my defense, I must say: Two pigs, can most certainly, live better than one! Perhaps that would change my being "lucky". Although, what I truly believe is, we humans need to get back to the basics - Loving, living with nature and being honest.
Nicholas, thanks much for your insights and such an in-depth article you have written, pertaining to regaining one's own health. Blessings ~
Blessings to you, dear friend. All you say here rings true, as is customary. An especial thank you for using two very splendid words from what was formerly known as British English, spoken like a true native of those blessed isles: drivel and poppycock. Excellence in vocabulary as well!
Just a thanks for the article. You usually have the ability, through your writing, to "flip" my understanding or perception into another angle or view.
You are particularly correct with this statement: "There is a negative force that wraps itself also around “truth tellers” who harp on endlessly about new contaminants, new nanotech, and new evidence of heinous patent applications...."
This interaction makes people who read and frequent Substacks particularly vulnerable, for a huge coterie of people flocked here as the Covid Scare was winding down and who understood then that a massive shift in recognizing the adulterants sent solely to harm or change humans against their will was well underway.
Thus, this group of people, as I note all who stand at the forefront of any movement, are particularly susceptible to negative news and onslaughts. They've "steeled" themselves because the initial recognition of "truth" has been such a blow.
I note so many people writing on Substack attempt to draw the world as one in which we're doomed; we have no chance; we're overwhelmed. Another kind of writer questions everything with such logic and research provided that individuals can begin feeling "What's the use? Everything is fake. I'll do nothing." I believe, unfortunately, much as government censors did during Covid, teams of intelligence units associated with government attempt to dispirit people; collapse their hope; rule them with intellectualism leading to nihilism; or provide so much detail that the reader literally drowns provoking, again, the feeling of hopelessness. We are increasingly facing the danger that many of our interactions are AI-driven. Listen to the AI voice when someone relays what AI told them, and then listen to the writing of any author you follow.
Some of these writers are genuine but literally, as you say, overcome by negative forces.
A mechanism seems to exist, as I've mentioned before, where an individual who clearly sees a truth or new reality becomes extremely vulnerable. I've noted several cases of people who have stood up, written, lectured, and appeared on radio, YT, or some podcast only to become so overriden by some entity which eventually causes a sort of short circuiting in their psyche and they are found dead from one cause or another. I think this mechanism has been studied by those who benefit and is being applied through the internet now.
That is extremely perceptive and correct. I have not gone into any depth yet in discussing this phenomenon in my posts because I do not want people to feel even more lost and disempowered. At the same time, as always, adversities can only be successfully met by rising to a higher level. Ultimately, this comes down to self-questioning. Staying put inside the familiar even if that familiar is negative and resonates with hopelessness, brings with it a certain comfort to people precisely because it is a shelter (a box) of apparent certitude. It also attracts followers who seek a leading voice for their pessimism. Of course "mechanisms", as you put it, have been created to manipulate all this. It is easy to do and easy pickings. Break out mode must be both analytical and creative: To buck a trend you have to turn things inside out and upside down. Only then can you begin to see the whole picture and free yourself of second hand "perceptions". We are well behind the looking glass now. Deepfake has become standardized and ubiquitous. That said, one rule from old times persist: habit kills. And to become dispirited is to die before physical death. This so called spiritual war is not for the faint hearted.
I think the only characteristic which saves me is that my basic personality is a detective. I always feel like I'm solving a crime. As I sift through facts and circumstances, I get a "hit." I also, apparently, have extremely good guides or guardian angels. I can't tell you how many times I've gone on the internet only to have the exact right site brought up; the exact right information given; and the exact right next step provided. This process has always been true since 2015 when I returned to the internet after a nearly two-decade absence.
I suspect AI is trying to take over this process for people who haven't connected with spirit. AI will mislead them. I suspect, as neural pathways are formed through social media, that the "thinking" will enable easy coupling with AI's receptor nodes. Instead of having a mind which can independently work and search the internet under a sovereign self, people will "search" the internet linking with the AI receptor. I also credit the mystic I encountered and viewed for a few years while Covid was unfolding for this understanding. This is why some form of self-exploration like meditation, chanting, praying, etc. is important.
Great comment. Thanks. I've had Morgellons for twenty years and spent some of those years on groups that were "supposedly" comprised of fellow Morgellons victims. I learned a lot in the groups.
It became apparent to me "truthful" information about Morgellons wasn't being suppressed necessarily because the primary goal of infiltrators in the groups was to screw with the minds of the targets. I say targets because I've come to see what Morgellons is and why it was of interest to the controllers or data gatherers.
There were subtle and extensive efforts to introduce the idea that since Morgellons is a life destroying invasive bioweapon, there is no medical support (or wasn't) and personal relationships are strained and wrecked, the targets may as well kill themselves. Or at least take actions that result in involuntary incarceration, especially mental institutions.
There were many other forms of mind control experimented on the groups as well and I realized this was obviously an important component of the targeting. The actual disease of Morgellons, though a terrible thing, was not of as much interest to the infiltrators as the effects of mind manipulation.
I believe a lot of data that's being used now was gleaned from those earlier groups because I can see it being implemented.
I am a believer in knowing and understanding what's happening in the world in a similar way I'm interested in the weather. Both are awesome forces and if you are unawares of the tornado coming your way and not taking the appropriate actions or protections, you are much more likely to be killed. But it has taken me years to get to this point. In this way I feel very blessed as I look at the learning curve most are just beginning to climb and time and resources are limited now.
Wow. Your story is powerful. "The actual disease of Morgellons, though a terrible thing, was not of as much interest to the infiltrators as the effects of mind manipulation." I recently have been viewing some videos by Max Lowen who is a satanic ritual survivor. She's quite a bright lady who has worked considerably to overcome residual effects and is a psychologist.
In her videos, she reiterates that the mind control used in MKUltra, Monarch, and satanic/sexual rituals has been known for centuries, and through their experimentation, they know exactly how to manipulate subjects. You're right. The disease is in the mind.
The mind must be incredibly strong to withstand assault, for assault is, indeed, occurring. I'm hopeful that the experiences people endure at this time will form that strong mind for future lives. Something about this type of mind and human spirit combined provides a power to bring down the tornado and stop the hurricane. Those who want to control, therefore, target the human spirit for this Dr. Corrin's article illustrates.
Beautiful comment, Honeybee, yet, I don't think it's so much the mind that has this strength. The mind is important yes, at the same time, I feel it's the initiative of the center of self, where the 'eye' of the hurricane is, the silent and invisible place. One can get much strength by blending with their center of self, and then the mind's job is to do its part. It's like hypnosis. When a being has that impression within themself, that is what can take them through much difficulties. The mind isn't strong enough to do that.
Or perhaps, it's an entire structure of the workings together of the core self, through to the mind, and then the mind (which basically seems to be us, seems to anyway) can do its part, and come back for reassurance from the core self to see whether it's doing the correct job, and what next needs to be done.
Thank you, Mary! I believe I understand you. I failed to describe my understanding of "mind" through Steiner. Mind becomes more akin to consciousness rather than lagging in a dry, arithmetic plane. People have come to describe his ideas as a "science of spiritual development." He often said that science in the future will be nothing as we know science today. Rather the science of the future will incorporate all super-sensible realms. As an example, health will include the etheric and astral realms and spiritual chakras as easily as a doctor examines the materiality of the patient today.
Wikipedia gives this definition of Steiner's mind: "The mind is the set of faculties responsible for all mental phenomena. Often the term is also identified with the phenomena themselves. These faculties include thought, imagination, memory, will, and sensation. They are responsible for various mental phenomena, like perception, pain experience, belief, desire, intention, and emotion." His wife wrote in an eulogy: "He raised human understanding up to the spirit; permeated this understanding and united it with the spiritual being of the cosmos." Another way of describing mind might the faculty which incorporates or encompasses all human experience. Thus, mind wouldn't be separated from spirituality. Thanks for your reply!! Cheers!
Yes. And this is a fascinating subject, so you don't mind, no pun intended, if I continue examining it?
I didn't know the parts and pieces of the play/game back then, as I do now, because of having some experiences. But it's a good thing I didn't because now I have the correct understanding, and I can see to compare what was then when I didn't now, because it is extremely subtle and it took me a long time. This is not even half of it, but, it's what I've found and I'll be building on my findings until I have it complete. But, this is what it was: I thought I was who I was, when I didn't know any better. After much searching and finding the best books that I could which taught me enough to help me awaken from my slumbering state, I realized I was being hoodwinked and manipulated about who I really am. They made me to think I was this "personality" this "ego" which they had designed and were running it right under my nose/awareness. So finally, when I got in touch with my Higher Self, and that took years too...through vision experiences, dreams, life after death experience, and daily asking her to work through me so I could know what it's like. When I had enough understanding about her, that is when I began taking a chisel to my personality/ego, and just digging away to see what it was made of. It's so strange to find it out. It's not even me. It was never me. When I started to see the real me, or mind that works in conjunction with my Higher Self, I saw that she was a very humble and self-less being whose only interest was in serving that Higher Being. Everything she did was connected to what the Higher Self was doing. But, the personality/ego was connected to the alien construct. It only wanted what selfish things they wanted, and they made it appear as though I was the one who wanted it. It's truly very strange to find this out. But, you will when you search intently and for a long enough time. It does take discipline...but when you've been attacked as much as I have, you have nothing left but to take the truth to yourself, and it's after all, a medicine.
I believe you and think your journey wonderful! We are each unique, individual sovereign beings. I began meditation (after decades of Buddhist chanting) several years ago and was surprised how easily Higher Self will initiate us. I wondered about my QHHT reading which was a puzzle. After asking many times, I always received the same answer: a huge Sun with thousands of worlds contained therein. I was literally astounded and had no idea how to interpret the knowledge besides knowing that I had lived there. At one point, a sleeping grandfather (a logos) awoke to acknowledge me. I'm reminded of the Stones song "you can't always get what you want, sometimes you get what you need." Yes, such investigation is wonderful and unique to each of us in our development. I wish you well on your journey!
Like, take for example a look at this, Honeybee...."...interest to the infiltrators as the effects of mind manipulation."
You know that the aliens are the original mind manipulators. They are also the ones who created negative emotions. Anything of that sort is disconnected from the Original Source, and the Original Source is hugely powerful so that they are unable to go near it. Remember that story Rudolf Steiner said about Ahriman, how he is always desperately desiring a drop of blood? Well, the core self represents the Original Creator, and that's too powerful for those inept's to get close to. So what they do is, they attack the weaker part or parts of a being so that they could get a snag in there, and steal some space, then plant more of their negative energies influencing the being they are attacking. They hope to destroy the being enough from the outside, the mind, so that they can separate them from themselves or their core self, and that way, it would be a much easier task for them to take the whole being, without getting burned in the process. So, you see what the structure is?
Fantastic and eloquent article covering a lot of ground! Your section on Radiesthesia particularly caught my eye, as I have found that many of the tinnitus attacks faced by TI's can indeed by defeated with BREATHING (relaxing) and TUNING OUT from the the high pitch (raising your FREQUENCY so to speak)!
I have experienced quashing these attacks simply in the mind, by "reaching out" with your Pineal Gland and stamping out attacks as they "fade in". It nearly feels like you "plug a hole in a dam wall" then they try to find another way through and then you plug that one by continuing to reach out find and change your frequency. Always remain calm and you can defeat it!
Great. Just subscribed to your stack. Yes, I have been exploring this too, and I agree with you. What I want to bring across to people is that challenges make us stronger and more intelligent if we meet them with courage and ingenuity as opposed to avoiding them, or denying them altogether. The tinnitus attacks appear to me to be run through what I call etheric trepanation. Direct trepanation has been used for eons and there are masses of evidence from mesoamerica and elsewhere suggesting implants of crystals by aliens into the brain of selected humans. Etheric trepanation means that the energy field around the physical brain is infiltrated by RF and then portions of the auditory cortex programmed, or "crystallized" into a certain unremitting receiver response. As mentioned previously, this links up with portions of the limbic system, which could be induced to receive subliminal messaging. What you say about activating the pineal gland, and using breath and conscious tune-out is absolutely the right advice.
YES! I think this makes a lot of sense. Apparently much of the nano actually planted piezoelectric crystals (and liquid crystals). And we shouldn't forget that our Pineal glands also contain crystals that when rubbed together emit a frequency..
This is why aligning the spine and inducing Kundalini through breathing emits frequency and can help cancel and protect from other frequencies. It's also a telepathic communication mechanism that the PTB don't want us to have access to. So they give us CHEAP IMITATIONS of these like cell phones that are Digital Replicas when we actually have superior natural analogue versions of the same thing.
How did native tribes know exactly when and where to meet up in the past? They just knew.. They had a direct line to each other's "frequency"!
This is the skill we have somewhat lost but can work on especially by dumping our phones and allowing this intuition and use of our higher faculties to be reaquired and through use flourish.
Synchronicity is not magic. It's natural energy exchange - across space and even time!
I also believe there is a "training" stage of all V2K receivers which matches with what you are saying. People cannot hear the voices without training. The more you listen the more you focus the more your calve in these synapses that allow it to grow stronger... i.e. If you focus on them, they will grow.
But the good news is that if it can be "trained" it can be UNTRAINED. And I have found this to be true. Once you start to rid yourself, the process cascades!
After only a few weeks following my published processes i am nearly voice free!
Wow. You people are fascinating. I would like to know more about this etheric trepanation, too!
When I was subscribed to Farsight Institute, of remote viewers, they did a project on the men in positions of power. They found that the popes through the ages were being mind controlled remotely by aliens. They had some type of a method, like maybe it's this etheric trepanation you're talking about, that got these aliens, from the far away positions of their ships or planets, and into the mind of these people in power on planet Earth.
There is a huge project going on at this time. An energy attunement of the Earth, by the Krysthal River Host (a positive faction in the universe). We are told (through Theresa Talea's book) that the Earth has been turned upside down by the dark forces around the time of Atlantis, and that's why it runs off the torus system, a system that they use to feed off the energies of the planet and all within it, a death system, it sucks all the energies from within, closing it off from outside communication. But the Krysthal River Host and friends have been working on returning the planet to expansive and in communication energies instead of compressed closed off from friends energies. That means they are slowly moving the planet back into the position it was in when it started, and that's one of the reasons why the slow moving of the East/West direction the Sun is seen in.
The dark force used the positive energy system Ley lines of the good forces, and overlayed their negative energy-sucking E.G.O. system onto it, back then. There was a mineral, called Selenium, that is from their fallen planet, brought here and placed in the ground in order to run their dark systems on our planet. Those caves with huge selenium crystals growing underground, that is it. They were planning to steal everything from the beings on this planet and suck the planet dry, but they didn't fathom in their fantasy world that it would not work because of the fight against them. And this has been going on for many years now, and here in 2025 we are going to see an entire transformation as the dark forces secrets are revealed and they, removed:
"...all humans are under relentless assault, my suggestion is that we should always try to counter that by drawing on our strengths and keeping a positive force within." Absolutely. This healing of our people on this planet is most important and we are relearning the spiritual methods that were hidden from us thousands of years ago when they began mind-wiping us and teaching lies to the amnesiac people who couldn't know any better when they had no memory of what had occurred to them.
Love you. All of you. Keep up the positive energy of caring and love. Love yourselves, care for one another, and beware of the dark force who is, like Dr. Nicholas Corrin says, is continually trying to destroy us, every day, with their mindless plans. Learn as much as you can about your true energy system of the body because it is very similar and in alignment with the planet herself. The electro/masculine and the magnetic/feminine energy swirls around her are also around us in our own body individually. It's a beautiful thing this natural system, most exquisite. Let's remember it.
Fascinating piece! Thank you. When I lived in Cornwall, UK, every August the Cornish countryside was the destination for 'dowsers,' those energy aficionados come to sniff out the ley lines - "The Old Straight Track' - that crisscross England. The most familiar ley line is probably the Mary-Michael or Dragon line that enters England at Carn Les Boel near Land's End and snakes along beneath various points including Lostwithiel, Glastonbury, and Avebury, all the way to the coastline in East Anglia.
The Dragon Line is shorthand for the masculine (Michael) and feminine (Mary) ley lines, named after St. Michael and the Virgin Mary. Areas where the two intersect are home to many ancient sacred sites, including St. Michael's Mount near Penzance.
Yes, thank you for mentioning that. It is one of the most famous and abiding leylines in England. There are many sites along the way. Many parts of the landscape, even today, resonate with strange energies.
What an excellent article! Thank you, Dr. Corrin. I found the article on adaptogens the illustration in your article is from and the information in the article is useful as well.
Most of humanity is in the situation you describe. Unable to change their circumstances to improve the energies they are constantly interacting with. I'm one of them.
I've had Morgellons for twenty years and I think something remarkable is happening. After trying all sorts of outside remedies, everything from herbs to chemicals to machines, and some did provide some relief for a time, it seems my immune system may have finally found a way to kill it, expell it.
I'm not shouting from the rooftops just yet since time will tell what's going on, but enough "Morgellon's death and elimination" has occurred for me to be very encouraged.
If this is true, my immune system has developed a way over years of trial and error to conquer it and it's a testament to what you write about and I must say, as of today I'm amazed and hopeful.
This line from a Psalm of David has come to mind more often than once -
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. By God.
We grossly underestimate what we don't know and overestimate what we think we know.
I think this makes us very dangerous indeed. I know Trump doesn't understand the basics of mRNA and his project, STARGATE, is a prime example of man's ignorant destructiveness.
I only hope we can stop STARGATE somehow before it's too late.
Thank you very much for your comments. That actually made my day since I have been trying to get through to people that falling into negativity (which is so easy) only leads to deeper states of disillusionment and despair (which is exactly what the evil ones want and know how to manipulate). Also, negativity disables the innate immune system. Not everyone can move beyond the fixation of negativity. Ironically enough, it is profoundly addictive. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. By God." Yes. "We grossly underestimate what we don't know and overestimate what we think we know." Yes. Wise words and this is actually the beginning of awakening. We are on the same page here and doing whatever we can to stop Stargate somehow "before it is too late". Restoring faith and energy from within the body itself is extremely potent. Blessings to you too.
I think most people are so afraid of the dark they won't enter it and will do anything not to. I see this happening strongly now and I understand the fear of getting lost in it, but the great news is, as trite as this sounds, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
And once you've traversed the dark passage and come to the light of the other side you exit with the knowledge nothing can cause you real harm any longer.
Even Nietzsche grudgingly admits this is true. Even the darkest of philosophies can't deny the power of the light.
Whatever happens with me, I know I'm okay. To know that is even worth having Morgellons because it was the vehicle that brought me here. I only hope and pray everyone can come to understand this someday in their own way.
I'm working on an article about Stargate and I've found some interesting connections especially in regards to energy.
That resonates with me as truth. I look forward to hearing more about whatever you discover RE Stargate and its relation to energy. Thank you. I am glad to have this correspondence and alliance.
In my opinion is the root of all evil....egocentric and unhappy people seek money in order, to feel important and good about themselves. They spend their whole lives accumulating protecting and seeking more money. These investors in products and services are immersed in their own pursuits. They have no concern about the end results of what their products are doing to the earth. In the last 200 years, TECHNOLOGY took off. Up to then, there was harm being done, but it accelerated greatly. In 1945, I saw a Superman Comic cover with Krypton exploding...I wondered as an eleven year old, why did this occur? Today, I know why.
TECH NOLOGY advanced too rapidly without its promoters thinking about the end result....the destruction of the planet..
Es gibt eine Wahrheit (absolut) wer diese fassen kann...über den analytischen Verstand hinaus....
In den Apokryphen ...der wahren unverfälschten
Es ist eine dunkle Energie (Macht-Wesenheiten) in vermutlich 90%der Menschheit...diese expandiert, bis zum Exodus!!
Es scheint ein Zyklus zu sein siehe: Atlantis-Limurien....warum ist das so ? Antwort: es wird von diesen Wesenheiten, die Einfluss nehmen auf den sogenannten Menschen, dass dieser den Weg der Wahrheit erkennt und geht!!! Dem Geist des Vaters-der Mutter und dem Sohn....
Hello. The only therapeutic plasma device that I can say I have heard very good clinical results from is the Plasmatron. But there may be others. There is a smaller, cheaper version of the Plasmatron, the Biotron. I believe it is possible (although not so easy) to acquire these in the US. I am not familiar with the particular device in the link provided so I cannot evaluate it. The site at first glance does appear a bit marketing-heavy. There are numerous electro-frequency and pulsed harmonic devices being made in different countries with a range of claims made. Personally, my general approach is not to depend so much on devices as to try to bring the body itself into a higher state of resonance.
Yes, I have written about that subject already and about laser technologies. It is the weaponization process for the Panoptikon backed up by quantum computing stored at ultra low temperatures.
I understand from my previous interactions with you that you are an intellectually challenged individual. I am sorry, but I cannot assist you there as I know of no natural remedy.
In certain circles, some may say; I'm one of the lucky ones. With much of my time spent with animals and in solitude, I have an overwhelming understanding and feel, of the energies around me - Similar to that of the animals, I am able to tune into the senses. My third eye is uncalcified, therefore I see more clearly, the world around me. I am able to astral project nearly at will. I am to feel other's pain, locate it by vibration, and heal them with human touch. I can communicate or pick up communication with a feeling, a look, or a listen. I speak with nature and animals, probably better than I do humans. I live in a remote area and have a few visitors a year, practically no phone calls throughout the year and minimal other unhealthy interruptions. I do not indulge in the drivel of television, or the poppycock of the news media. Have my bed facing Eastward. Eat, wear and utilize only organic items in my day to day living. And I keep my body and mind quite busy, working, walking, playing and thinking throughout my days.
However, in my defense, I must say: Two pigs, can most certainly, live better than one! Perhaps that would change my being "lucky". Although, what I truly believe is, we humans need to get back to the basics - Loving, living with nature and being honest.
Nicholas, thanks much for your insights and such an in-depth article you have written, pertaining to regaining one's own health. Blessings ~
Blessings to you, dear friend. All you say here rings true, as is customary. An especial thank you for using two very splendid words from what was formerly known as British English, spoken like a true native of those blessed isles: drivel and poppycock. Excellence in vocabulary as well!
Just a thanks for the article. You usually have the ability, through your writing, to "flip" my understanding or perception into another angle or view.
You are particularly correct with this statement: "There is a negative force that wraps itself also around “truth tellers” who harp on endlessly about new contaminants, new nanotech, and new evidence of heinous patent applications...."
This interaction makes people who read and frequent Substacks particularly vulnerable, for a huge coterie of people flocked here as the Covid Scare was winding down and who understood then that a massive shift in recognizing the adulterants sent solely to harm or change humans against their will was well underway.
Thus, this group of people, as I note all who stand at the forefront of any movement, are particularly susceptible to negative news and onslaughts. They've "steeled" themselves because the initial recognition of "truth" has been such a blow.
I note so many people writing on Substack attempt to draw the world as one in which we're doomed; we have no chance; we're overwhelmed. Another kind of writer questions everything with such logic and research provided that individuals can begin feeling "What's the use? Everything is fake. I'll do nothing." I believe, unfortunately, much as government censors did during Covid, teams of intelligence units associated with government attempt to dispirit people; collapse their hope; rule them with intellectualism leading to nihilism; or provide so much detail that the reader literally drowns provoking, again, the feeling of hopelessness. We are increasingly facing the danger that many of our interactions are AI-driven. Listen to the AI voice when someone relays what AI told them, and then listen to the writing of any author you follow.
Some of these writers are genuine but literally, as you say, overcome by negative forces.
A mechanism seems to exist, as I've mentioned before, where an individual who clearly sees a truth or new reality becomes extremely vulnerable. I've noted several cases of people who have stood up, written, lectured, and appeared on radio, YT, or some podcast only to become so overriden by some entity which eventually causes a sort of short circuiting in their psyche and they are found dead from one cause or another. I think this mechanism has been studied by those who benefit and is being applied through the internet now.
That is extremely perceptive and correct. I have not gone into any depth yet in discussing this phenomenon in my posts because I do not want people to feel even more lost and disempowered. At the same time, as always, adversities can only be successfully met by rising to a higher level. Ultimately, this comes down to self-questioning. Staying put inside the familiar even if that familiar is negative and resonates with hopelessness, brings with it a certain comfort to people precisely because it is a shelter (a box) of apparent certitude. It also attracts followers who seek a leading voice for their pessimism. Of course "mechanisms", as you put it, have been created to manipulate all this. It is easy to do and easy pickings. Break out mode must be both analytical and creative: To buck a trend you have to turn things inside out and upside down. Only then can you begin to see the whole picture and free yourself of second hand "perceptions". We are well behind the looking glass now. Deepfake has become standardized and ubiquitous. That said, one rule from old times persist: habit kills. And to become dispirited is to die before physical death. This so called spiritual war is not for the faint hearted.
I think the only characteristic which saves me is that my basic personality is a detective. I always feel like I'm solving a crime. As I sift through facts and circumstances, I get a "hit." I also, apparently, have extremely good guides or guardian angels. I can't tell you how many times I've gone on the internet only to have the exact right site brought up; the exact right information given; and the exact right next step provided. This process has always been true since 2015 when I returned to the internet after a nearly two-decade absence.
I suspect AI is trying to take over this process for people who haven't connected with spirit. AI will mislead them. I suspect, as neural pathways are formed through social media, that the "thinking" will enable easy coupling with AI's receptor nodes. Instead of having a mind which can independently work and search the internet under a sovereign self, people will "search" the internet linking with the AI receptor. I also credit the mystic I encountered and viewed for a few years while Covid was unfolding for this understanding. This is why some form of self-exploration like meditation, chanting, praying, etc. is important.
Once again, yes, a very perceptive comment.
Great comment. Thanks. I've had Morgellons for twenty years and spent some of those years on groups that were "supposedly" comprised of fellow Morgellons victims. I learned a lot in the groups.
It became apparent to me "truthful" information about Morgellons wasn't being suppressed necessarily because the primary goal of infiltrators in the groups was to screw with the minds of the targets. I say targets because I've come to see what Morgellons is and why it was of interest to the controllers or data gatherers.
There were subtle and extensive efforts to introduce the idea that since Morgellons is a life destroying invasive bioweapon, there is no medical support (or wasn't) and personal relationships are strained and wrecked, the targets may as well kill themselves. Or at least take actions that result in involuntary incarceration, especially mental institutions.
There were many other forms of mind control experimented on the groups as well and I realized this was obviously an important component of the targeting. The actual disease of Morgellons, though a terrible thing, was not of as much interest to the infiltrators as the effects of mind manipulation.
I believe a lot of data that's being used now was gleaned from those earlier groups because I can see it being implemented.
I am a believer in knowing and understanding what's happening in the world in a similar way I'm interested in the weather. Both are awesome forces and if you are unawares of the tornado coming your way and not taking the appropriate actions or protections, you are much more likely to be killed. But it has taken me years to get to this point. In this way I feel very blessed as I look at the learning curve most are just beginning to climb and time and resources are limited now.
Thanks again for your thoughts. God Bless.
Wow. Your story is powerful. "The actual disease of Morgellons, though a terrible thing, was not of as much interest to the infiltrators as the effects of mind manipulation." I recently have been viewing some videos by Max Lowen who is a satanic ritual survivor. She's quite a bright lady who has worked considerably to overcome residual effects and is a psychologist.
In her videos, she reiterates that the mind control used in MKUltra, Monarch, and satanic/sexual rituals has been known for centuries, and through their experimentation, they know exactly how to manipulate subjects. You're right. The disease is in the mind.
The mind must be incredibly strong to withstand assault, for assault is, indeed, occurring. I'm hopeful that the experiences people endure at this time will form that strong mind for future lives. Something about this type of mind and human spirit combined provides a power to bring down the tornado and stop the hurricane. Those who want to control, therefore, target the human spirit for this Dr. Corrin's article illustrates.
Beautiful comment, Honeybee, yet, I don't think it's so much the mind that has this strength. The mind is important yes, at the same time, I feel it's the initiative of the center of self, where the 'eye' of the hurricane is, the silent and invisible place. One can get much strength by blending with their center of self, and then the mind's job is to do its part. It's like hypnosis. When a being has that impression within themself, that is what can take them through much difficulties. The mind isn't strong enough to do that.
Or perhaps, it's an entire structure of the workings together of the core self, through to the mind, and then the mind (which basically seems to be us, seems to anyway) can do its part, and come back for reassurance from the core self to see whether it's doing the correct job, and what next needs to be done.
Thank you, Mary! I believe I understand you. I failed to describe my understanding of "mind" through Steiner. Mind becomes more akin to consciousness rather than lagging in a dry, arithmetic plane. People have come to describe his ideas as a "science of spiritual development." He often said that science in the future will be nothing as we know science today. Rather the science of the future will incorporate all super-sensible realms. As an example, health will include the etheric and astral realms and spiritual chakras as easily as a doctor examines the materiality of the patient today.
Wikipedia gives this definition of Steiner's mind: "The mind is the set of faculties responsible for all mental phenomena. Often the term is also identified with the phenomena themselves. These faculties include thought, imagination, memory, will, and sensation. They are responsible for various mental phenomena, like perception, pain experience, belief, desire, intention, and emotion." His wife wrote in an eulogy: "He raised human understanding up to the spirit; permeated this understanding and united it with the spiritual being of the cosmos." Another way of describing mind might the faculty which incorporates or encompasses all human experience. Thus, mind wouldn't be separated from spirituality. Thanks for your reply!! Cheers!
Yes. And this is a fascinating subject, so you don't mind, no pun intended, if I continue examining it?
I didn't know the parts and pieces of the play/game back then, as I do now, because of having some experiences. But it's a good thing I didn't because now I have the correct understanding, and I can see to compare what was then when I didn't now, because it is extremely subtle and it took me a long time. This is not even half of it, but, it's what I've found and I'll be building on my findings until I have it complete. But, this is what it was: I thought I was who I was, when I didn't know any better. After much searching and finding the best books that I could which taught me enough to help me awaken from my slumbering state, I realized I was being hoodwinked and manipulated about who I really am. They made me to think I was this "personality" this "ego" which they had designed and were running it right under my nose/awareness. So finally, when I got in touch with my Higher Self, and that took years too...through vision experiences, dreams, life after death experience, and daily asking her to work through me so I could know what it's like. When I had enough understanding about her, that is when I began taking a chisel to my personality/ego, and just digging away to see what it was made of. It's so strange to find it out. It's not even me. It was never me. When I started to see the real me, or mind that works in conjunction with my Higher Self, I saw that she was a very humble and self-less being whose only interest was in serving that Higher Being. Everything she did was connected to what the Higher Self was doing. But, the personality/ego was connected to the alien construct. It only wanted what selfish things they wanted, and they made it appear as though I was the one who wanted it. It's truly very strange to find this out. But, you will when you search intently and for a long enough time. It does take discipline...but when you've been attacked as much as I have, you have nothing left but to take the truth to yourself, and it's after all, a medicine.
I believe you and think your journey wonderful! We are each unique, individual sovereign beings. I began meditation (after decades of Buddhist chanting) several years ago and was surprised how easily Higher Self will initiate us. I wondered about my QHHT reading which was a puzzle. After asking many times, I always received the same answer: a huge Sun with thousands of worlds contained therein. I was literally astounded and had no idea how to interpret the knowledge besides knowing that I had lived there. At one point, a sleeping grandfather (a logos) awoke to acknowledge me. I'm reminded of the Stones song "you can't always get what you want, sometimes you get what you need." Yes, such investigation is wonderful and unique to each of us in our development. I wish you well on your journey!
Like, take for example a look at this, Honeybee...."...interest to the infiltrators as the effects of mind manipulation."
You know that the aliens are the original mind manipulators. They are also the ones who created negative emotions. Anything of that sort is disconnected from the Original Source, and the Original Source is hugely powerful so that they are unable to go near it. Remember that story Rudolf Steiner said about Ahriman, how he is always desperately desiring a drop of blood? Well, the core self represents the Original Creator, and that's too powerful for those inept's to get close to. So what they do is, they attack the weaker part or parts of a being so that they could get a snag in there, and steal some space, then plant more of their negative energies influencing the being they are attacking. They hope to destroy the being enough from the outside, the mind, so that they can separate them from themselves or their core self, and that way, it would be a much easier task for them to take the whole being, without getting burned in the process. So, you see what the structure is?
Fantastic and eloquent article covering a lot of ground! Your section on Radiesthesia particularly caught my eye, as I have found that many of the tinnitus attacks faced by TI's can indeed by defeated with BREATHING (relaxing) and TUNING OUT from the the high pitch (raising your FREQUENCY so to speak)!
I have experienced quashing these attacks simply in the mind, by "reaching out" with your Pineal Gland and stamping out attacks as they "fade in". It nearly feels like you "plug a hole in a dam wall" then they try to find another way through and then you plug that one by continuing to reach out find and change your frequency. Always remain calm and you can defeat it!
This works!
Thanks for sharing Dr. Corrin :)
Great. Just subscribed to your stack. Yes, I have been exploring this too, and I agree with you. What I want to bring across to people is that challenges make us stronger and more intelligent if we meet them with courage and ingenuity as opposed to avoiding them, or denying them altogether. The tinnitus attacks appear to me to be run through what I call etheric trepanation. Direct trepanation has been used for eons and there are masses of evidence from mesoamerica and elsewhere suggesting implants of crystals by aliens into the brain of selected humans. Etheric trepanation means that the energy field around the physical brain is infiltrated by RF and then portions of the auditory cortex programmed, or "crystallized" into a certain unremitting receiver response. As mentioned previously, this links up with portions of the limbic system, which could be induced to receive subliminal messaging. What you say about activating the pineal gland, and using breath and conscious tune-out is absolutely the right advice.
YES! I think this makes a lot of sense. Apparently much of the nano actually planted piezoelectric crystals (and liquid crystals). And we shouldn't forget that our Pineal glands also contain crystals that when rubbed together emit a frequency..
This is why aligning the spine and inducing Kundalini through breathing emits frequency and can help cancel and protect from other frequencies. It's also a telepathic communication mechanism that the PTB don't want us to have access to. So they give us CHEAP IMITATIONS of these like cell phones that are Digital Replicas when we actually have superior natural analogue versions of the same thing.
How did native tribes know exactly when and where to meet up in the past? They just knew.. They had a direct line to each other's "frequency"!
This is the skill we have somewhat lost but can work on especially by dumping our phones and allowing this intuition and use of our higher faculties to be reaquired and through use flourish.
Synchronicity is not magic. It's natural energy exchange - across space and even time!
I also believe there is a "training" stage of all V2K receivers which matches with what you are saying. People cannot hear the voices without training. The more you listen the more you focus the more your calve in these synapses that allow it to grow stronger... i.e. If you focus on them, they will grow.
But the good news is that if it can be "trained" it can be UNTRAINED. And I have found this to be true. Once you start to rid yourself, the process cascades!
After only a few weeks following my published processes i am nearly voice free!
Lets see how this month goes!
Wow. You people are fascinating. I would like to know more about this etheric trepanation, too!
When I was subscribed to Farsight Institute, of remote viewers, they did a project on the men in positions of power. They found that the popes through the ages were being mind controlled remotely by aliens. They had some type of a method, like maybe it's this etheric trepanation you're talking about, that got these aliens, from the far away positions of their ships or planets, and into the mind of these people in power on planet Earth.
Added this link to my EMF paper.
❤️ Thanks Dr. Corrin.
There is a huge project going on at this time. An energy attunement of the Earth, by the Krysthal River Host (a positive faction in the universe). We are told (through Theresa Talea's book) that the Earth has been turned upside down by the dark forces around the time of Atlantis, and that's why it runs off the torus system, a system that they use to feed off the energies of the planet and all within it, a death system, it sucks all the energies from within, closing it off from outside communication. But the Krysthal River Host and friends have been working on returning the planet to expansive and in communication energies instead of compressed closed off from friends energies. That means they are slowly moving the planet back into the position it was in when it started, and that's one of the reasons why the slow moving of the East/West direction the Sun is seen in.
The dark force used the positive energy system Ley lines of the good forces, and overlayed their negative energy-sucking E.G.O. system onto it, back then. There was a mineral, called Selenium, that is from their fallen planet, brought here and placed in the ground in order to run their dark systems on our planet. Those caves with huge selenium crystals growing underground, that is it. They were planning to steal everything from the beings on this planet and suck the planet dry, but they didn't fathom in their fantasy world that it would not work because of the fight against them. And this has been going on for many years now, and here in 2025 we are going to see an entire transformation as the dark forces secrets are revealed and they, removed:
"...all humans are under relentless assault, my suggestion is that we should always try to counter that by drawing on our strengths and keeping a positive force within." Absolutely. This healing of our people on this planet is most important and we are relearning the spiritual methods that were hidden from us thousands of years ago when they began mind-wiping us and teaching lies to the amnesiac people who couldn't know any better when they had no memory of what had occurred to them.
Love you. All of you. Keep up the positive energy of caring and love. Love yourselves, care for one another, and beware of the dark force who is, like Dr. Nicholas Corrin says, is continually trying to destroy us, every day, with their mindless plans. Learn as much as you can about your true energy system of the body because it is very similar and in alignment with the planet herself. The electro/masculine and the magnetic/feminine energy swirls around her are also around us in our own body individually. It's a beautiful thing this natural system, most exquisite. Let's remember it.
Fascinating piece! Thank you. When I lived in Cornwall, UK, every August the Cornish countryside was the destination for 'dowsers,' those energy aficionados come to sniff out the ley lines - "The Old Straight Track' - that crisscross England. The most familiar ley line is probably the Mary-Michael or Dragon line that enters England at Carn Les Boel near Land's End and snakes along beneath various points including Lostwithiel, Glastonbury, and Avebury, all the way to the coastline in East Anglia.
The Dragon Line is shorthand for the masculine (Michael) and feminine (Mary) ley lines, named after St. Michael and the Virgin Mary. Areas where the two intersect are home to many ancient sacred sites, including St. Michael's Mount near Penzance.
Yes, thank you for mentioning that. It is one of the most famous and abiding leylines in England. There are many sites along the way. Many parts of the landscape, even today, resonate with strange energies.
What an excellent article! Thank you, Dr. Corrin. I found the article on adaptogens the illustration in your article is from and the information in the article is useful as well.
Most of humanity is in the situation you describe. Unable to change their circumstances to improve the energies they are constantly interacting with. I'm one of them.
I've had Morgellons for twenty years and I think something remarkable is happening. After trying all sorts of outside remedies, everything from herbs to chemicals to machines, and some did provide some relief for a time, it seems my immune system may have finally found a way to kill it, expell it.
I'm not shouting from the rooftops just yet since time will tell what's going on, but enough "Morgellon's death and elimination" has occurred for me to be very encouraged.
If this is true, my immune system has developed a way over years of trial and error to conquer it and it's a testament to what you write about and I must say, as of today I'm amazed and hopeful.
This line from a Psalm of David has come to mind more often than once -
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. By God.
We grossly underestimate what we don't know and overestimate what we think we know.
I think this makes us very dangerous indeed. I know Trump doesn't understand the basics of mRNA and his project, STARGATE, is a prime example of man's ignorant destructiveness.
I only hope we can stop STARGATE somehow before it's too late.
God Bless and thanks again.
Thank you very much for your comments. That actually made my day since I have been trying to get through to people that falling into negativity (which is so easy) only leads to deeper states of disillusionment and despair (which is exactly what the evil ones want and know how to manipulate). Also, negativity disables the innate immune system. Not everyone can move beyond the fixation of negativity. Ironically enough, it is profoundly addictive. "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. By God." Yes. "We grossly underestimate what we don't know and overestimate what we think we know." Yes. Wise words and this is actually the beginning of awakening. We are on the same page here and doing whatever we can to stop Stargate somehow "before it is too late". Restoring faith and energy from within the body itself is extremely potent. Blessings to you too.
I think most people are so afraid of the dark they won't enter it and will do anything not to. I see this happening strongly now and I understand the fear of getting lost in it, but the great news is, as trite as this sounds, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
And once you've traversed the dark passage and come to the light of the other side you exit with the knowledge nothing can cause you real harm any longer.
Even Nietzsche grudgingly admits this is true. Even the darkest of philosophies can't deny the power of the light.
Whatever happens with me, I know I'm okay. To know that is even worth having Morgellons because it was the vehicle that brought me here. I only hope and pray everyone can come to understand this someday in their own way.
I'm working on an article about Stargate and I've found some interesting connections especially in regards to energy.
Thanks again for all your help.
That resonates with me as truth. I look forward to hearing more about whatever you discover RE Stargate and its relation to energy. Thank you. I am glad to have this correspondence and alliance.
In my opinion is the root of all evil....egocentric and unhappy people seek money in order, to feel important and good about themselves. They spend their whole lives accumulating protecting and seeking more money. These investors in products and services are immersed in their own pursuits. They have no concern about the end results of what their products are doing to the earth. In the last 200 years, TECHNOLOGY took off. Up to then, there was harm being done, but it accelerated greatly. In 1945, I saw a Superman Comic cover with Krypton exploding...I wondered as an eleven year old, why did this occur? Today, I know why.
TECH NOLOGY advanced too rapidly without its promoters thinking about the end result....the destruction of the planet..
Just watched:
Es gibt eine Wahrheit (absolut) wer diese fassen kann...über den analytischen Verstand hinaus....
In den Apokryphen ...der wahren unverfälschten
Es ist eine dunkle Energie (Macht-Wesenheiten) in vermutlich 90%der Menschheit...diese expandiert, bis zum Exodus!!
Es scheint ein Zyklus zu sein siehe: Atlantis-Limurien....warum ist das so ? Antwort: es wird von diesen Wesenheiten, die Einfluss nehmen auf den sogenannten Menschen, dass dieser den Weg der Wahrheit erkennt und geht!!! Dem Geist des Vaters-der Mutter und dem Sohn....
Dr Corrin, What do you know about this?
Thank you for your response. I know someone who owns one. Just curious what you thought because I don’t understand the technology at all.
I would really appreciate your opinion.
Hello. The only therapeutic plasma device that I can say I have heard very good clinical results from is the Plasmatron. But there may be others. There is a smaller, cheaper version of the Plasmatron, the Biotron. I believe it is possible (although not so easy) to acquire these in the US. I am not familiar with the particular device in the link provided so I cannot evaluate it. The site at first glance does appear a bit marketing-heavy. There are numerous electro-frequency and pulsed harmonic devices being made in different countries with a range of claims made. Personally, my general approach is not to depend so much on devices as to try to bring the body itself into a higher state of resonance.
Big post! Have you looked into how laser reach with the new Satellite coverage?
Yes, I have written about that subject already and about laser technologies. It is the weaponization process for the Panoptikon backed up by quantum computing stored at ultra low temperatures.
The thing about ley lines is, they dont work anymore, because they are not bound to one specific location and are moving around all over the place.
They killed the dragon.
I dont think so. Its just not where it was, as it moves around.
I understand from my previous interactions with you that you are an intellectually challenged individual. I am sorry, but I cannot assist you there as I know of no natural remedy.