What an incredibly fascinating substack! Thank you so much. I thought that I had read extensively on biome conditions/issues, but your article puts me to shame. I'm very lucky that I've enjoyed an extremely strong, healthy body during this life. Never have had serious issues with biome but, of course, as we age, our body conditions change. Probably also lucky that, from the time I was in college in the late 60s, I focused on "natural cures." I've never heard about spore-based probiotics, puerh tea, nor turpentine gum spirits. How fascinating!! I always have fermented foods on hand (Dr. Seneff and her glyphosate research). I plan on acquiring and implementing these ideas as finances permit (November). I'm very familiar with this kind of approach because I read extensively and fasted quite often in my 20s (not like today where, evidently, people do just water but, as recommended back then, with freshly pressed juices, vegetables broths, and water in addition to daily enemas). All natural approaches. I love experimenting...I'll let you know (probably in the new year) how I fare after a couple of months on these products. Don't worry...I always research articles on how to use the products, dosages, timing, etc. Cheers! (I'm not British but always enjoy when they say "Cheers!".)

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Yes, great responses as usual. You are so right about gentle and nutritive fasting methods instead of the competitive and aggressive water only methods. I will have more to say about water later. Puerh tea is very interesting. It is from Yunnan province and comes in a vast variety of types, some cheap, some very expensive. There is black puerh, white puerh, green puerh, and purple puerh. The purple is the most healing of all for the GI, but there are only a few purple budding trees extant. I strongly suspect, but cannot at this point yet prove, that even very simple black puerh teas will help the body in degrading the nanolipids. Cheers!

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Thank you for such an in depth look into the health of our planet and a probable fix. You are my hero!

Blessings ~

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Thanks Dr Corrin for bringing the gut connection to the fore.

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Much appreciate all the invaluable work you have been doing Matt.

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Thank you for your sharing your rare and comprehensive understanding of the Onslaught facing mankind.. look forward to your next..!

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Trust your gut

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I hate to break it to you but the quacks are killing you. But before they do they want to milk every last dollar out of you. - Thats what i say to the quack trusters.

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You don't mention genes and cells. Perhaps they come a millisecond before gut health?

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Well, the post just speaks of simple steps. Comprehensive approaches would require a very lengthy article. As regards genes, I am not sure why you would think they operate a millisecond before gut health. The genome is not a simple keyboard printing out commands sent over to the ribosomes. It is fluid with lots of back and forth. This is how things can go wrong, as for example with the MTHFR mutation. The EWG video 10 Americans adduces this to likely influence of multiple toxins which cause damage to genes. Gut bacteria have their own DNA and share genetic info via quorum signaling etc. What does occur just milliseconds before any voluntary action of statement is a subconscious intention or decision.

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You don't mention genes and cells. Perhaps they come a millisecond before gut health?

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