"Much of what our ancestors learned along the way, along with the extensive trauma they experienced, has been passed down and encoded within us at a quasi-genetic level."

Spot on Dr.

Personally, I refer to this, as my 'genetic memory'. This can be amplified, by accessing forcibly or allowing naturally, one's own akashic records to be divulged. Myself, I do not forcibly access these memories or deja vu moments. Although, some do. *Caution: Please do not infringe upon others privacy or personal space, by attempting to access or accessing their akashic records - Until or unless, you have received permission by said individual. It is a violation!

For me, these memories will generally unfold and come to me in times of need. Being in tune to my inner-self, having an open and working - third eye, and a strong connection with most living things, animals, birds, or people in my surrounds, is an integral part of this natural process. We share a connection and can speak of this to one another.

Lucid dreaming, waking reflection, meditation, out-of-mind traveling and or body experiences, can be wonderful tools in the way of understanding what direction you are to take in your life's path. Not all people today posses the required senses, past three or four. As a rule, 5,6, and more, are necessary to connect. Much of the reason for the disconnect, is the bombardment of white noise and lack of alone time. People are being brain-trained to have the constant need of dependency to rely upon machines, computers and of others, for life and daily living. They cannot comprehend life without the constant attention, acceptance, etcetera. This is a direct causation of the loss of our sensors/senses and the ability to recognize, the world around them is faltering at an alarming rate. Those of us who are able to recognize this, are either not accepted, nor heard by those who have no interest in life. The more aggressive we become in hope of being heard, the easier it becomes to understand why it is, you cannot put a square peg in a round hole. Simply put, we few, are the chosen ones - Our job is not to bend the minds of those who have swallowed the bait. In most cases, they are beyond our compassion and have already died inside.

Great article Nicholas - Thank you.

Blessings ~

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As usual my friend, such clear and penetrating insights from you. These only occur within the person who, as you say, has withdrawn from the outer, surrounding noise, and can hear the true vibrations of life and connectivity. Few are those today possessed of such faculties, and many are those utterly and hopelessly dependent upon receiving "constant attention, acceptance etc." The person being mirrored in their own bathroom taking a selfie is the defining icon of our fallen times. Mirror, mirror on the wall....Robert Monroe, in his travels out of body to explore the greater universe, speaks of the H Band which is a low lying energetic smog hugging the planet. It is composed of all the sticky and unresolved mental emotional efflux that has accumulated over eons to form a kind of polluted astral atmosphere. Rising above and out of this requires alone time and the practices you refer to. I hope more people go and read your posts! Blessings to you too.

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Thank you for your generous compliment. We must stick together as we inform, educate, gather information, create awareness, and eradicate the ignorance.

First step: Take a walk on the wild side, breath enjoy the sights, sounds of life around you. If this is not available, Epsom salt in your bathing water releases negativity. Or perhaps a trot across the grass in your naked feet to become one with the earth. Burn an incense, candle or infused oil as you quietly sit down or lay back eyes closed, drift. All of these things can settle a mind, gift the individual with a sense of openness and begin to create awareness, as you reclaim dormant senses.

Blessings ~

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Great advice. Keep it simple, allow your senses to recover a bit from all the abuse from your tormented and deluded mind. Excellent guidance for the perplexed!

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Lol - Did you just call me stupid? Lol K.I.S.S.

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I myself aspire to becoming truly stupid one day. Right now just feeling stupefied most of time.

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Ditto! And it is wearing me out. The waiting game is beyond compare. Too bad, I cannot think of anything more I can do to bring the light.

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Sep 25Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

Thank you so much for this post. So inspirational!

We can learn so much from our spiritually connected ancestors.

“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.”

“The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say.”

Looking forward to this series of writings. Truly Brilliant!

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Thank you Dr. Deborah. So beautifully and succinctly expressed.

The stones, the rivers, the glades and all the quiet places listen to what we say and watch over what we do. In the times of our ancestors who lived within the embrace of nature, the elements spoke directly to us, offering guidance and personal counsel. Today, necks bent forward in submission to tiny screens, we consult apps and we follow influencers governed by AI instead of listening to the murmurings of brooks and to the soughing of tree branches, or scanning the sky for flight of birds and clues as to what direction we should be taking. The innocent and childlike elemental spirits have drawn veils of protection over their presence for they too are fearful for their survival.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin


"Future posts will follow up on this theme and attempt to provide guidance for those who seek it."

Thank you.

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Thank you for your response Katherine. I will try my best to do so.

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Sep 25Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

It's all pedo Hollywood predictive programming and CIA/DARPA cyborg nanotechnology programming mind control! No bioweapons of mass destruction or psychosis formed against us will prosper 🙏 ❤⚔️Wake up America and the world you don't see Trump and Kennedy talking about adrenechrome 🫡 🇺🇸 shiva4president.com


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I've been getting help on learning and using herbs from Geneva Thatcher . I think ur the one she referred me to , that you may be able help me . I'm 64 and health issues started hitting me right and left around 2021 . Like a couple heart disease , severe blockage in back artery of neck , pacemaker , some autoimmune clot disease which they say it's now showing i no longer have it after nearly a couple years on herbs and doing some serious fasting . I had the gallbladder removed and now my upper gut bloats really bad like it's up in my chest effecting my heart and a lot of gas all day everyday . I has tumors in my gut that was removed ; but they want me come back to continue checking for them . I have a tumor in the arch of my foot and had skin cancer burned off . The list just goes on and on . I'm not vaxed but boyfriend got pfizer vaccine. Also this year my hair started falling out in big chunks on some days . My dad is still living and there was 13 kids including me . They all have gotten thinning of hair but not in the way mine is coming out . None of em has seen anything like what mine is doing . Plus since doing herbs and fasting , I'm passing Weird things that look alive sometimes . I took a 3 inch one and put it in a zip lock bag so I could show the GI Dr when I go . But the next day , it was half the length and looks an feels like a piece of wire . My step mom put it under a microscope and still looks sort of like a wire in away . I'm gonna try send photos if I know how on here .

Since Geneva has been helping me with what herbs to take , I had SEVERE gut pain during morning bowel movements which is now gone . Also the blockage bump in back left side of neck is smaller and the tumor on the foot is slightly smaller . Plus when my heart feels like it's not beating right , it doesn't cause me to lose some of my breath anymore , but i can still feel something isn’t quite right .

She has helped SOOOOO much tho , I thought I'd probably be in the hospital or no longer here , until I met here . Surely she was God sent

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Sep 25Liked by Dr. Nicholas Corrin

Much continued healing for you! Thank you for sharing.

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Sending love and healing blessings ~

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I am so sorry to hear that you have endured all this suffering. Yes, Geneva has definitely helped you enormously and is surely God sent. She is doing admirable healing work. I cannot offer medical guidance on this thread but if you contact me through my website I might be able to provide some suggestions for you. If the "worm" looks as though it became a "wire" this does suggest nanotech and Morgellon's type sickness Please have it analyzed if you can and also read my other posts for detox and helpful health suggestions.

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"you may have been brainwashed into thinking that way and you simply do not know what you are talking about".

Perhaps it is you who does not know what he is talking about.

What do you think, if not one single country can prove the existence of a living virus - any virus! - in vivo with all those properties it is supposed to have, is that more likely a sign that it exists or that it does not exist?

Do you know Dr. Stefan Lanka? No? Google him.

Would sense would make a virus at all?

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Have you considered you may have succumbed to group think? Your example of collective opinion is an unfortunate one. Not one single country? Not one single country stood up to declare the Plandemic was a concerted attack on humanity. Any president who dared to do so was dispatched to the grave. Regarding viruses: have you like me spent the last 30 years treating HIV/AIDS and CFDS patients? No? As for Stefan Lanka, your tone is disrespectful and offensive. "Google him". Really? This is how you talk to someone? Have you yourself personally and in detail examined how John Franklin Enders used sloppy lab "science" to win the 1954 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology? Do you comprehend the difference between semantic and ontological definitions? Do you understand the symbiotic and quantum interactions let alone gene sharing that occurs between bacteria and viruses? Are you aware of the existence of bacteriophages in the human microbiome and their critical role in keeping you alive? I would never suggest, let alone tell, anyone to Google anyone or anything since it is perfectly clear to any half aware person that Google itself is an arm of the deep state and the global deception agenda. I very much welcome your comments so long as you keep them respectful. I advise everyone to please keep an open mind and not to follow herd thinking. As you well know, we are all trying to help one another not to create further division and disempowerment by muddled, emotional, reflex reactions which are not based on deep study and analysis. Peace.

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"Dismantling The virus Theory - The “measles virus” as an example

Why should we doubt the existence of viruses? What are viruses and what are they not? How are viruses being scientifically demonstrated to exist?

…During his experiments, Enders et al. sterilised the tissue cultures in order to exclude the possibility of bacteria killing the cells. What he didn’t take into consideration was that the sterilisation and the treatment of the cell culture when preparing it for the alleged infection was exactly what was killing the cells. Instead, he interpreted the cytopathic effects as the existence and the action of polio viruses, without ever having isolated a single virus and described its biochemistry. The necessary negative control experiments, which would have shown that the sterilisation and the treatment of the cells prior to the “infection” in the test tube was killing the cells, have never been performed. However, for this “performance” Enders received the Nobel prize in 1954.

1954 is also the year in which Enders applied and introduced the same technique in order to allegedly replicate the measles virus. As he had been awarded the Nobel prize for the alleged polio virus the same year, all researchers believed his technique to be scientifically valid. Thus, to date, the entire concept of measles has been based upon this technique. Thus, the measles vaccines do not contain viruses, but particles of dead monkey kidney tissue or human cancer cells."

— Dr. Stefan Lanka - "Dismantling The virus Theory" - https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf

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Why are you linking this to me? Did you not understand what I just wrote above? This is well recognized and acknowledged already. Shipping coals to Newcastle. One does not demonstrate any real understanding of a complex subject merely by referring to what someone else has said about the subject. The moment a person stops asking questions they are ripe for the picking. Stefan asked some very good questions and that requires more of the same from others. Peace, and have a good day.

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