FYI: Proper dosage for boron (borax), is 1/4 tsp dissolved in a liter of water for men and 1/8 tsp for women. Put the kettle on, if there are two of you, use a liter jar for each. Tsp helping does not need to be leveled, nor do you want it heaping - Use a spot of the hot water to dissolve the boron, then add more water to fill the remainder of the jar. Drink at room temp or refrigerated, throughout the day.

Blessings ~

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Both hemispheres, is also a fave of mine. Sad you are such a distance from me; If I were able, I would cart you to a mountain where there are several of both hemis laying side by side, and scattered all about!

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Ah yes, the magic of fallen stones scattered on hillsides and atop mountain promontories. Signal clearly received, distance not an issue!

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Yes to this - "I personally choose to ingest a variety of anti-parasitical natural substances such as pumpkin seed oil and extract, black cumin seed oil, thyme, oregano and other beneficial spices. It is not only their molecular phytochemical profile I consider in making my choices. It is also the core energy they emit, and transmit to the body."

Just to add to this statement: All of these and other organic, natural herbs, spices or oils when combined with daily meals (organic of course), are of the most benefit. A dash of this, a pinch of that create harmony in the kitchen and in the body!

Buon appetite ~

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Agreed, wholeheartedly, as usual!

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Hello Dr. Corrin,

As you know, our American diets are acidic by design: https://liveenergized.com/alkaline-diet-scientific-proof/alkaline-diet-proof/

The Standard American (Western) Diet and modern life in general bombards our body with acids all day long. ... The alkaline diet is designed to limit these acidic substances and fuel your body with an abundance of nutrient-dense, life-giving foods that make your thrive.

Willard`s Alkaline Water

HOW MUCH DR. WILLARD’S WATER (HEALTHIEST BOTTLED WATER) TO CONSUME DAILY, WAYS TO USE IT - https://drwillard.com/blogs/news/how-to-use-it-and-daily-servings

It is recommended to drink 4 to 6 (250 ml) glasses of diluted Willard`s Alkaline Water daily for restoring pH balance in the body.

Consume Dr. Willard`s Ultimate Concentrate daily to turn any water present in any fruit juice, raw juicing, Cold-Pressed Juices, tap water, bottled water, tea, coffee into Willard Water. This helps in restoring pH balance in the body.

I am trying to get infected with the BioWeapon, but I can't seem to get infected. I come in contact with infected people, but I am still not infected. I want to be infected as I want to experiment on Spike Proteins, (SP) with tinctures made from the following herbal blood purifiers:

Burdock Root: blood purifier, detoxicant, hepatoprotective - https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Burdock-Root-Cid2155

Dandelion Root: blood purifier, detoxicant, hepatoprotective - https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Dandelion-Root-Cid2115

Stinging Nettle Leaves: blood purifier, detoxicant, hepatoprotective - https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Stinging-Nettles-Cid863

I am in contact with a man in France for the past year, who tells me he can not get Ivermectin people pills or horse paste. It is as though Ivermectin is out lawed in Europe. For this reason I want to get infected with the BioWeapon SP to try the blood purifying herbs out. Will they remove the SP from blood? I doubt it. So far, only Ivermectin removes the SP from blood. I am still going to try so long as I can get infected.

So far, I have Nettle leaf and Burdock root tincture made. Dandelion root is next. I am abstaining from Ivermectin horse paste and hardly having any tinctures. I should be infected by now, but I am not, go figure.

After my experiment I will try boron. We make Colloidal Silver for pennies on the dollar, as we have our own generator.

The following is from a SubStack paper on Colloidal Silver and MRSA.

You can make your own Colloidal Silver at home for pennies on the dollar. It is easy. I have ADHD pretty bad for an adult, if I can do it, any one can do it.

Where to buy Larger Silver Electrodes: https://educate-yourself.org/cs/index.shtml#top

Ken Adachi sells Pure Silver for Nano Silver and Colloidal Silver Generators. He answers questions personally too: k-a@tutanota.com

Where to buy Colloidal Silver Generator: https://educate-yourself.org/cs/index.shtml#top

Colloidal Silver Generator Package Scroll down to the Colloidal Silver Generators

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I really enjoy Celestial Report-Celeste Solum. Thank you for the link. I am listening now.

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Hi Geneva. Very good information. I just wanted to emphasize that with this blood cleaning protocol colloidal silver will not be effective. The particles are too large and will not pass the BBB and internal body tissue. Nan0 Silver is what is required. This is a great segment to watch with Dr. Keith Moeller, the best expert on Nano-Silver who goes in depth.

Thanks for all you are doing:-)

Watch video: https://www.brighteon.com/593eea5e-97bd-4a58-8d66-852b9eb1a484

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Thank you Dr. Deborah. I will check out Dr. Moeller's nano silver. I did not realize there is a difference between nano and colloidal silver.

Well there is a difference - colloidal silver nanoparticles are inconsistent in size. On the other hand, silver nanoparticles are capped with plant extract. This makes them more stable and non-toxic to human tissue. In addition, with advancements in technology, nanoparticles found in nano silver are more consistent in size https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/

Thank you Dr. Deborah, I learned from you❣️

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Welcome! We learn from each other. Thanks

Dr. Moeller has a great product. Can get expensive.

At my weight of 120lbs. I consume 6/7 oz. a day

That is why I went with Terral’s quality Nano-Silver.

Saves $$ :-)

A single Nano Silver order includes four 2-ounce bottles of high-quality Nano Silver concentrate @500ppm ($600+ value) that when diluted with distilled water produces twelve liters


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Wow, wow, wow, WOW!

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I would say that we also need some help in determining proper dosages of the borax and the silver solution. Can't wait to hear Dr Ana critique this method.

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You can find all that by following the link provided in the post. There are various ways to ingest borax and various brands to consider. Basic dosage is 1/8 tsp daily in distilled water for females (or those closer in weight to 100lbs) and 1/4 tsp daily for males (or those closer in weight to 200lbs). 4-5 days on, 2-3 days off per week, small continuous absorption throughout the day is best. Similar principle to protocols for taking CDS orally (except with CDS no breaks are required). On the nanosilver, dosing is also weight based so follow link for more details.

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Lol - My apologies for stepping on your post.

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No apology needed, you are providing the same advice!

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Yes, confirmation. Here also is a partial listing of ailments that can be healed as a result of the boron:


*Joint Pain



Helpful in restoration, regeneration to bones

*Autoimmune Diseases

*Hormone Imbalances


Balances thyroid

*Rough Skin




Speeds healing of skin and hair follicles

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Yes, indeed. It is excellent for repairing the body from acidic pathologies that have overstressed the buffering system.

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And you can also heal ailing pets with boron.

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Awesome ! I find it so amazing there are so many benefits! Truly a gift.

From Earth Clinic


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Truly, there are plenty. These have been in the earth since it's inception. However, we have Devils who wish them and you, gone. They have poisoned the earth from overhead to deep below for their own usage AKA: Terraforming. Our resources are becoming much more difficult to come by as a result!

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what if we were to put the borax in a gelatin capsule and swallow it to abstain from the harsh/astringent taste of the borate?

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

The best way is to dissolve the borax in water. You can do this by dissolving 1 tsp of borax in approx 1 liter of water and then taking 1 -2 tsp of that dilution per day. That way there would be no harsh aftertaste. You can also choose "Prescribed For Life" brand. You want to ensure adequate daily water intake. Also, when dissolved, it transfers its information into the water which relays this into your cells via its structure. As for EDTA, you can read up on the extensive research posted recently by Agent 131711.

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Sorry, I meant to put 1-2 tsp 3 x daily.

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Just saw your comment: Reply, is above.

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How can we measure ph level in our blood ?

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You don't need to check your blood pH, your body will take care of that! It will almost always be able to maintain your blood pH within the necessary range however it will have to draw alkaline minerals from your teeth and bones using the buffering system to do so. This occurs if there are acidic conditions (waste products etc) accumulating somewhere in the body which leach hydrogen ions into the blood supply and would lower pH dangerously were it not for the buffering system. Your parathyroid gland (in you neck) manages this balancing operation for you. Problem is if the buffering system is overused the bones and teeth become brittle. One can check both salivary and urine pH using test strips. However, it is best to simply ensure an adequate daily amount of alkalizing foods, fruits and minerals in the diet, plus good exercise and breathing regimen, and to look out for any signs of acidity (symptoms can be manifold, fatigue, muscle aches, poor skin etc.) Hope that helps!

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Litmus urine strips

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They measure ph of urine, not blood.

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Thanks for pointing out my inadequacies - Of this I know, and am human, made a ‘grave’ mistake.

Now the term makes sense to others. Haste makes waste!

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I asked the question because after a search the only way to measure blood ph was by a serious test administered by a medical professional. Since I put no faith in modern medicine and doctors in particular, I asked the question because Dr. Corrin’s post emphasized measuring blood ph. I was disappointed that he recommended the test then pretty much poo-pooed it. All the doctors that post here on substack need to be taken at face value and not held to higher standards. Even if they’re onto something there’s usually a sort of condescension… that they know better than we do. I feel I’m my own test subject. I’m 78 and despite a few issues I’m in good shape for my age. No debilitating health issues at a time when friends 10 years younger are dying from pancreatic cancer and cancer itself is the new common cold. I even defy statistics because based on my family history I should have cancer, high blood pressure…cardiovascular issues, blah blah blah, I should also be suffering from mental illness and certain perversions and of course, alcoholism, maybe even be in jail by now.

All I’m saying is eat healthy hopefully organic food, eat meat if you like but buy it from someone you know, stay away from doctors, pharmaceuticals and be skeptical about everything you hear or read.

Mostly trust yourself and be well ! 💕💕💕

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No, I did not recommend a test for blood pH, that is not true at all if you read my post. Also I was not being condescending, I was trying to reassure you so that you do not worry and explain how the body works so that you understand. That was my time wasted I guess.

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Haha...I was in my left hemisphere! Beg your pardon.

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