I have to laugh. I get halfway through an article by you and am stunned to realize someone else exists in this world whose views accord so closely to mine. Great information, Dr. Corrin!!

I had heard about the Cat's Claw connection but never thoroughly investigated. Because of your recommendation, I did this evening. Very interesting and many thanks for referring to Geneva's Substack which I also perused and from which I gained invaluable insight.

I've been considering, as so many others, which route to take. I did a heavy metal detox with the spagyric tinctures with a good outcome. Unfortunately, I took them all under my tongue which, after two months, ended up burning my mouth. I'll have to put them into liquids when using them in the future.

We certainly are bombarded with suggested cures and remedies for the toxins. I was reminded while diving down the various rabbit holes investigating Geneva's comments that herbs work so synergistically and tackle so many problems. Like herbs are saying, "Don't worry about specifics; we got your covered." Allopathic medicine wants a detailed list of symptoms and specific chemical remedies. Based on your strong confidence in the silver-borax route, I'm tending toward that solution. I think I saw Kackler make some CDS once on a YT; the process seemed involved to me.

I noted your comments at Geneva's Substack and looked up Desmodium tincture at Whole World Botanicals. I'm intrigued that it supports muscle-tendon issues. I drove commercially for years and loaded baggage which dropped on my feet in many cases. Heavy suitcases and trunks. As I age, of course, those injuries are coming back to haunt me. I got hit by a car once which created a minor fracture in one foot which is giving me trouble. How odd!! As someone who has been blessed with substantial health and a strong body all my health, I've taken much for granted. I'm going to try the Desmodium for what I'm beginning to think is muscle-tendon damage.


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Once again, thank you for your thoughtful response to this post. Yes, many herbs are in fact pleiotropic in nature, and they support us in a comprhensive and gentle way, unlike pharmaceuticals. Drugs are a negative version of this, since they generate a plethora of “side effects”. Desmodium is appreciated in the West Indies for its ability to strengthen the back. However, my interpretation actually is that desmodium clears the lungs and also clears the associated bladder channels that run up and down the back parallel to the spine. It is also very good for liver detox. Spagyric tinctures can be quite tough on the oral mucosae unless in the form of concentrated intraoral sprays.

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Thank you!! I'm even more excited to use Desmodium now. As a driver and as I got older, I was required to undergo a Department of Transportation physical every year. They noticed blood in my urine for many years, and after a while, technicians began strongly urging a visit to the doctor. Working 14-hour days, I had little time to consider herbs and so forth. I was referred to a specialist who ran tiny cameras up into the bladder. Although not sick or feeling unwell, I've never felt the same since his procedure. Of course, he never found anything. No cancer. No physical cause. "Some people" simply have blood in the urine (microscopic and not visually present) was his verdict. Nowadays, after years spent on web since retiring, I think the crap in the chemtrails have caused an imbalance which has produced this tiny amount of blood in the urine...which is why I'm always pursuing information about complete elimination of nanotechnology and toxins from the body. I'm not complaining, Dr. Corrin. I consider myself one of the luckiest people alive. I was blessed with an extremely strong body. Now, as I age, I'm called to look at the body and undertake its care as it loses youthful bloom.

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Thanks for another informative and wonderfully written article, Nicholas. You are certainly, thinking with your third eye. Creator bless you.

Initial thoughts: I felt the photo which was depicting a serious point in the article, was quite stunning! With the brilliance of the aromatic, orange colored powder in the wooden spoon, against the dark contrast of the black marble in the background, I was able to feel the intense heat emanating forth from the sun, as it radiated onto the powder in the spoon, forcing it to splash out onto humanity. Certainly, this would be preferable to the crap they spray now.

Turmeric is an essential part of my apothecary. I'm over 60, I'm an herbalist and a "Foodie", still cooking for myself and inventing new ways to liven up a dish with another herb. As a matter of fact, I sprinkled some of this magic potion, into my meatloaf recipe today. I have not given this a try, yet. But, when I do, I'm sure this will give the meal, the right kick - The dogs and the cats, were begging for a bite! They will get the juice, in time.

Blessings ~

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You have a very receptive eye too! It sees not just “what meets the eye” head on, but also what eludes the eye, and can only be seen by the imagination of the spirit.

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Ahhhh yes, the imagination. Tis truth, what one is able to perceive - Whether they are blind, have one, two eyes or not , does not matter, as long as they retain sense. Follow truth and intuition of self preservation. These are more to the point.

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Without imagination, all is illusion, and all claim to truth must be abandoned.

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Eating the meatloaf of herbs and goodliness - NOW! And, I must say, this is delish. Wishing all were here to enjoy this meal with me. And, I DO mean ALL. So saddened by the atrocities of our world, at the hands of a few. Stand united. Creator bless.

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I / we wish we could share this dish you prepared with you! All of us who love fellow critters of this world, those of many legs and few words (well, to be precise, few English words); who happily share our space with them; who delight in the best and simplest things life offers, we break bread with you. We share your grieving and your loving,

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Thank you - My fur children had a Drizzle of, a bit of, this n that - freshly prepared herbs, is always good for those who retain a soul or may be lacking there of.

Blessings ~

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Everybody is different...Turmeric was not for me. I tried melatonin in order to sleep, it didn't work either. What worked? Changing my sleep pattern. Getting up before dawn. In addition, My daily hour of fast walking, doing physical chores and not having any time to stop, until I drop into bed at 9:00 pm. When my head hits the pillow, I sleep. Supplements are necessary in this day and age...and I use quite number of them daily. One of my favorites that I have used for 20 years...Solgars B-Complex. Dr Russell Blaylock recommended Solgar in one of his newsletters.

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Good for you Barbara. We are animals who are meant to move. To be sedentary is to be only half alive. To stay healthy, mobile and fit is worth more than any financial stack, property or prestige. You are showing people the way for a very long time! Melatonin however is mentioned here not for its soporific effects but for its detoxificatory effects, likewise turmeric. We don’t always feel these things directly, only indirectly.

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The psychopaths running the world are bombarding it with matter that affects the earth air, the water and all life. I took supplements for years, then I stopped for a number of years and had very good results with only one...Light Force Spirulina. Then it was taken over...and was not the same. I started back using supplements over 20 years ago...and was guided to spend hours in health food stores asking for guidance testing products. I found most products sitting on the shelves were lucky to be neutral and cause no harm. Many were negative. Only about 5% were positive. Not all vitamin manufacturers are knowledgeable and trustworthy. The capsule can contain elements, which are harmful.

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I agree that most supplements are today of very questionable purity. Many are adulterated. Even if they are not, the whole idea of swallowing down these things is absurd. It just makes a lot of money for savvy business people preying on people's paranoia and pill-happy programming. Real health, for sure, never came in white plastic bottles, whatever the label says. Eating well, moving well, sleeping properly, and having good thoughts and feelings: you can't find any of that for sale on the shelf at the health food store.

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You're so right! I live with a daughter who insists that I take supplements she has read about...and she assumes all the literature is 100%. I had to point out to her recently that certain items in them were toxic...and asked her to look them up. She did...then stopped them. I don't like to argue...and was taking some supplements, which were not negative, but were a waste of money; and I was paying for them. I have been into nutrition studies for a lifetime...and she is a Johnny-come-lately with a modicum of information.

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Great paper Dr. Corrin and very much needed!

Turmeric is among my top 10 herbs to have on hand, especially now days with all these luciferians BioWeapon attacks on us.

As for Melatonin, I took Melatonin (time release) while I had Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. With Fibromyalgia, you must get in to deep REM sleep in order to rest and repair. With out deep REM sleep, Fibro-people wake up soar, stiff and in pain.

Some people report it does not working for them. This could be they are not taking enough Melatonin.

What worked for me when taking Melatonin while I had Fibromyalgia/CFS:

For every 10 years of life, you take 10 mg of Melatonin, not to exceed 60 mg. 'Time Release' is preferable.

For example: Some one who is 50 years old, would take 50 mg of Melatonin. If some one is 33 years old, take 30 mg of Melatonin. If that does not work for you, take 35 mg of Melatonin. Experiment and listen to your body.

Melatonin played an important role in my healing journey. I had to sleep in order to go exercise for a few hours, which I did daily. With out deep sleep, having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome made life impossible.

by: Leo

Melatonin's Potential Role in COVID-19 Protection

Research suggests that melatonin may have a protective effect against COVID-19 due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory properties. These effects can help reduce the severity of the disease and improve overall health. Some studies have shown that:

Melatonin can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are associated with COVID-19.

Melatonin can modulate the immune system, helping to prevent excessive cytokine release and potential tissue damage.

Melatonin has been shown to have antiviral effects, which may help prevent the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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I wish you were my GP, I'd have no fear, unlike what I do now. I'm terrified to go. My Father and Mother worked for the NHS best part of 60YRS combined and they were very concerned as to the new nursing managers that turned up in the early to mid 80's. My GP in the early 90's had a petition going on the Surgery regards to how future management and the funding structure was going to take healthcare of patients out of the Doctors control. Today is the example of what my GP said would happen. She's retired now and do miss her. I was her worst and best patient the reason being I never bothered her and had the thinest medical records in the surgery but when I'll I was on death's door and she'd tell me off and say at least turn up and give me half a chance to save your life now I'm going to have to send you to hospital !! Dr Brown your sorely missed !!

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It is sad and shocking how far medicine has declined in human contact and how managers and machines have taken over the business of ”care”. As you know so well already, this has transhumanist implications. Doctors, most of whom now spend more time staring at screens instead of looking into the eyes of their patients and studying them first hand, will soon be replaced by nanosenors and digital feedback loops unless they are very careful. I hope, however, that you will be find yourself a GP you can trust enough to monitor your care since you must not neglect that. At the same time, I fully empathize with your expressed fears. These are really rational in today’s age of insanity.

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Great post.

I take turmeric. I buy a large bag of it, put some into a glass jar with a lid, then take a half or so of a teaspoon of it and drink it with some water. I like the taste of it. I also do the same with paprika, that red bell pepper dried powder, as I'm sure it has some natural vitamin C in it.

I'm into herb tea. I like to try different combinations. Today I boiled a pot of water with some cloves, star anise, and let that gently simmer for about 20 min, then grated some nutmeg into it and sprinkled some cinnamon into it. I made it too strong so I had to add more cold water when it was done. Hmhm. Very strong taste. That's just one of the things I made. I had collected some black walnut bark, and made tea with it before. Very pleasant. I also had 5-leaved Ivy growing at the place I lived in 3 years ago. I wanted to know if it was good for anything so I talked to the plant and asked it. I listened as it told me what different things in the body it helped or healed. I forget what it said, but I wrote it down, then looked for it on the internet, and when I finally found it, I read that it was almost exactly what the plant told me. Haha.

I also really enjoyed hunting for wild oats. They're very good for nerves, to gentle them down. It tasted really good too! There are so many herbs a person can use, right in their own kitchen. For example, Rosemary tea, Thyme tea, Bay leaf tea, Oregano tea, the list goes on. There are things that we call weeds, but most of them are really herbal medicines, such as what people in the West finally discovered about the dandelion herb. Lol. You do have to do your research though, because every one of these plants/herbs have their own special use for us, and if you're trying to heal one thing but you're using the wrong herb, nothing will happen. But when you use the right herb, it's as though miraculous.

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Actually the originator of eugenics philosophy was an Englishman, but it was The United States which first put eugenics into action, and THEN Hitler WAS TRAINED BY AND SUPPORTED BY AMERICAN EUGENICISTS. Look up Cold Spring Harbor. Carnegies, Rockefellers, and The Flexner Report.

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Yes, you are right, all that is correct. I have already written about the Flexner Report and its devastating effect on black American medical schools. JDR used Carnegie himself through his foundation to gain traction. Eugenics was also advanced in Sweden as per Greta Thunberg's ancestry.

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I get it but sometimes I’m annoyed at the black white thing because I’m also a victim of eugenics but I’m white… and living in poorer neighborhoods also makes the racism factor fly off in both directions. I’m not there anymore but the racism over my life from both the white establishment and black racists destroyed me and my relatives too. I need to put it in books. Bc there are always people that need to know what’s going on

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I hear you. Eugenics is color blind that is the irony. And racism flies in both / all directions, that is also very true.

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It wasn’t just black schools. It was all of them. That’s why the world is in the pickle it currently finds itself in

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Yes, of course it wasn't. I mention black schools in particular to emphasize the eugenics / racist ideologies which piggy packed on the weaponized Flexner Report. Democide was already corporate boardroom policy with JDR meningitis "vaxx" sent via being forced upon US conscripts on over to Europe and then reverse tracked back home. Not very different in planning than event 201. The whole life-insurance scam back then, Standard Oil chowing down all American medical schools and spitting them out again as Pharma enforcers all the way to our times and the overt militarization of public health policy towards the "One Health" goal of radical depopulation and neuromodulation. Eugenics for profit and vice versa.

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Yes racism / eugenics is full of NUANCE, a complexity that is crazymaking…. On purpose!

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