Do you experience a sense of something about to erupt?
Will it be more weather warfare, dirty bombs, DEWs, supply change disruption, repeat jab mandates, lockdowns, bloody civil riots stirred up by sleeper cell operatives? Will it be something worse? Or will sanity, courage and goodness mount a brave last stand and prevail against the odds?
Meanwhile, how will we handle the barrage of synthetic “emergencies” they have ready and waiting for us?
Synthetic emergencies are their preferred tool to cull the population.
Hypnosis or black magic?
Actually, it’s both and much, much more. MK Ultra, Monarch Program, Stockholm Syndrome, optogenics, psychotronics, HAARP, DARPA, hydrogel, synthetic mRNA, graphene, bacterial plasmid, nanotubules, FEMA camps...
Would you like extra fries on the side?
Hmmm. My brain isn’t feeling quite right. Wonder why.
AI is running the video game.
A actually stands for archon (ἄρχων in ancient Greek) which means ruler, someone in high office. The one with his hands on the remote.
In Ephesians 6:12 these entities are referred to as “principalities and powers”.
Meanwhile down below where we suckers live, a sixteen wheeler driver loses control of his vehicle due to a “sudden cardiovascular event”, spins across the meridian and jackknifes in front of oncoming traffic.
I think that simple metaphor just about sums up where we are right now.
Meanwhile, we continue on with all these distractions… this buzzing around. Elections, finger pointing, flag waving, arguing about whether viruses are real, why Jews aren’t Jews and Nazis aren’t Nazis, who is doing what to whom, and why we are right and they have it all wrong. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Do you believe any of this commotion will make any fundamental difference?
November 5th will be followed by November 11th. On that day the WHO will finalize their new Pandemic Treaty plan. Once the ink has dried by mid December, all bets are off. Will Biden and the others refuse to sign it? Will pterodactyls be seen fluttering in the sky once again? Our pre-selected “leaders” are nothing but evacuated husks, clones or worse. They long ago surrendered all control to those mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.
What was it George Carlin said about that big club? Oh yeah.
“You ain’t in it.”
This much we know:
EUA translates into three numbers: 666, the code associated with the mark of the beast. Many people have already been targeted. If you read my post “The Big Question” you can find out more about my recent tussles with that code number in New York City.
Be that as it may, this is just to describe the background hum and what our growing urgency is all about.
What I really want to talk about here is your microbiome and how it determines gene expression. Hence survival.
Your microbiome must be better understood if you want to clean your blood of the hydrogel and nanotech.
I realized I needed to do this after seeing a comment posted on my recent post “Go With Your Gut”.
The commenter asks about genes and gut health. “Don’t genes act a millisecond before gut health?” she wonders.
Okay, I see some real misunderstanding out there about gene expression. Our DNA is not just a keyboard sending text messages to ribosomes instructing them to 3 D print proteins for us! It is a little bit more complex than that. Please bear with me and let me try to shed some light on the matter.
This subject is of utmost importance not just for your general health preservation, but for finding the best pathways to degrade and eliminate hostile nanotech from your blood. I have already indicated my preference for using Borax + Nanosilver + Chlorine Dioxide Solution as my base platform. However, I want to expand that equation by diving into the mysteries of how our bodies actually work. We are superorganisms!
The tens of trillions of cells that compose us are outnumbered by a factor of 9:1 by non-human cells. This world of minute beings living inside us is fungal, bacterial or in some other sense non-human. Yes, that is correct: at least 90% of the cells in your body are not-you cells.
This extra 90% is the reason why our bodies are in fact entire ecosystems. Another way of saying this is: we are not singular entities, we are superorganisms.
There are over nine million non-human genes comprising the microbiome. Compare that with just 20,500 that comprise the human genome!
This is as far away from the idea of a simple keyboard (DNA) and 3 D printers (ribosomes) as can be imagined!
You can probably already sense that the whole germ versus terrain theory debate is just another idiotic distraction designed to keep us stupid. The truth is interactive and hard to pin down. We might well sum it up like this:
The parts of you that are you depend on parts of you that are not you, and vice versa.
In terms of genetic expression this translates as follows:
Thousands of NOT YOU (microbial genomes) are continually interacting in complex ways with YOU (individual human genome). Your health status is predicated upon keeping this almost unbelievable complexity in a state of reciprocal harmony and balance. Your so called “terrain” is not “you”. It is the world outside you that has chosen to live inside you. And “you” depend entirely upon this outside world inside of “you” to live.
Here is an image to help you understand this incredibly beautiful and complex interactive world where microbial NOT YOU genomes influence the genetic expression of your own cells, and microbial enzymes and metabolites interact with a vast multitude of your cell receptors in a myriad of ways.
What is the link between disturbances in the microbiome and human health?
A wide spectrum of illnesses, emotional sickness and cognitive deficit correlate with perturbations in the microbiome. What might appear to conventionally trained doctors as diagnostically differentiated inflammatory conditions actually arise from “across the board” damage to microbiome homeostasis.
The reason for this must be understood in terms of complexity theory. The highly complex, back-forth-and-sideways interactions between microbial genomes (and metabolites) and host genomes (and metabolites) is known as The Interactome.
The microbes living within us in a cooperative way - as well as those that have turned “nasty”, or those that have invaded from outside - generate millions of proteins and metabolites. And these millions of by-products of microbial life interact with proteins and by products made by our own human genomes.
Of critical importance today, for example, are the bacterial plasmid contaminants found in jabs. We have strong reason to suspect they are one of the main drivers behind the epidemic of “turbo cancers” which exploded on the scene since 2021.
All metabolic pathways in the body are affected by the status of the Interactome. For example, HIV’s genetic sequence transcribes 19 different proteins. But there are well over 1,400 known interactions occurring between these 19 protein isolates and the human genome! With bacteria, same story. Plus, there are also lateral protein-protein interactions which have been identified, for example between E. Coli and Salmonella. Besides this lateral protein interaction, bacteria share genetic information across species boundaries using methods such as molecular quorum signaling. Bacteria may even share genes with viruses (or whatever name you choose to apply to non-metabolic vesicles containing genetic information, whether exosomes or something else). We can consider traditional “viruses” as pathogenic information packets (whether from inside or outside) able to self replicate. Think of them like malware infecting a hard drive. Synthetic “viruses” or viral sequence portions are simply more concentrated extracts of toxic information affecting both host (meaning YOUR) gene expression and host (meaning YOUR) protein production and enfoldment.
To sum up:
the expression of our own genes is continually being modified both by the microbes themselves and their metabolic products.
when synthetic microbe portions such as bacterial plasmid contaminants or furin cleavage snippets of HIV are included inside the jabs, the prospect of microbiome disturbance in recipients is hugely enhanced.
knowledge of these “principles of harming” drives experimentation performed on humanity by Fauci-Mengelian public health tsars and their secret service operatives who ensure the experimentation is carried out.
they are having such a good time with this they are not going to stop with Covid 1.0. In fact, the satanists are addicted to the pleasure they derive from their malign actions. Like any addict, they need more and more to satisfy their cravings.
All I have written so far should make you realize how critically important it is to support the microbiome. For the “principalities and powers” are devastating this inside world as rapidly as they are devastating the outside world. Glyphosates, antibiotics, pesticides, forever chemicals, insecticides, chemtrails, mRNA quack-zines, most all pharmaceuticals, along with non-ionizing forms radiation such as 5G injure, disturb and decimate this vast and delicately balanced inner world.
Even substances such as methylene blue (which some people are taking as a means of decontaminating their blood from nanotech) can, at certain concentrations, produce harmful effects on gut microbiota and induce other toxic and carcinogenic effects. (1)
By contrast, studies of chlorine dioxide solution on human microbiota show destruction of pathogenic bacteria, microscopic parasites and fungi whilst leaving friendly flora largely intact.
Kill Switches
What we are must now be most concerned about is the malware concocted by government agents. It is induced by HAARP frequencies bounced off satellites to activate a “kill switch” inside the body of the individual, who has no idea of what is happening:
Dormant auto-destructive synthetic protein sequences prefabricated by nanobots are awakened, wreaking havoc within the microbiome.
Even before these satanic strategies were developed by DARPA et. al., disturbed homeostasis in the superorganism caused errors of genetic expression or even mutation. This then produced deformations in protein enfolding, as well as the breakdown of autophagy, hence a build up of toxins within cells. All this chaos, sludge and decay produces an efflorescence of intra-cellular pathogens. These can be viral, fungal, bacterial or micro-parasitic. In fact, they are all variations on one thing: the emergence of scavenger lifeforms in a run-down, decaying interior milieu.
Bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses (sorry to the non-believers: even though virology may be corrupt, and even though viruses have not been “purified and isolated”, this does not mean toxic information sequences cannot be auto-generated and stream within the body, transfecting into DNA) …all these things emerge within under conditions of chemical pollution, electromagnetic stress, malnutrition and emotional disturbance.
That was already the case even before the rollout of “safe and effective” er…weird stuff put inside plastic tubes with sharp pointed metals sticks at the end of them. I can’t quite remember the correct term for all this, perhaps it will come back to me later. I think it begins with “v” and rhymes with fax, or something like that.
Which is exactly why we seek protocols to protect against all this.
Standard Rockefeller medicine has absolutely no respect for your microbiome.
In fact, its mainframe rests upon three pillars: antibiotics, steroidal anti-inflammatories (glucocorticoids) + jabs.
All three, along with GMOs, processed food, toxins from packaging materials, and microwave ovens, have done major damage to the microbiome. This all helps ensure the sickness industry’s profits keep on rolling in.
Why your vitamin D receptors on cell nuclei are key
As a result of toxic accumulation in the body, emergent intracellular pathogens trigger the onset of inflammatory disease. This internal disarray further weakens the innate immune response by scrambling the Vitamin D nuclear receptors (VDRs).
VDRs are found inside your cell nuclei. It is the functional capacity of these receptors far more than the amount of Vitamin D you ingest as a daily supplement that determines your state of health or disease.
If the VDRs are not working properly due to accumulation of toxins (from va$$ines, chemtrails etc.), pathogenic versions of microbiota start to accumulate in the blood and migrate into tissues. Here they generate pathogenic proteins and metabolites which mess up healthy metabolic processes causing auto-antibodies to emerge. These are the driving force behind the current epidemic of auto-immune disease. And if Replicon, the new Covid Vaxx being released in Japan spreads west, we should expect a concomitant spike in autoimmune diseases and turbo cancers to result.
The VDR expresses at least 913 genes, many connected to autoimmune and inflammatory processes. We can say that VDRs are at the heart of our innate immune response. VDR function is severely weakened when B lymphocytes are exposed to Epstein Barr virus. It is only logical to assume something analogous or even worse will occur from exposure to Covid jabs or their sequels.
Is there any way of supporting the functionality of VDRs?
NOTE: There is actually a product on the market called Nanosoma created by an Indian scientist by the name of Dr. Ragu. There have been many anecdotal reports of astonishing health improvements after taking this supplement. However, I have to say that I myself cannot corroborate any of these results by my own experience with patients.
Conventional physicians have been brainwashed to use both antibiotics and anti-inflammatory immunosuppressive therapies for inflammatory diseases of all sorts. Of course they will unthinkingly apply this for toxic organ dysfunction resulting from jabs and chemtrails, the most common vectors of the depopulation agenda. This will simply cause adaptive pathogens to grow more virulent and spread with even greater speed. In fact, the prescription of all anti-inflammatories, whilst reducing symptoms of illness in patients, actually makes them more contagious and aggravates the spread of disease in populations accordingly.
The evil and stupid idea conjured up whilst Fauci was at the helm during the Convid Plandemic was that healthy people were to be renamed as “asymptomatic” carriers of disease, a truly diabolical distortion of truth. In addition to this lie, the common practice in allopathic medicine of suppressing symptoms by use of glucocorticoids and suppressing infections by the use of antibiotics and antivirals has led to increased levels of resistance and higher levels of pathology.
Remember, pathogenic microbes emerge when the human microbiome is damaged by environmental and pharmaceutical toxins, unhealthy lifestyles, lack of basic hygiene, inactivity, chronic stress and brainwashing. Ill health and mass culling will likely result from human populations being glued to their cell phones and smart devices.
So what to do?
Stimulate your immune system. This alone will lead to a reversal of pathogen-induced chaos in gene expression and the ensuing pathological protein enfoldment. I have already mentioned some very simple methods:
Chlorine Dioxide Solution
Cat’s Claw
Nigella Sattiva
Medicinal mushrooms
Bathing, hot and cold
Diatomaceous Earth
Sauerkraut, kimchee, kefir, raw milk cheese
Puerh tea
Sourdough breads
Spore based probiotics
Bentonite clay
Exercise (non sedentary lifestyles)
Fresh, simple, organic foods whenever possible
Emotional honesty (do not lie to yourself or others)
Healthy breathing patterns
Contact with the Earth
Connection with Nature and Spirit
These are simply a few basic essentials to consider using in fighting against the agenda. There are obviously many other natural substances and energetic practices that help. Each person does best on a customized protocol designed for them.
Funding for New Research
Just as we need funding for research into what is actually contained inside jabs and chemtrails, so we need funding for microbes that can be directed towards the detoxification of human populations. Species of marine bacteria such as Marinobacter, Oceanospiralles, Pseudomonas, and Alkanivorax have already been used to clean up oil spills. These microbes consume petroleum compounds as part of a healthy diet. Scientists have also studied the application of bacteria for breaking down plastics. For example, Ideonella sakaiensis, a gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria has naturally evolved to be able to eat certain types of plastic as a food source. Meanwhile, we have emerging evidence in medicine of the ability of our native microbiota to translocate into the blood to clean it up when needed. This alone suggests the tremendous potential of including microbiota as part of any approach to ridding our bodies of hydrogel and nanotech.
Last Words
It is a myth that the human body is ever or in any way a sterile environment. Neither the blood nor the amniotic fluid is naturally microbe free. Ditto cerebral spinal fluid and even the spinal cord itself. Microbes are everywhere in us, indeed microbes are us.
The sick, stupid, satanic public health measures applied during Convid (which they wish to apply again) of social distancing, mask wearing, lockdowns and neurotic handwashing fly in the face of all scientific evidence as to what makes life possible.
Please use the information provided in this post to reinforce your personal energy and bolster your convictions in taking a stand against the globalist madness. We need to dissolve the WHO, WEF and UN once and for all, consigning the perpetrators of plandemics to the dustbin of history. And place the lid on it very securely.
(1) Review on Methylene Blue: Its Properties, Uses, Toxicity and Photodegradation, Water 2022, 14(2), 242;
Another great and very appreciated article, Dr. Corrin!! I read the "The Big Question," too, which was extremely sobering. I hope your wife has made a 100% complete recovery.
They actually sell Nanosoma in the U.S. I would be interested to try I'm always interested in experimenting as I've indicated in a previous comment.
I cannot imagine the horror you encountered finding your wife so badly beaten. I'm very careful where I go and vigilant when out in public. We live in extremely dangerous times with, I think, people unhinged via EMFs and nanotech destruction within the brain. I have some bookmarks with studies linking the vaxx to personality and mental capacity disintegration.
I also realized very early from my reading as Covid broke and the totalitarian measures imposed that I could never go to another doctor. I saw immediately that the system was beyond corruption and could never afford treatment to an older person such as myself.
I had already divorced myself from the medical system and saw a doctor only once when I broke my shoulder a number of years ago (under Medicare after being retired). I noticed, when still working and under the company's health plan, that, as I aged, the doctors began interacting with me differently and ordering and presuming all sorts of conditions. I stopped going at that point in my middle 60s.
In July 2022, I experimented with a sterile saline solution from Amazon using a nebulizer after reading reports of people using such a treatment if they became sick with "Covid." I experienced a bad episode. I had no Covid symptoms but extreme pressure within my head--like a vise had a grip on my head. A woman on a spiritual forum had the same symptoms (begins with a pain in the upper back) and was taken to the hospital by her adult children. She was diagnosed with bilabial pneumonia.
I was sick and couldn't move, eat, or even drink water for days. I never slept. I passed out a few times from exhaustion. I forced myself to use the bathroom but the effort was tremendous and exhausting. After several days, the crisis passed.
I fasted for a week because I couldn't eat anything. When I finally could get up (I live alone, and with friends having willingly accepted the vaccination, I didn't want them near me and never called anyone. In fact, I had been living in isolation.), I drank herbal teas. I took over four weeks to regain my normal stamina and energy.
I only relate this incident because I decided then that, given the protocols ongoing at hospitals, I couldn't afford to be summarily given a false positive for Covid; placed on Remdesivir; and intubated against my will. I had never been so sick that I thought I would die, but I felt so at this time. I thought, literally, that I could die. I knew it. I decided that I would die at home and not within a facility which would subject me to protocols against my will.
This episode had the good fortune to teach me that, aside from a trauma like a broken bone, I'll never use a doctor or hospital again...not at my age at 76. I was foolish to have been so concerned about the possibility of catching "Covid" and experimenting with a nebulizer even with a "sterile saline solution" which, today, I think had nanotech which was transported to my brain and spinal cord. The lady on the spiritual forum felt her condition had arisen from masking, and she also felt foolish.
So, you can see why I'm so interested in alternative health solutions. They're the only way forward for me, and your current substack makes so clear the biome's connection to health which is a blessing.
I bought a loaf of sourdough bread from the local supermarket.yesterday. 'Starter' and 'yeast' were among the listed ingredients....
I do not recall, during my many years as a bread baker ever coming across a sourdough formula that
included yeast.; nor that included vinegar, as some supermarket sourdoughs contain...
I know the supermarkets define as 'fresh' even foods that have been in cold storage for MONTHS,
and there's massive pressure from them to 'update' (ie water down) 'organic' - a lucrative, profitable
The supermarket yeast-risen sourdough breads are lighter, thus more consumer appealing, than starter-only traditional sourdough breads...
But in my book sourdough products made using yeast or vinegar AINT SOURDOUGH PRODUCTS...